East Hamilton Middle/High School
Career and Technical Education
Web Site DevelopmentSyllabus
Instructor:Mr. Neil Hamilton
Telephone:423-893-3535 ext. 51261
The Web Site Developmentcourse is taught within one year. Students will receive 1 credit for successful completion of the program.
WebSite Developmentis designed to further develop computer science and technology skills. Students will explore the historical, social, and ethical issues of using computer technology. Acomplete listing of standards and competencies covered are listed below the signature page. The students will develop computer science skills that will assist them with efficient production, accurate production analysis, management of information, and design and presentation of programmed projects.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), a co-curricular student organization, will provide students with opportunities for leadership development, personal growth, and school/community involvement during the semester.
Attendance is critical to the successful completion of this course. Any student with an excused absencewill be allowed to “make-up” or complete a missed assignment.
- It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up assignments.
- Work, which was assigned prior to your absence, is due the day of your return.
- Certain classroom or field experiences cannot be duplicated for an absent student. In this case, an alternative assignment may be utilized.
Grading and Scale
All assignments and tests are graded on a points system and the District’s grade scale will be utilized. Graded assignments will be regularly updated in PowerSchool.
Daily Grades and Assignments / 40%Tests and Quizzes / 40%
Midterm and Final Exam / 20%
Student Promise
Since the material of this course provides students some basic knowledge of programming, by signing this syllabus the student hereby pledges to use this information for good and not evil. Any student caught purposely programming harmful bugs, viruses, or other inappropriate thingswill be denied future computer access and will be givenstrictly textbook assignments.
Assignments and Evaluation Technique
Assignments will be discussed in class and listed in PowerSchool. Students will all start the semester with a 100% (required Safety Test score), but you will need to work hard to keep your A. Assessment techniques can include:
- Classwork
- Presentation
- Tests
- Professionalism
- There are several tutorials that you will watch online, so if you don’t want to use the classroom set of headphones, then you should bring your own earphones or earbuds.
- I will allow plenty of time to complete assignments in class. Thus, any work not turned in when due will be marked late in PowerSchool. Any worked turned in after the deadline is subject to a 30pointpenalty and a maximum grade of 70 for that assignment. This penalty is to discourage the practice of procrastination; remember, procrastination = penalty. After 5 days past the deadline, late work will no longer be accepted. Excused absences are exempt from the late penalty but must be turned in by the next class period.
- Cell phones are not allowed and should be stored in their designated location.
- All district guidelines for computer usage will be followed. These computers ARE monitored (and can even be recorded), so stay on task. There should be NO expectation of privacy on any school computer. Please see our handbook for details.
- No FOOD is allowed in the classroom without permission!! Allowed drinks must have a cap that remains on. When food is allowed, it must be eaten at the center tables AWAY from the computers and hands cleaned before returning to the computers.
- If you have an emergency and need to leave the class you must obtain permission from me. You must sign out and take the Hall Pass with you. Do not ask if we are in the middle of a lecture, a presentation or a class participation activity. Please remain in your seat at the end of class until the bell has rung. Anyone leaving before the bell has rung and I have dismissed the class will be referred to the office for skipping.
- Our classroom is considered our workplace; therefore, professional and appropriate language, attitude, and behavior is expected and required. I will treat you with respect and kindness, and thus I expect the same of you.
Optional Fees
The FBLA membership fee is $25 (which includes a club t-shirt). This fee is paid once and covers multiple Business courses for the entire school year.
I have read and understand the information relating to this Web Site Developmentcourse and agree to all the expectations and guidelines.
Student Name & Signature ______
Parent Name & Signature ______
Parent Email address ______
Parent Emergency Phone Number ______
Standards and Competencies for Web Site Development (Course # 6101) 2017-18
Standard 1 - Accurately read, interpret, and demonstrate adherence to safety rules.Standard 2 - Throughout the course, practice safe habits and procedures when sharing and sending files, navigating websites, and connecting to servers and networks.
Standard 3 - Determine how companies, organizations, and individuals keep their data secure from theft and identity fraud.
Standard 4 - Investigate opportunities for personal and professional growth in the web design and computer science fields, including but not limited to opportunities to enter design contests,assist with the maintenance or development of the school’s website, and participate in initiatives such as the national Hour of Code.
Standard 5 - Critically evaluate a website on the meritsof its design features, applying knowledge and skills related to webpage composition (learned in Web Design Foundations).
Standard 6 - Synthesize the steps of the web design process learned in previous courses with research into emerging or alternative design models.
Standard 7 - Research how web development teams use project management tools to divide roles and responsibilities among team members, track progresstoward goals, and satisfy client specifications.
Standard 8 - Demonstrate technical fluency in a variety of programming and markup languages, including but not limited to HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery.PHP, and/or SQL.
Standard 9 - Correctly apply tags, embed links, manipulate space, customize attributes, and incorporate style elements related to typography, margins, and spanning and padding.
Standard 10 - Distinguish between different units and measurement systems used in website development.
Standard 11 - Throughout the course, apply, edit, and continually revise code using software approved by the instructor, ranging from proprietary softwaresuch as Dreamweaver to simple applications like Microsoft Notepad.
Standard 12 - Create and edit graphics and other multimedia for web pages, evaluating and customizing their attributes according to client/instructor specifications.
Standard 13 - Summarize the functions of plug-ins for content management systems as well as static websites.
Standard 14 - Apply basic troubleshooting strategies to resolve errors in syntax, fix broken links, edit distorted images, and align website content for seamless navigation.
Standard 15 - Research methods of performing code validation on a completed or in-progress web page. Validate code for compatibility across browsers and devices.
Standard 16 - Conduct a preliminary investigation of various branding strategies (i.e., social media marketing, web advertising, etc.) used by companies that sell their products and services online.
Standard 17 - Define web analytics, and discuss the increasingly sophisticated role that analytics play in the marketing and management of content for websites.
Standard 18 - Build on the work of previous Web Design courses and practice writing original web content for a particular audience.
Standard 19 - Model the process for setting up a website. Investigate domain name availability, register with a hosting service, and download a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program.
Standard 20 - Explore a range of new and emerging trends in web design and development. A trend could be a new software, strategy, or programming language.