Northern Michigan University
School of Education
Sources of Guidelines/Standards Date
Program/Subject Area Educational Administration and Instructional LeadershipCode Prepared By
EDLEA Program Standards
# / Guideline/Standard / Course No. / Description / Performance AssessmentMAE / Ed.S.
Area I: Strategic Leadership: / The knowledge, skills, and attributes to identify contexts, develop with others vision and purpose, utilize information, frame problems, exercise leadership processes to achieve common goals, and act ethically for educational communities.
1.0 /
Professional and Ethical Leadership
The institution’s program prepares school leaders who demonstrate an understanding of, and the capability to:1.1 / Facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision and strategic plan for the school or district that focuses on teaching and learning (e.g. cultivate group norms, influence institutional culture, and affirm core values.) / ED 530 / ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership relates the concepts of the course to school improvement planning and implementation. Developing a plan based upon shared vision is central to this theme. / ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership uses case scenarios, case studies, stories from professional experience, leader interviews, and problem-based learning activities. The team learning project and final exam provide performance data for ED 530.
ED 541B / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, vision statements from students’ home districts are examined to determine to what extent they focus on teaching and learning. / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, instructor’s observation of discussion of various vision statements.
ED 630 / ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership builds upon this foundation, stressing development of learning communities and effective teams so that the school will be a center of inquiry. / In ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership, data is derived from personal inventories and analyses of leadership weaknesses and strengths and from problem-based learning activities.
1.2 / Use motivational theory to create conditions that motivate staff, students and families to achieve the school’s vision (e.g. facilitate collegiality and teamwork, arrange significant work, encourage challenging standards, provide autonomy, support innovation, delegate responsibility, develop leadership in others, provide leadership opportunities, recognize and reward effective performance, provide knowledge of results, provide coaching and maundering, gain resources, serve as a role model.) / ED 530 / ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership has a particular emphasis upon motivation within the organizational context; as described in the course syllabus. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to articulate an understanding of leadership and motivation theory. Group processes, including small and large group study teams and discussion, center upon the concepts underscored in this standard. / In ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership, performance data is formally derived from case study analysis and from responding to a real-life scenario on the final exam.
ED 630 / ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership looks at this area from a more holistic standpoint, integrating the concepts within the standards so that students can see the interrelationships from a systemic viewpoint. / In ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership, the standard is assessed from group process information and from student responses on leadership inventories and from student-led discussion based upon the books and articles that they have individually selected.
ED 642 / Throughout ED 642: School Human Resource Administration students are encouraged to work in teams and align any proposals for reform to the vision statement of their school. Motivation theory is discussed as an important step in implementing change. / In ED 642: School Human Resource Administration, group presentations brief the Board of Education and interest groups on issues chosen from the textbook.
1.3 / Frame, analyze, and resolve problems using appropriate problem solving techniques and decision making skills (e.g. identify problem, seek and analyze problem factors, collect and organize relevant information, identify causes, seek creative solutions, apply ethical standards, determine best solution with others when appropriate.) / ED 530 / ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership stresses the application of theory as applied to school improvement planning and educational leadership. This includes much work with scenarios and case studies derived from real-life situations. This application requires use of the problem solving techniques and decision making skills discussed during the course. / In ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership, the paper for the course requires that students analyze a self-selected problem that arises in the organizational setting and apply what they have learned through study, discussion, and literature review to suggest resolution of the problem.
ED 630 / ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership has an emphasis upon leadership and management as they relate to the entire concept of schooling. Within that framework, much discussion of theory and leadership/management stories illuminate this standard as do the readings for the course. / In ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership, students are engaged in analysis of educational problems and application of problem-solving and decision-making theories to such problems. This is done through group processes, case study, reflection papers, and other problem-based learning activities.
ED 532 / In ED 532: The Principalship, case studies and in-box activities are presented for discussion and analysis throughout the course. / In ED 532: The Principalship the final exam is an in-box activity.
1.4 / Initiate, manage, and evaluate the change process. / ED 530 / ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership devotes considerable attention to all aspects of change. The importance of moral and ethical leadership is stressed as being vital to a successful change effort. / Experiences in ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership include a leader interview that includes a question on change processes. Students also participate in working through a change scenario as well as working in small groups to apply force-field analysis to a school-related change issues. Performance data is gathered by instructor observation of the student activities. Students also may choose a change topic for their theory-to-application paper. The final examination includes a change application problem.
ED 630 / ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership looks at change with special emphasis upon its application to school improvement processes. In this context, the importance of building both capacity and commitment are underscored. / ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership extends the activities begun in ED 530. Additionally, students do considerable self-assessment in this area. They also read articles and books that deal with the topic and relate the theory to practical application in the PK-12 school environment.
ED 640 / In ED 640: School Policy and Governance students are taken through the Prince System of Policy analysis in class. / In ED 640: School Policy and Governance the final paper for the course is an analysis of a selected policy using the Prince System.
1.5 / Identify and critique several theories of leadership and their application to various school environments. / ED 530 / ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership asks students to define leadership when they begin the course. Their definitions are modified continually until the culmination of the definition in the final exam where they are asked to provide their definition and a rationale for its use in the schoolhouse. Various types of leadership are discussed and applied throughout the course.
ED 630 / In ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership, students read a variety of self-selected books on the topic of leadership. The focus of the activity is to define the leadership styles they read about and to imagine how they might be applied. This also includes an assessment of possible outcomes of such application. / In ED 630: Advanced Educational Leadership the assessment by the instructor is done through observation of the students as they interact during the activities associated with this topic (scenarios and case studies, for example).
ED 541B / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction students examine theories of leadership in an historical perspective and then apply them to their past experience with supervisors. / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, instructor’s observation of in-class discussion.
1.6 / Act with a reasoned understanding of major historical, philosophical, ethical, social and economic influences affecting education in a democratic society. / ED 530 / These issues are among the foundational elements of the ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership course. They are an important part of class discussion and small group activities: problem analysis, for example, in a variety of contexts that have historical, philosophical, ethical, social, and economic influences. / In ED 530: Introduction to Educational Leadership data on student performance is gathered from the leadership interviews, scenario analyses, and final examination.
ED 543 / ED 543: School Finance stresses ethical, social, and economic influences upon educational decision-making. Students participate in a variety of case studies and class discussions that deal with these matters. / In ED 543: School Finance performance data is gathered by the instructor from these contexts as well as from the in-class response written assignments and from the final budget project.
ED 541B / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, students discuss educational platforms (which include historical, philosophical, ethical, social and economic issues) and determine their own platform. They then examine past supervisor’s platforms and contrast it to their own platform. / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, instructor’s observation of in-class discussion.
1.7 / Manifest a professional code of ethics and values. / ED 548
ED 584
ED 648 / The application of this standard is integral to the internship experiences. / Performance data is compiled through analysis of the students’ biweekly journal entries, personal discussion with the interns, and discussion with their on-site supervisors.
ED 532 / In ED 532: The Principalship, students examine NASSP and other professional organizations codes of ethics. Class discussion centers on ethics and values. This indicator underlies all discussion in this course. / In ED 532: The Principalship instructor’s observation of in-class discussion and the final exam.
2.0 /
Information Management and Evaluation
The institution’s program prepares school leaders who demonstrate an understanding of, and the capability to:2.1 / Conduct needs assessment by collecting information on the students; on staff and the school environment; on family and community values, expectations and priorities; and on national and global conditions affecting schools. / ED 533 / ED 533: School and Community Relations stresses the importance of gathering data about the entire school community and in developing improvement goals based on such data. Students examine how this is done in local schools and evaluate the effectiveness of a variety of assessment methods. / Performance data is gathered from instructor observation of student discussion and participation in survey activities.
ED 621 / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, the needs assessment is discussed as a part of any evaluation of the curriculum. Focus groups are encouraged as a part of this process. / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation the instructor’s observation of in-class discussion and final project plan for assessing curriculum.
ED 640 / In ED 640: School Policy, the Prince System of policy analysis includes a needs assessment. In class discussion on how to collect this information is held. / The ED 640: School Policy final project- policy analysis paper using the Prince System.
2.2 / Use qualitative and quantitative data to inform decisions, to plan and assess school programs, to design accountability systems, to plan for school improvement, and to develop and conduct research. / ED 543 / In ED 543: School Finance, students examine the issues raised by this standard in depth and apply a variety of theoretical approaches through case study and scenario analysis. Students also construct a program budget based on these principles. / These experiences serve as the bases for performance assessment.
ED 500B / ED 500B / In ED 500B: Seminar in Educational Research, students examine and research an issue in education. / ED 500B: Seminar in Educational Research final paper.
ED 600 / In ED 600: Education Specialist Research, students perform an in-depth study of an educational issue. They are exposed to both qualitative and quantitative research and choose one or the other for their thesis. / ED 600: Education Specialist Research thesis.
ED 640 / In ED 640: School Policy, a part of the Prince System students must examine research surrounding the educational policy of their choice for their final project. / ED 640: School Policy final policy analysis paper.
2.3 / Engage staff in an ongoing study of current best practices and relevant research and demographic data, and analyze their implications for school improvement. / ED 541B / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, students discuss professional development and a design for a model of professional development which includes a research and best practice component. Discussion centers on professional knowledge of staff. / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction instructor’s observation of in-class discussion.
ED 621 / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation students are presented with a method for curriculum development and apply it to their own professional situations. Discussion centers on the model and evaluation techniques that can learn to school improvement. / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, instructor’s observation of in-class discussion and student performance on the practical application of the model.
2.4 / Analyze and interpret educational data, issues, and trends for boards, committees, and other groups, outlining possible actions and their implications. / ED 533 / ED 533: School and Community Relations stresses the importance of gathering data about the entire school community and in developing improvement goals based on such data. Students examine how this is done in local schools and evaluate the effectiveness of a variety of assessment methods. / In ED 533: School and Community Relations, instructor observation of class discussion and of class activities. Data is also gathered from the final portfolio and in-class projects, such as the School and Public Relations Plan.
ED 534 / ED 534: Administering Special Programs experiences include student interviews, discussions, problem/solution activities, and examination of this standard is applied in school systems, with much focus upon best-practice applications. Data is gathered through instructor observation and assessment of oral and written work. / In ED 534: Administering Special Programs, the instructor gathers data from student participation in discussions, class activities, and presentations.
ED 640 / In ED 640: School Policy and Governance, a part of the Prince System for evaluating school policy, students are asked to analyze and interpret data in order to make recommendations to boards, committees, or other groups when a change of policy or new policy is to be considered. / In ED 640: School Policy and Governance the final project using the Prince System for evaluating school policy, students are asked to analyze and interpret data in order to make recommendations to boards, committees, or other groups when a change of policy or new policy is to be considered.
Area II: Instructional Leadership: / The knowledge, skills and attributes to design with others appropriate curricula and instructional programs, to develop learner centered school cultures, to assess outcomes, to provide student personnel services, and to plan with faculty professional development activities aimed at improving instruction.
3.0 / Curriculum, Instruction, Supervision and the Learning Environment
The institution’s program prepares school leaders who demonstrate an understanding of, and the capability to:
3.1 / Create with teachers, parents and students a positive school culture that promotes learning; (e.g. holds high expectations, focuses on accomplishments and recognition, and promotes a supportive climate.) / ED 541B / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, students learn how to use the clinical supervision model and the 360 model of supervision to evaluate teacher’s performance. They learn to pre- and post-conference with teachers to create a collegial climate. / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, students model clinical supervision with a pre- and post-conference in an in-class critique of a lesson.
ED 621 / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, students review the Michigan Frameworks which include case studies of successful teachers who have high expectations for their students. Discussion centers around the climate created by the teacher to encourage learning. / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, the discussion focuses on what steps would need to be taken to develop a collaborate learning organization. The emphasis is on everyone have the same knowledge about the curriculum.
3.2 / Develop collaboratively a learning organization that supports instructional improvement, builds an appropriate curriculum, and incorporates best practice. / ED 541B / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, mentoring and peer coaching are discussed in depth in the course. Students are encouraged to bring information to the class about how mentoring is used in their districts. / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, the instructor’s observation of student discussion.
ED 621 / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, students interview two people (a board member, an administrator, a teacher, a counselor, etc.) from one district and ask six questions concerning the curriculum process in their district. / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, the discussion focuses on what steps would need to be taken to develop a collaborate learning organization. The emphasis is on everyone have the same knowledge about the curriculum.
3.3 / Base curricular decisions on research, applied theory, informed practice, the recommendations of learned societies, and state and federal policies and mandates. (e.g. cognitive development, human development, learning styles, contemporary methodologies, content priorities, special needs legislation on topics such as least restrictive environment, etc.) / ED 621 / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, students use the Michigan Curriculum Frameworks throughout the course. The Frameworks are based on recommendations from learned societies and state and federal guidelines. / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, students use the Michigan Curriculum Frameworks for evaluating a curriculum of their choice.
3.4 / Design curricula with consideration for philosophical, sociological, and historical foundations, democratic values, and the community’s values, goals, social needs and changing conditions. / ED 621 / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, students are encouraged to use focus groups and survey the community to establish local curricular needs. / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, the evaluation of a curriculum of their choice must have a component on local needs.
3.5 / Align curricular goals and objectives with instructional goals and objectives and desired outcomes when developing scope, sequence, balance, etc. / ED 621 / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, in order to evaluate an existing curriculum students compare the curricular goals with instructional goals and objectives to ascertain whether or not they are in alignment. / In ED 621: Curriculum Evaluation, the evaluation of a curriculum of their choice (final project).
3.6 / Develop with others curriculum and instruction appropriate for varied teaching and learning styles and specific student needs based on gender, ethnicity, culture, social class and exceptionalities. / ED 541B / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, students are exposed to different teaching strategies, look at case studies of teaching episodes, and discuss how the needs of various groups are met through effective teaching. / In ED 541B: Supervision of Instruction, instructor’s observation of classroom discussion and small group activities where students discuss the appropriateness of various teaching strategies.