Minutes of a Meeting
of Loddon Parish Council
held in The Library Annexe
on Thursday 9 June 2016
at 7:00pm
Present: Councillors Ray Lumley, Sarah Colman, Margaret Wallace, Sophie Garrett, June Strickland, Anne Boles, Michael Roe, John Coupe, Gary Knights and Paul Clemence
Also present were Christine Smith (clerk), Howard Keeling (Finance and Projects Officer) and District Councillor Gould. Four members of the public also attended.
22. Welcome – Chairman Ray Lumley welcomed those present.
23. Recording of Meeting – it was CONFIRMED that no-one present wished to record the meeting
24. Apologies – were received and accepted from Parish councillor John Bussens and County Councillor Barry Stone
25. Resignation – the resignation of the clerk, Christine Smith, was NOTED. She would complete her notice at the end of July. The Personnel Committee was arranging for the vacancy to be advertised
26. Declarations of Interest – Parish Councillor Sarah Colman declared a personal interest in agenda item 22 (drainage works in Bridge Street)
27. Previous Minutes – the minutes of a meeting held on Thursday 12 May 2016 were circulated, APPROVED and signed
28. Planning Decisions – the following decisions were NOTED:
a) 2016/1005 - Mrs M Bagguley, 7 Mill Road, Loddon - Works to trees in Conservation Area; T1 - Plum , T2 - Rowan and T4 Cherry, prune to give 50-90cm clearance of wires. T3 - Larch - prune back to previous pruning points by removing approximately 50 to 100cm – NO OBJECTIONS, delegated
b) BA/2016/0159/TCAA – tree work in conservation area – Staithe Carpark - CONSENT
29. Planning Applications – the following applications were considered:
a) 2016/1175/LB - Dr Richard Wharton, Hall Green Barn, 29A Norton Road, Loddon - Alterations to existing outbuildings to provide a games room and a garden room - THIS APPLICATION WOULD BE DETERMINED BY THE BROADS AUTHORITY BA/2016/0141/LBC, which was considered by the parish council at its May meeting – APPROVE
b) 2016/0549 – Land south of 15 Norton Road, Loddon – reserved matters for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning approval 2014/2257 for one dwelling – amended plans - APPROVE
30. Planning Correspondence – the following items were noted:
a) Consultation on the draft South Norfolk Council Statement of Community Involvement – comments invited until 15 July
b) South Norfolk Council – notification of the adoption of the Long Stratton Area Action Plan on 23 May
31. Police Report – there was no police attendance at the meeting. A report summarising police activity in the area over the past month was tabled and NOTED
The meeting was adjourned for public participation at 7:21pm and reconvened at 7:32pm
32. Chair’s Report – the chairman reported that the sale of the Old Town Hall had been completed. He added that he had attended a meeting of the Playing Field Committee.
33. Finance Report – the finance officer had circulated a report of financial transactions; this was APPROVED and signed.
34. Annual Governance Statement – the Annual Governance Statement for the year ending 31 March 2016 was APPROVED and signed
35. Annual Accounts – the Annual Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2016 was APPROVED and signed
36. Officer Pay Scales – it was AGREED that the parish council would adopt the new pay scales as recommended by NALC
37. Unity Trust Bank - it was AGREED that the Unity Trust current account would be closed, but the Unity Trust savings account would be retained. Both Barclays accounts (savings and current) would be retained.
38. Planting Scheme at Loddon Staithe – it was AGREED that the parish council would grant up to £150 for a commemorative tree, plaque and decorative bulbs to be planted at the Staithe to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday, as suggested by the parish tree warden.
39. Public Toilets – a report giving an update on the Staithe and Church Plain toilet blocks was received. An ‘Agreement to Lease’ document had been received from South Norfolk Council in relation to the Staithe toilet block and was signed after deletion of the reference to the convenience being 'available without fee for use by the public'. Whilst the Parish Council agreed that they currently have no intention of levying a charge for use of the toilet facilities they felt that they could not commit to this for the duration of the lease. The Parish Council felt that there may be a situation at some stage in the future where they might have to consider such a charge. The Staithe toilet refurbishment would commence shortly and should be completed by the end of July.
After discussion on the future of the Church Plain toilet block it was AGREED that the parish council accepted that the existing block was not fit for purpose and should be demolished. It was also AGREED that the parish council would formally approach South Norfolk Council to request that the block be kept open until the end of the current calendar year, if necessary with funding from Loddon parish council, to allow the parish council the opportunity to consult with the electorate and visitors on the need for a second block of toilets once the refurbished Staithe block is in use and to establish whether the electorate would support the ongoing funding of a second block. Once the consultation had been completed, the parish council AGREED that South Norfolk Council should demolish the Church Plain toilets before the end of the current financial year.
40. Pyes Mill – an update was received on issues with the management of the area, particularly in relation to ‘live-aboards’. South Norfolk Council would be installing new signs stating that free 24 hour mooring was available, although this could only be enforced if a Management Agreement were to be entered into between South Norfolk Council and the Broads Authority, who would police the moorings. South Norfolk Council may ask the parish council to contribute to the annual cost of such a Management Agreement if it were to be put in place. It was AGREED that the parish council would await the installation of the new signs and review their impact on live-aboards before considering part-funding any future management agreement.
41. Neighbourhood Action Plan – it was AGREED that South Norfolk Council officer Adam Nicholls be invited to a dedicated meeting of the council to discuss Neighbourhood Plans.
42. Wherryman’s Way – it was NOTED that work on the flood bank between Pits Lane and Chedgrave Common should commence in mid-July. District Councillor Gould’s report offered more information on the footpath.
43. Proposed Drain Works in Bridge Street – it was NOTED that no work was currently scheduled and that a date was awaited from Norfolk County Council for a site meeting to be held, which would be attended by representatives from the Business Association and the Parish Council.
44. Grant Request from Loddon Day Centre – it was AGREED that a grant of £150 be made
45. Councillors’ Reports – Cllr Michael Roe noted that the flower beds on Church Plain were untidy; the officers would arrange for them to be weeded.
Cllr Gary Knights stated that he had attended the AGM of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee.
Cllr John Coupe reported that the roads and pavements on the Taylor Wimpey development had not been completed.
Cllr Sophie Garrett stated that the Beccles and Bungay Area Transport scheme had not been successful in obtaining a contract in Norfolk, therefore the Dial-a-ride bus service would be discontinued, but the car service would continue. She added that the next meeting of the Business Association would take place on 14 June.
Cllr Margaret Wallace reported that she had attended meetings of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee, the Loddon Town Charity and the Playing Field Committee.
Cllr Anne Boles stated that she had attended the Jubilee Hall Management Committee AGM where she had taken on the post of Secretary. She had also attended a meeting of the Loddon Buildings preservation Trust and had been helping the Davy Place Sheltered Housing Scheme to organize an event to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, which would be held on 11 June.
Cllr Sarah Colman reported that the AGMs for the Grasshoppers and Loddon United had taken place and it had been agreed by both clubs that they would amalgamate to form one club chaired by Ciaran Creegan and with David Matthews as Vice-Chair. She added that the football teams had made complaints about the condition of the pitches on the Jubilee Hall playing field.
Cllr June Strickland stated that she had attended a meeting of the Loddon Town Charity.
46. District and County Councillor’s Reports (for information) – District Councillor Gould’s report was as tabled and County Councillor Stone’s report was as circulated: both were NOTED
47. Correspondence – a list as circulated was NOTED.
48. Next Meeting – it was confirmed that the next scheduled meeting would take place on Thursday 14 July 2016 at 7pm
The formal meeting ended at 9:34pm
LPC 2016 6 Minutes