Supplementary Table 1 Primers used in PCR amplification andsequencingfor complete mitochondrial genome of Pteromys volans

Primer / Primer sequence (5’→3’) / Amplified region / Reference
Car1A / GGA GAT AAG TCG TAA CAA GGT AAG CA / Between COI and 12S rRNA / Delisle and Strobeck, 20021
L14724 / CGA AGC TTG ATA TGA AAA ACC ATC GTT G / Partial CytB / Kocher et al. 19892
PV-cytF / TTT ATC CTC CCT TTT ATT ATT ACA / Between CytB and 12S rRNA / This study
PV-Co1F / ATA CCA CGA CGA TAC TCA GAT TA / Between CytB and COI / This study

1Delisle I and Strobeck C. 2002. Conserved primers for rapid sequencing of the complete mitochondrial genome from carnivores, applied to three species of bears. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 357-361.

2Kocher TD, Thomas WK, Meyer A, Edwards SV, Pääbo S, Villablanca FX, and Wilson AC. 1989. Dynamics of mitochondrial DNA evolution in animals: Amplification and sequencing with conserved primers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86: 6196-6220.

Supplementary Table 2 Sequence lengths and A+T content of 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, and the control region of complete mitochondrial genomesfrom 35 rodent species

Species / Total / Total / 16S rRNA / 12S rRNA / Control region
(bp) / A+T
(%) / Length
(bp) / A+T
(%) / Length
(bp) / A+T
(%) / Length
(bp) / A+T
Pteromys volans / 16513 / 62.57 / 1565 / 64.92 / 966 / 61.28 / 1066 / 62.38
Sciurus vulgaris / 16507 / 62.97 / 1574 / 63.60 / 967 / 60.91 / 1059 / 63.17
Marmota himalayana / 16443 / 63.47 / 1568 / 64.41 / 971 / 61.17 / 997 / 62.19
Glis glis / 16602 / 63.81 / 1556 / 64.97 / 954 / 59.12 / 1157 / 64.22
Heterocephalus glaber / 16386 / 58.76 / 1551 / 62.48 / 967 / 60.29 / 961 / 57.44
Cavia porcellus / 16801 / 60.69 / 1565 / 63.45 / 943 / 58.85 / 1357 / 54.90
Ctenomys leucodon / 16216 / 65.22 / 1567 / 65.41 / 946 / 64.69 / 719 / 63.70
Ctenomys sociabilis / 17016 / 65.82 / 1568 / 65.75 / 947 / 65.47 / 1521 / 61.80
Proechimys longicaudatus / 16816 / 64.23 / 1558 / 65.15 / 949 / 62.49 / 1347 / 62.58
Octodon degus / 16798 / 62.54 / 1570 / 64.14 / 953 / 61.49 / 1307 / 61.06
Spalacopus cyanus / 16830 / 63.05 / 1571 / 64.67 / 954 / 62.16 / 1335 / 61.12
Tympanoctomys barrerae / 1686 / 63.01 / 1573 / 64.27 / 953 / 60.44 / 1360 / 59.19
Thryonomys swinderianus / 16626 / 63.78 / 1560 / 64.1 / 971 / 60.76 / 946 / 63.64
Castor canadensis / 16701 / 58.35 / 1577 / 60.24 / 872 / 59.06 / 732 / 60.79
Castor fiber / 16730 / 58.91 / 1576 / 60.66 / 868 / 58.64 / 757 / 61.56
Anomalurus sp. / 16923 / 61.63 / 1571 / 62.38 / 960 / 61.25 / 1439 / 56.98
Cricetulus griseus / 16284 / 64.22 / 1561 / 63.74 / 953 / 61.59 / 881 / 60.84
Eothenomys chinensis / 16362 / 59.86 / 1567 / 61.39 / 950 / 60.21 / 963 / 60.12
Mescocricetus auratus / 16264 / 63.71 / 1562 / 63.12 / 955 / 61.68 / 867 / 60.67
Microtus levis / 16283 / 60.24 / 1561 / 61.18 / 951 / 60.78 / 887 / 62.91
Microtus kikuchii / 16312 / 58.71 / 1562 / 59.28 / 949 / 60.17 / 922 / 60.41
Proedromys sp. / 16296 / 59.00 / 1561 / 59.51 / 949 / 59.75 / 900 / 58.22
Tscherskia triton / 16488 / 58.71 / 1556 / 59.25 / 952 / 59.24 / 1093 / 63.22
Acomys cahirinus / 16217 / 59.39 / 1559 / 61.19 / 946 / 61.52 / 838 / 62.53
Apodemus peninsulae / 16269 / 65.20 / 1573 / 66.24 / 954 / 64.78 / 867 / 65.97
Leggadina lakedownensis / 16262 / 63.35 / 1569 / 63.67 / 950 / 63.47 / 861 / 65.39
Mus musculus / 16300 / 63.16 / 1582 / 64.60 / 955 / 64.19 / 875 / 62.86
Mus terricolor / 16310 / 63.70 / 1582 / 65.42 / 953 / 64.53 / 889 / 64.45
Neodon irene / 16367 / 59.11 / 1564 / 60.49 / 948 / 60.44 / 972 / 60.39
Pseudomys chapmani / 16249 / 63.95 / 1564 / 64.71 / 953 / 62.96 / 859 / 64.96
Rattus tanesumi / 16306 / 62.04 / 1566 / 64.11 / 956 / 61.92 / 901 / 64.15
Rattus norvegicus / 16313 / 61.43 / 1559 / 62.16 / 957 / 61.76 / 898 / 63.81
Nannospalax ehrenbergi / 16408 / 61.22 / 1576 / 62.12 / 957 / 60.92 / 980 / 65.00
Nannospalax galili / 16409 / 61.59 / 1575 / 62.98 / 962 / 61.54 / 982 / 65.17
Jaculus jaculus / 16546 / 58.96 / 1576 / 60.91 / 968 / 58.16 / 1091 / 56.46
Average values / 16,041 / 61.85 / 1,566 / 63.01 / 949 / 61.37 / 1,017 / 61.83

Supplementary Table 2 (continued)

Species / ND1 / ND2 / ND3 / ND4 / ND4L
Length / A+T / Length / A+T / Length / A+T / Length / A+T / Length / A+T
(bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%)
Pteromys volans / 957 / 58.93 / 1044 / 65.42 / 347 / 60.81 / 1378 / 63.72 / 297 / 64.98
Sciurus vulgaris / 956 / 60.98 / 1042 / 65.07 / 347 / 62.82 / 1378 / 64.80 / 297 / 64.31
Marmota himalayana / 956 / 63.60 / 1042 / 64.97 / 347 / 63.69 / 1378 / 65.53 / 297 / 65.32
Glis glis / 955 / 61.88 / 1041 / 63.3 / 346 / 66.18 / 1378 / 65.53 / 297 / 65.32
Heterocephalus glaber / 958 / 57.10 / 1042 / 59.40 / 346 / 56.36 / 1378 / 56.53 / 297 / 58.92
Cavia porcellus / 960 / 59.17 / 1044 / 63.31 / 347 / 62.82 / 1378 / 62.84 / 297 / 64.65
Ctenomys leucodon / 958 / 63.78 / 1042 / 66.99 / 346 / 66.47 / 1378 / 66.04 / 297 / 69.70
Ctenomys sociabilis / 958 / 65.03 / 1042 / 69.58 / 346 / 67.34 / 1378 / 67.42 / 297 / 69.36
Proechimys longicaudatus / 958 / 62.00 / 1042 / 67.27 / 346 / 68.79 / 1378 / 66.04 / 297 / 63.64
Octodon degus / 958 / 61.69 / 1042 / 63.92 / 346 / 61.56 / 1378 / 63.57 / 297 / 65.32
Spalacopus cyanus / 958 / 62.11 / 1042 / 66.22 / 346 / 63.29 / 1378 / 64.22 / 297 / 64.65
Tympanoctomys barrerae / 958 / 61.80 / 1042 / 63.44 / 346 / 64.45 / 1378 / 64.44 / 297 / 67.68
Thryonomys swinderianus / 960 / 62.81 / 1042 / 66.79 / 346 / 64.16 / 1378 / 63.64 / 297 / 65.66
Castor canadensis / 955 / 56.34 / 1042 / 59.02 / 346 / 56.94 / 1378 / 58.56 / 297 / 58.25
Castor fiber / 955 / 56.44 / 1042 / 59.60 / 346 / 57.23 / 1378 / 60.30 / 297 / 58.92
Anomalurus sp. / 957 / 60.71 / 1044 / 61.40 / 348 / 63.79 / 1378 / 62.48 / 297 / 63.97
Cricetulus griseus / 955 / 64.29 / 1033 / 66.31 / 348 / 65.80 / 1378 / 67.20 / 297 / 61.95
Eothenomys chinensis / 958 / 58.04 / 1035 / 64.06 / 348 / 59.48 / 1378 / 60.23 / 297 / 59.26
Mescocricetus auratus / 955 / 63.87 / 1033 / 63.7 / 348 / 64.94 / 1378 / 66.84 / 297 / 66.67
Microtus levis / 955 / 59.06 / 1035 / 63.00 / 348 / 61.78 / 1378 / 60.60 / 297 / 57.58
Microtus kikuchii / 960 / 57.19 / 1035 / 59.81 / 348 / 60.92 / 1378 / 57.04 / 297 / 57.58
Proedromys sp. / 958 / 56.99 / 1035 / 61.64 / 348 / 59.77 / 1378 / 58.93 / 297 / 58.25
Tscherskia triton / 955 / 55.60 / 1033 / 59.24 / 348 / 57.18 / 1378 / 57.62 / 297 / 60.61
Acomys cahirinus / 955 / 57.07 / 1037 / 58.92 / 348 / 58.62 / 1372 / 60.86 / 297 / 57.91
Apodemus peninsulae / 955 / 64.29 / 1036 / 69.31 / 348 / 68.10 / 1378 / 66.55 / 297 / 63.64
Leggadina lakedownensis / 955 / 61.68 / 1036 / 63.71 / 348 / 65.80 / 1375 / 64.73 / 297 / 62.96
Mus musculus / 957 / 62.38 / 1038 / 64.26 / 348 / 66.95 / 1378 / 64.37 / 297 / 58.92
Mus terricolor / 955 / 62.20 / 1036 / 66.99 / 348 / 66.09 / 1378 / 64.08 / 297 / 62.29
Neodon irene / 960 / 57.92 / 1035 / 61.16 / 348 / 56.32 / 1378 / 59.07 / 297 / 56.23
Pseudomys chapmani / 955 / 63.46 / 1036 / 66.51 / 348 / 64.66 / 1375 / 64.73 / 297 / 62.29
Rattus tanesumi / 955 / 58.22 / 1036 / 61.49 / 348 / 62.07 / 1378 / 61.97 / 297 / 63.97
Rattus norvegicus / 957 / 57.47 / 1038 / 60.98 / 348 / 63.51 / 1378 / 62.12 / 297 / 63.97
Nannospalax ehrenbergi / 946 / 58.88 / 1042 / 62.09 / 348 / 59.77 / 1377 / 63.18 / 297 / 64.31
Nannospalax galili / 946 / 59.20 / 1042 / 62.09 / 348 / 62.64 / 1377 / 63.47 / 297 / 62.29
Jaculus jaculus / 955 / 59.16 / 1042 / 59.69 / 348 / 60.63 / 1378 / 60.45 / 297 / 57.91
Average values / 956 / 60.23 / 1,039 / 63.4 / 0 / 347 / 62.59 / 0 / 1,377 / 62.77 / 0 / 297 / 62.47

Supplementary Table 2 (continued)

Species / ND5 / ND6 / CO1 / CO2 / CO3
Length / A+T / Length / A+T / Length / A+T / Length / A+T / Length / A+T
(bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%)
Pteromys volans / 1818 / 61.83 / 525 / 66.29 / 1542 / 61.87 / 684 / 62.87 / 784 / 59.06
Sciurus vulgaris / 1818 / 62.87 / 525 / 65.33 / 1542 / 61.35 / 684 / 63.60 / 784 / 60.84
Marmota himalayana / 1818 / 64.30 / 525 / 63.24 / 1542 / 62.13 / 684 / 62.87 / 784 / 59.44
Glis glis / 1812 / 65.01 / 525 / 65.33 / 1545 / 61.87 / 684 / 63.01 / 784 / 62.76
Heterocephalus glaber / 1812 / 60.15 / 531 / 63.28 / 1542 / 55.32 / 684 / 58.48 / 784 / 53.83
Cavia porcellus / 1812 / 62.69 / 531 / 63.28 / 1542 / 59.08 / 684 / 62.28 / 784 / 59.82
Ctenomys leucodon / 1812 / 66.34 / 534 / 66.29 / 1545 / 63.30 / 684 / 66.67 / 784 / 62.24
Ctenomys sociabilis / 1812 / 67.00 / 534 / 67.42 / 1545 / 64.08 / 684 / 65.94 / 784 / 63.90
Proechimys longicaudatus / 1812 / 64.90 / 534 / 65.36 / 1542 / 63.36 / 684 / 66.81 / 784 / 58.04
Octodon degus / 1812 / 61.37 / 534 / 64.23 / 1545 / 61.23 / 684 / 64.33 / 784 / 59.44
Spalacopus cyanus / 1812 / 63.58 / 534 / 64.04 / 1554 / 61.26 / 684 / 65.50 / 784 / 60.71
Tympanoctomys barrerae / 1812 / 65.02 / 534 / 66.67 / 1545 / 62.07 / 684 / 37.57 / 784 / 59.69
Thryonomys swinderianus / 1812 / 65.67 / 513 / 66.28 / 1545 / 60.78 / 681 / 62.56 / 784 / 61.35
Castor canadensis / 1809 / 58.60 / 525 / 60.57 / 1543 / 54.89 / 684 / 57.60 / 784 / 54.34
Castor fiber / 1809 / 59.09 / 525 / 61.71 / 1545 / 55.47 / 684 / 58.04 / 784 / 54.72
Anomalurus sp. / 1812 / 62.47 / 528 / 64.20 / 1545 / 61.29 / 714 / 60.08 / 787 / 60.61
Cricetulus griseus / 1821 / 66.06 / 525 / 63.24 / 1545 / 62.20 / 684 / 65.35 / 784 / 61.61
Eothenomys chinensis / 1812 / 60.04 / 525 / 59.62 / 1545 / 57.28 / 684 / 58.92 / 784 / 56.12
Mescocricetus auratus / 1821 / 64.47 / 525 / 65.14 / 1545 / 62.01 / 684 / 64.62 / 784 / 60.46
Microtus levis / 1812 / 57.34 / 525 / 61.90 / 1545 / 57.86 / 684 / 59.80 / 784 / 58.16
Microtus kikuchii / 1812 / 56.68 / 525 / 59.81 / 1545 / 56.18 / 684 / 58.63 / 784 / 56.12
Proedromys sp. / 1812 / 58.39 / 525 / 60.76 / 1545 / 56.50 / 684 / 58.48 / 784 / 55.87
Tscherskia triton / 1821 / 58.92 / 525 / 61.52 / 1545 / 55.79 / 684 / 56.29 / 784 / 54.59
Acomys cahirinus / 1833 / 58.70 / 525 / 60.19 / 1545 / 55.86 / 684 / 58.48 / 784 / 55.87
Apodemus peninsulae / 1819 / 65.86 / 519 / 65.9 / 1545 / 62.33 / 684 / 64.91 / 784 / 61.99
Leggadina lakedownensis / 1821 / 63.59 / 519 / 65.51 / 1545 / 61.29 / 684 / 61.55 / 784 / 60.59
Mus musculus / 1824 / 62.88 / 519 / 65.90 / 1545 / 60.13 / 684 / 61.40 / 784 / 61.10
Mus terricolor / 1833 / 64.32 / 519 / 64.35 / 1545 / 60.26 / 684 / 63.01 / 784 / 60.33
Neodon irene / 1812 / 57.67 / 525 / 63.05 / 1545 / 56.70 / 684 / 58.04 / 784 / 56.63
Pseudomys chapmani / 1821 / 64.09 / 519 / 62.62 / 1545 / 60.52 / 684 / 63.74 / 784 / 61.73
Rattus tanesumi / 1830 / 62.79 / 519 / 66.28 / 1545 / 58.9 / 684 / 61.84 / 784 / 59.57
Rattus norvegicus / 1833 / 62.68 / 519 / 63.58 / 1545 / 58.58 / 684 / 61.11 / 784 / 58.16
Nannospalax ehrenbergi / 1827 / 62.23 / 525 / 62.48 / 1545 / 58.77 / 684 / 59.50 / 784 / 56.89
Nannospalax galili / 1827 / 62.89 / 525 / 63.24 / 1545 / 59.74 / 684 / 59.94 / 784 / 56.63
Jaculus jaculus / 1809 / 58.26 / 525 / 60 / 1545 / 56.63 / 684 / 59.36 / 784 / 55.87
Average values / 1,817 / 62.19 / 525.35 / 63.69 / 1,544 / 59.55 / 684 / 60.89 / 784 / 58.81

Supplementary Table 2 (continued)

Species / ATP6 / ATP8 / CytB / 13 protein-coding
Length / A+T / Length / A+T / Length / A+T / Length / A+T
(bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%) / (bp) / (%)
Pteromys volans / 680 / 61.47 / 204 / 68.14 / 1140 / 58.77 / 11400 / 62.06
Sciurus vulgaris / 680 / 62.50 / 204 / 66.18 / 1140 / 59.65 / 11397 / 62.71
Marmota himalayana / 680 / 63.24 / 204 / 67.65 / 1140 / 61.75 / 11397 / 63.44
Glis glis / 679 / 66.13 / 204 / 67.16 / 1140 / 60.79 / 11387 / 63.70
Heterocephalus glaber / 681 / 57.86 / 204 / 66.18 / 1135 / 55.95 / 11394 / 57.75
Cavia porcellus / 681 / 59.77 / 204 / 67.65 / 1140 / 55.18 / 11404 / 61.00
Ctenomys leucodon / 681 / 66.37 / 204 / 72.55 / 1140 / 61.67 / 11405 / 65.21
Ctenomys sociabilis / 681 / 67.69 / 204 / 72.06 / 1140 / 63.77 / 11405 / 66.35
Proechimys longicaudatus / 681 / 63.44 / 192 / 67.19 / 1140 / 62.37 / 11390 / 64.25
Octodon degus / 681 / 63.88 / 207 / 70.53 / 1140 / 60.18 / 11408 / 62.36
Spalacopus cyanus / 681 / 62.85 / 207 / 71.98 / 1140 / 58.77 / 11417 / 63.05
Tympanoctomys barrerae / 681 / 63.44 / 207 / 71.50 / 1140 / 60.44 / 11417 / 63.31
Thryonomys swinderianus / 681 / 65.79 / 195 / 69.74 / 1138 / 59.93 / 11372 / 63.62
Castor canadensis / 681 / 59.47 / 204 / 66.67 / 1140 / 54.65 / 11388 / 57.42
Castor fiber / 681 / 60.35 / 204 / 65.2 / 1140 / 56.05 / 11390 / 58.15
Anomalurus sp. / 681 / 62.70 / 204 / 69.61 / 1140 / 60.09 / 11435 / 61.85
Cricetulus griseus / 681 / 65.49 / 204 / 68.14 / 1143 / 62.73 / 11398 / 64.63
Eothenomys chinensis / 681 / 58.30 / 204 / 63.24 / 1143 / 57.57 / 11394 / 59.20
Mescocricetus auratus / 681 / 64.32 / 204 / 69.12 / 1141 / 63.45 / 11396 / 64.11
Microtus levis / 681 / 60.21 / 204 / 65.69 / 1143 / 58.27 / 11391 / 59.43
Microtus kikuchii / 681 / 58.44 / 204 / 67.16 / 1143 / 57.57 / 11396 / 57.74
Proedromys sp. / 681 / 58.74 / 204 / 66.18 / 1143 / 57.13 / 11394 / 58.39
Tscherskia triton / 681 / 56.98 / 204 / 65.20 / 1143 / 58.27 / 11398 / 57.68
Acomys cahirinus / 681 / 59.18 / 204 / 63.73 / 1141 / 58.11 / 11406 / 58.36
Apodemus peninsulae / 681 / 65.49 / 204 / 64.22 / 1144 / 61.98 / 11394 / 64.89
Leggadina lakedownensis / 681 / 63.58 / 192 / 69.79 / 1144 / 61.19 / 11381 / 62.94
Mus musculus / 681 / 64.02 / 204 / 68.14 / 1144 / 60.93 / 11403 / 62.69
Mus terricolor / 681 / 62.85 / 204 / 68.14 / 1144 / 61.19 / 11408 / 63.12
Neodon irene / 681 / 57.86 / 204 / 62.75 / 1143 / 56.69 / 11396 / 58.17
Pseudomys chapmani / 681 / 64.90 / 192 / 69.79 / 1144 / 62.24 / 11381 / 63.53
Rattus tanesumi / 681 / 61.97 / 204 / 63.73 / 1143 / 60.19 / 11404 / 61.26
Rattus norvegicus / 681 / 60.35 / 204 / 64.71 / 1143 / 57.57 / 11411 / 60.55
Nannospalax ehrenbergi / 681 / 58.88 / 204 / 65.20 / 1140 / 59.39 / 11400 / 60.61
Nannospalax galili / 681 / 61.09 / 204 / 64.71 / 1140 / 58.51 / 11400 / 61.03
Jaculus jaculus / 681 / 57.86 / 207 / 63.77 / 1140 / 58.16 / 11395 / 58.62
Average values / 680 / 61.89 / 203 / 67.23 / 1,141 / 59.39 / 11,398 / 61.13