IOSH South Downs Branch
Public Services Specialist Group
Notes of the meeting
Date: Thursday September 29,2011
Venue: Beechmont Seminar Room, Princess Royal Hospital
IOSH Meeting 29/09/2011: Sarah Wells: Risk, Health and Safety Advisor, BSUH NHS Trust
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IOSH South Downs Branch
Public Services Specialist Group
Dominic Desouza (Chair)Anne Varnam
Chris StringerSimon Cole
Paul WillisDiane Mahoney
Keith PeskettJakki Anderson
Kelvin VineRob Manley
Sarah WellsRobert Baker
IOSH Meeting 29/09/2011: Sarah Wells: Risk, Health and Safety Advisor, BSUH NHS Trust
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IOSH South Downs Branch
Public Services Specialist Group
George Adsett-KnutsenAndy Gaffney
Barry LaneClaire King
Sue CarterLyn Allinson
Paul TackJulia Haslehurst
Jayne Townsend
2.0 Introductions
Meeting began with a welcome by Dominic Desouza. All attendees introduced themselves.
3.0 Notes from last meeting:
The notes from the previous meeting held June 9th2011 were agreed as accurate.
4.0 Request Items for AOB
Training Info
5.0 Presentation – Fish Pedicures Simon Cole and Paul Willis
6.0 Healthcare and Groups Sharing Information
Keith Peskett currently attends on a few other Health and Safety Related Forums. He has had approval from these forums to distribute information and it was agreed that this would be sent to the group members. It was also agreed that there would be no cold-calling to the group if appropriate guest speakers could be approached for information.
7.0 Appointment of Group Communications Officer
Keith was nominated as the Communications Officer by Dominic and as such will have the distribution list shared with him to forward information as and when relevance was felt.
There is still some information to be distributed to the Group that Sarah Wells has not had the time to forward.
Action: SW to forward ASAP to all Group members; SW to forward Contact List to KP
8.0 IOSH Update
IOSH update prepared by Sarah Wells was discussed.
Paul Willis asked that all who can take the time to read the HSE's consultation document respond to the HSE.
The proposals prevent the HSE from carrying out preventative visits and only attending as a reactive measure with a cost attached.
As a Local Authority Health and Safety Enforcement Officer, he feels very strongly that the recommendations that are being consulted on may be carried on to the LA Enforcement Officers who may then be prevented from offering good practice, advice and assisting businesses when asked.
9.0 Case Law and Information Sharing
There was nothing new in case law to share.
Information Sharing see 6.0
10.0 Topics & Venues for future meetings
10.1 Christmas Dinner and AGM.
It was agreed that the Meeting on December 1st will be the group's AGM as there had not been one this year.
Discussions were held regarding the timing of the meeting and whether a Christmas Lunch could be arranged if required.
Please can you advise Sarah Wells: of the information below, by OCTOBER 31st 2011?
1) Would you like to have a Christmas Meal before/after the AGM?YES/NO
2) What is your preferred time for the AGM?
a)10:30-12:30 followed by lunch at 13:00;
b) 14:00-16:00 preceded by lunch at 13:00;
3) No Christmas Lunch – meeting at usual time 13:30 for 14:00 start with light refreshments?
NB: we are still awaiting confirmation of the Restaurant's Christmas arrangements but alternative venue could be found locally.
10.2 Future Topics for Discussion:
Date / Topic / Lead15 March 2012 / SHE Programme / Keith Peskett & SHE Company Demonstration
14 June 2012
(Please note date was incorrect on last notes & agenda 7 June coincides with South of England Show) / Health Promotion / Dominic Desouza
November/ December 2012 – Date TBC / TBC / TBC
March 2013 Date TBC / TBC / TBC
Action: It is the role of the leads to find appropriate speakers for the topics.
11.0 Continuous Professional Development
A reminder was given to all members to ensure their CPD is kept up to date. The presentations and other information can be used to formulate scores. Check the IOSH updates and website for information.
12.0 AOB
12.1 Training
Anne Varnam asked whether anyone could help/ advise her with her updating the Corporate Training Packages she rolls out. The package is approximately 3hours long.
Keith Peskett said he will assist and share some of his information.
Action: a) KP to assist AV with information.
b) Any other information to be forwarded to:
Date of Next Meeting: 1st December 2011 Princess Royal Hospital time TBC (see 10.1)
IOSH Meeting 29/09/2011: Sarah Wells: Risk, Health and Safety Advisor, BSUH NHS Trust
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