Policies and Procedures for Parishes Offering Multiple Models of Faith Formation

Recognizing the diverse needs, the scheduling conflicts, and the time constraints that exist in contemporary family life, the limitations caused by lack of space in parish facilities, and the increased enrollment in parish catechetical programs, it has become necessary for parish catechetical leaders, with their pastors, to explore alternate models of faith formation. Recognizing that there are many models of faith formation that exist, the Diocese of Camden accepts the following:

Family Centered, Intergenerational Catechesis(Home Schooling)

Year Round/Summer Intensive Catechesis

Weekly Classroom Catechesis

As more and more parishes explore alternatemodels, finding them to be vibrant and positive alternatives to the weekly classroom experience, there are certain criteria that must be followed when incorporating any of the approved models. These criteria are the six tasks of catechesis outlined in the National Catechetical Directory:

  1. Promotes a knowledge of the Faith
  2. Promotes a knowledge of the meaning of liturgy and the sacraments
  3. Promotes formation in Jesus Christ (moral formation)
  4. Teaches Christians howto pray with Christ
  5. Prepares the Christian to live in community and to participate actively in the life and mission of the Church
  6. Promotes the missionary spirit that prepares the faithful to be present as Christians in society

(NDC 20)

The following procedureswill outline the requirements for all models of formation used in a parish:



This model is proving to be successful and popular among families and takes place throughout the year. It includes intensive, systematic catechesis during the summer as well as intergenerational gatherings for families between the months of September through June.

These 2 different, necessary components are outlined below:

  1. Intentional, graded catechesis takes place in the summer for a period of

1 week (5 days): all day sessions consisting of 7 hours each day


2 weeks(10 days): half day sessions consisting of 3.5 each day.

These sessions provide an opportunity for children to…” receive formal and systematic catechesis…in which the content of the faith and the experience of Christian life are presented authentically and completely…” (NDC 48E. 2)

In addition to a structured, catechetical curriculum, these sessions must be created to provide an experience of a variety of activities, various methods of prayer forms, and liturgical experiences that will integrate what was learned in the formal catechetical sessions. This method would offer an immersion experience in which the participants have the opportunity to integrate life and faith. Each session must provide the participants with the opportunity not only to learn about their faith but to experience this faith as an integral part of their lives.

In order to provide a consistent experience throughout the Diocese of Camden, it is our recommendation that only those publishers providing a summer component to their curriculum be used. Using a publisher other than those listed, requires the approval of the diocesan Office of Faith and Family Life Formation

These publishers are:

  • Sadlier Publishing
  • Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum
  • RCL/Benziger
  • Pflaum Publishing
  • Loyola Publishing
  • It is strongly preferred that the parish use a uniform textbook series for all models of formation provided

“Catechesis is that particular form of the ministry of the word which matures initial conversion to makeit into a living, explicit, and fruitful confession of faith…” (GDC 82)

“Catechesis leads people to enter the mystery of Christ, to encounter him, and to discover themselves and the meaning of their lives in him.” (NDC 19.B)

  1. IntergenerationalEvents
  1. Eventsmust be planned to provide an overall balance for the formation of all those involved using the six tasks of catechesis as a guide. (e.g. all events should begin and end with prayer - #4)
  1. Opportunities for intergenerational faith formation and intentional engagement in the life of the parish communityare to be provided for families who utilizeall the various models of faith formation, includingthe summer intensive, monthly, homeschooling and the weekly classroom models. These opportunities are designed to support and develop the catechetical formation that takes place in these models and must occur throughout the liturgical year.
  1. The entire process of faith formation in the parish, regardless of the model used, serves to support and develop the missionary spirit ofthe faithful which will prepare people ofall ages to be present as Christians in the world.
  1. These events support and develop the community of faith and the participation of the whole community in the life and mission of the Church.
  1. Families are expected to participate in a minimum of 6 quality intergenerational catechetical experiences offered in the parish throughout the year. Families will choose at least 1 from each of the areas listed below. These events will be designed to offer families a deeper understanding of their faith.

Through these gatherings, children and adults alike will come to understand and incorporate the life of the Church into their own lived experience. These events will highlight the following themes:

  • Feasts and Seasons of the Church
  • Prayer
  • Liturgy
  • Catholic Social Teaching
  • Morality
  • Creed
  • There are many intergenerational/family catechetical events already provided both in print and online by the publishers of catechetical materials. Please contact the Office of Faith and Family Life Formation if you need further assistance in developing these intergenerational events.

“The most important task of the catechesis of children is to provide, through the witness of adults, an environment in which young people can grow in faith…” (NDC 48E.2)

Opportunities for this involvement already exist within many parishes. These events should be an integral part of family life within the parish and are not considered to be a part of the 6 formation events families are expected to attend. . They provide young people an opportunity to journey in faith with other members of the parish community.

Sunday Eucharist

Seasonal Reconciliation services

Parish devotions

Parish Outreach activities

Parish celebrations

“…the Christian community is the context in which individuals undertake their journey in faith toward conversion to Christ and discipleship in his name…” (NDC 29.C)

Participation in any model of formation that involves only children and focuses primarily on information apart from the parish community is incomplete. As mentioned above, any model of formation must intentionally include all six tasks of catechesis and be placed in the context of parish life and worship. It is both within the family and the lived experience of the parish community that effective catechetical formation occurs.

“Whatever method is used, all catechesis occurs within the life of the worshipping community…” (NDC 31)


(Home schooling; monthly or family models)

“Catechesis which involves the whole family is a particularly effective method of catechesis for young children because it helps parents become more confident in sharing their faith with their children and encouraging their children’s emerging faith…” (NDC 48.E.2)

Recognizing the vital role of parents and family, the home schooling model of faith formation can be an effective means of catechesis for young children. In order for this model to be complete and effective there are certain criteria that must be met.


All families enrolled in this model will receive the following

A catechetical textbook for each child

A family guide for the parents

(These guides are provided by the publishers)


Parish Catechetical leaders must meet with parents using this model no less than 5 times per year. These sessions must be designed to equip parents with the necessary information and tools to be the primary catechists for their children. These sessions may include all members of the family or just parents. Parish Catechetical Leaders will design these intergenerational sessions to break open the family guides with the parents, helping them to use these guides effectively.


The parish is the preeminent place for the catechesis of adults, youth, and children…”


In order for this model to be complete, it is necessary that families come together in the parish setting throughout the year. Therefore, participation in at least 6 of the parish’s intergenerational catechetical events are also a part of the Home Schooling component.

  1. Weekly Classroom Catechetical Model

This model of faith formation for children is probably the most familiar for parishes.

This model follows the school calendar, holding classes over a 10 month period, meeting weekly from September through May. The required sessions for this model are from 28-32 weekly sessions a year. Each sessions last approximately 75 minutes in length or its equivalent.

(See Policies and Procedures for Religious Education Programs # 400.8)

Those families who choose the weekly model for their formal formation experience are also expected, to participate in the intergenerational events provided for the families of the alternate models. Families in the weekly model are expected to join those families in the alternate models of faith formation for at least 6 of the intergenerational formational events provided by the parish. The content and form of these events are described in detail in part 1, section B of this document.

These intergenerational events should strive to immerse the children and their families in the faith life and tradition of the community.

“ The most effective catechetical initiatives are rooted in the vibrant Christian Life of the parish community…” NDC 9-B-61



Parish catechetical leaders should understand that faith formation is to take place in the parish where a family is registered. If there is a pastoral reason parents from another parish need to enroll their child in another parish’s faith formation program, the following must be followed:

  • The family must obtain a letter from the Pastor in its homeparish stating that participation in another parish’s faith formation program is an acceptable alternative catechetical model.(see Diocesan Policy Manual Article XIV No. 14)

(Acceptance is only possible where the home parish provides opportunities as outlined in section B above.)

  • The family must provide their child’s permanent records that verify the correct level of formation for each child being registered.
  • The hosting PCL will developa covenant which outlines a plan for completing the on-going requirements throughout the year. This covenant is signed by the PCL and the parents. A copy of this covenant is sent to the parish where the family is registered.
  • If the family decides to register in the parish, the PCL in the receiving parish must notify the pastor of the parish where the family is leaving.

Office of Faith & Family Life Formation

Diocese of Camden

January 6,2016