Integrated Bachelor/Master’s Fifth Year Results for the Graduating Class of 2011
During the 2010-2011 school years, IB/M students were involved with the internship. Some worked collaborative on the internship, some worked alone. At the end of the spring semester, the school supervisor completed a form evaluating students. * The following are these results which includes the descriptive quantitative results and the qualitative information without names.
Top of Form
Evidence intern has demonstrated responsibility and professionalism in educational settings:1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Average Rating
Intern has made the transition from student to professional. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 2 / (3.13%)
/ 8 / (12.50%)
/ 54 / (84.38%)
/ 4.81
Intern demonstrates a high degree of independence in decision making in professional matters. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 9 / (14.06%)
/ 55 / (85.94%)
/ 4.86
Intern shows an understanding of the knowledge base for the professional educator. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 13 / (20.31%)
/ 51 / (79.69%)
/ 4.80
Intern demonstrates ethical conduct in professional settings. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 4 / (6.25%)
/ 60 / (93.75%)
/ 4.94
* The numbers represent the number of forms, not students. A supervisor had the option to enter one form per student or one form per all students on a project.
Evidence intern has demonstrated ability to communicate effectively:1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Average Rating
Intern demonstrates rapport/empathy with appropriate constituencies served in the internship experience. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 1 / (1.64%)
/ 4 / (6.56%)
/ 56 / (91.80%)
/ 4.90
Intern demonstrates an ability to work with individuals and small groups. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 7 / (11.48%)
/ 54 / (88.52%)
/ 4.89
Intern displays attitude of a professional. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 5 / (8.20%)
/ 56 / (91.80%)
/ 4.92
Intern shows a willingness and ability to make decisions. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 1 / (1.64%)
/ 6 / (9.84%)
/ 54 / (88.52%)
/ 4.87
Evidence intern has demonstrated the role and importance of inquiry in educational settings:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Average Rating
Intern possesses strong knowledge base. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 12 / (20.00%)
/ 48 / (80.00%)
/ 4.80
Intern possesses good observation skills. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 9 / (15.00%)
/ 51 / (85.00%)
/ 4.85
Intern possesses good analytical skills. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 1 / (1.67%)
/ 9 / (15.00%)
/ 50 / (83.33%)
/ 4.82
Intern demonstrates in-depth understanding of inquiry. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 3 / (5.00%)
/ 11 / (18.33%)
/ 46 / (76.67%)
/ 4.72
Intern demonstrates self-analysis skills. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 10 / (16.67%)
/ 50 / (83.33%)
/ 4.83
Evidence Intern has demonstrated a commitment to promoting change in educational settings:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Average Rating
Intern demonstrates reflective/analytic practice. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 1 / (1.67%)
/ 11 / (18.33%)
/ 48 / (80.00%)
/ 4.78
Intern demonstrates commitment to positive educational change. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 8 / (13.33%)
/ 52 / (86.67%)
/ 4.87
Intern shows the ability to react to change and respond appropriately. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 1 / (1.67%)
/ 6 / (10.00%)
/ 53 / (88.33%)
/ 4.87
Intern demonstrates an understanding of the factors that influence change. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 12 / (20.00%)
/ 48 / (80.00%)
/ 4.80
Intern initiates steps to implement change. / 0 / (0.00%)
/ 0 / (0.00%)
/ 1 / (1.67%)
/ 13 / (21.67%)
/ 46 / (76.67%)
/ 4.75
Recommended clinic grade:
Option / Count / Percent
A+ / 36 / 56.3
A / 22 / 34.4
A- / 4 / 6.3
B+ / 1 / 1.6
B / 1 / 1.6
Total: / 64 / 100.0
Additional Comments:
Student is very reliable and conscientious of her role as a professional.
Student conducts herself in a professional and highly competent manner at all times. She is self-directed and very conscientious about her responsibilities. She requires little guidance or direction from her supervisor during her internship. In addition, she seeks out opportunities to work with students or develop new programs to benefit students at School.
Student conducts herself in a professional and highly competent manner at all times. She is self-directed and very conscientious about her responsibilities. She requires little guidance or direction from her supervisor during her internship. In addition, she seeks out opportunities to work with students or develop new programs to benefit students at School.
Student always conducts herself professionally in front of staff and students. She uses professional judgment and data when making instructional decisions.
Student was a pleasure to work with this past semester. The teachers and students enjoyed having Student in their classes. She constantly used her knowledge of literacy and young children to make appropriate instructional decisions when working with small groups or individuals.
Student has become an integral part of the staff and participates in grade level meetings, offering suggestions to improve instruction that were very accurate and doable.
Since the beginning of the school year Student has shown growth in this area. She started the school year lacking the confidence to engage actively and would wait to be told what to do. At this point she is an integral part of the staff, makes decisions regarding students with confidence and gives input based on research.
Both interns were wonderful and exceeded my expectations in all areas! I'm not sure how we would have survived this year without them. They were true professionals and became true members of the Education Department.
Both Students took on several responsibilities, worked above and beyond their required hours, and were part of the team this year. Thanks to both of them!
Student went above and beyond in working with students on History Day projects. She did a terrific job helping to plan and coordinates the History Day contestand oversaw a contest that featured over 500 students and 40 volunteers.
Student has been a pleasure to work with this year. She is a high quality teacher and professional.
Student is a dedicated and conscientious teacher. She implemented a writer's workshop model along with appropriate lessons, materials, and activities. This model contributed to the high achievement in writing as evidenced by our students.
Student has demonstrated responsibility in all areas of her internship.
Teachers in the English department have frequently commented on the high level of professionalism of these two interns.
Student consistently conducts herself in a professional manner with staff members and students. She also knows when to ask for support concerning professional matters or to strengthen/clarify her base knowledge for instruction. She took on the responsibility of designing a schedule to meet the needs of her students and the teachers.
Student consistently conducts herself in a professional manner with staff members and students. She also knows when to ask for support concerning professional matters or to strengthen/clarify her base knowledge for instruction. She took on the responsibility of designing a schedule to meet the needs of her students and the teachers.
Student has acted in a very professional manner throughout her experience.
Student works well in a collaborative setting with colleagues and students. She shares observations of students, asks questions for deeper understanding and shares ideas effectively with students and teachers.
Student has shown a great deal of professionalism and has demonstrated a problem solving approach when dealing with other professionals
Student performed a very professional manner in all school activities - team meetings, working with students, parent meetings, etc. She was well-respected among the students and the staff members.
Both students were responsible and professional. Once needs were identified within the school community, the students took full responsibility for carrying out action plans with little supervision.
Student has been an important contributor to the success of the History Day program at our school. She worked with small groups of History Day students who were entering the History Day contest and she also worked with the eighth grade social studies classes in teaching research skills and guiding research projects using the History Day theme for all eighth grade students.
Student is a consummateprofessional; she has consistently conducted herself as a teacher.
Student has remained professional at all times, even when faced with difficulties.
All three interns have demonstrated responsibility and professionalism in a variety of settings.
The interns were exemplary, treated as staff members, earned the respect of entire faculty
Student demonstrated a great deal of independence in carrying out her responsibilities. She proved to be adept in all that she was asked to do. She always conducted herself in a highly professional manner.
Student demonstrated a great deal of independence in carrying out her responsibilities. She proved to be adept in all that she was asked to do. She always conducted herself in a highly professional manner.
Both Students have demonstrated a solid grasp of their responsibilities as educators and have shown leadership in their dealings with students.
Student has improved in her outlook and behavior as a professional throughout the year.
Student has been an important contributor to the success of the History Day program at our school. She worked with small groups of History Day students who were entering the History Day contest and she also worked with the eighth grade social studies classes in teaching research skills and guiding research projects using the History Day theme for all eighth grade students.
Student continued to be very conscientious and consistently demonstrated an outstanding commitment of providing a high quality, age appropriate writing program for Kindergarten children.
Student exhibited a tremendous amount of growth in this area. I am confident Student will enter the teaching world ready to take on any professional challenge she is faced with!
Student exhibited a tremendous amount of growth in this area. I am confident she is well prepared for the working world!
Student is a natural musician and a good leader. He should trust his instincts more. His voice is excellent for modeling parts for students.
Student did her best work when utterly under pressure with no preparation. She conducted a song she had no experience with, and did a spectacular job. For the song for which she had time to prepare, however, I never felt that she spent a lot of time outside of the classroom.
Additional Comments:
Student exceeds in her ability to work in any type of setting- individual, small group or whole group. She takes the initiative to help students... even if it’s not part of her internship. She has a strong passion to teach young children, and her love and eagerness to work with children shines throughout the day. Student has a very natural ability to sense what students need help, need space, or need extra time.
Student uses email and written notices along with regular meetings with staff to keep everyone informed of her projects. She uses her meeting times to inquire about student needs, discuss lesson ideas and resources, and report student progress. In addition, Student worked with her internship team to create a newsletter for parents—UConnection—with articles about all of the internship projects at our school.
Student is always open to new ideas or suggestions. She works well with small groups of students and has received positive feedback from the staff whose students she supports.
Student has worked one-on-one with first grade students providing intervention to students in the bottom 25% of the class and with small groups in the second and third classes. While in the classrooms she has supported students who have not yet mastered the math content and need additional instruction and practice.
Student's confidence has grown as the year has progressed. I have watched her grow from someone who was hesitant to speak in a team meeting because she lacked the confidence to offer a suggestion to experienced teachers to a more confident professional who not only offers her opinions about students and their work but also brings suggestions that were appropriate and achievable.
Both interns went above and beyond, often checking and responding to CHS-related emails from home.
Student was always a good advocate for herself and for the History Day program; her decision-making resulted in a successful experience for our students and a great contest for students from throughout the Greater Hartford region.
Student quickly established and has maintained excellent rapport with the entire school staff. She is professional, responsive to student and teacher needs, and she consistently makes good decisions.
Student developed warm, positive relationships with each student in our class. Through the implementation of the writer's workshop model, our students worked with Student through whole group lessons, small group writing practice and individually through conferencing.
Student has been an effective communicator with students, teachers, and administrators during her internship. She is well liked and respected.
Both interns have taken initiative to implement their inquiry project, including arranging for times to observe English teachers to learn from their instructional strategies.
Student communicates effectively with classroom teachers and with reading teachers to provide updates on her students' progress. During early intervention training sessions she asks meaningful questions and contributes to discussions. She also invited the parent of her one-to-one early intervention student in to observe a lesson.
Student joined our literacy team after spending the first semester abroad and quickly adjusted. She communicates effectively with classroom teachers and with reading teachers to provide updates on her students’ progress. Student asks meaningful questions and contributes to professional literacy discussions.
Student has demonstrated the ability to modify and adjust the nature of her internship to meet the changing needs of the students as her program evolved.
During this second semester Student has initiated new lesson ideas on her own which have proven to be beneficial to the students she works with.
Student was very willing to share her ideas with our team about effective ways to work with our students. She was also very willing to go above and beyond her internship duties to help us out as needed with students - assisting with student mediation, assisting when direct intervention was needed in hallway situations, etc.
The students worked with individual teachers as well as with groups of teachers and students. They effectively communicated with all staff and students within the school.
Student regularly communicated with me in weekly meetings, planning times, during class, and outside of class ensuring great collaboration.
Student has continually communicated with me inside and outside of school and during weekly collaborative meetings that have bolstered the internship.
Our interns have consistently demonstrated the ability to communicate effectively with students and staff.
Interns demonstrated the ability to build a positive rapport with at-risk students. Worked well individually, as well as in small groups
Student has a pleasant and enthusiastic personality. It is a pleasure to watch her interact with students. She is an adept teacher who possesses excellent teaching skills. Her rapport with the students is extremely positive, she has strong management skills, and she has a veteran teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with students of all ages. She has conducted numerous lessons for classes, small student groups, and enrichment groups. She has worked regularly on an individual basis with an ELL student, as well as with another student for behavior modification purposes. She always displays a positive attitude and is extremely flexible. She has willingly taken on additional responsibilities as they have arisen.
Student has a pleasant and enthusiastic personality. It is a pleasure to watch her interact with students. She is an adept teacher who possesses excellent teaching skills. Her rapport with the students is extremely positive, she has strong management skills, and she has a veteran teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with students of all ages. She has conducted numerous lessons for classes, small student groups, and enrichment groups. She has worked regularly on an individual basis with an ELL student, as well as with another student for behavior modification purposes. She always displays a positive attitude and is extremely flexible. She has willingly taken on additional responsibilities as they have arisen.
Both Students have been receptive and open to suggestions to improve student engagement and performance.
Student has spent ample time this spring increasing her instructional time with small groups and has continuously worked to build upon her practice.
Student worked very well with individuals and small groups. The nature of our National History Day research provided opportunities often. She was effective in guiding students toward productive participation and helping them overcome problems they encountered along the way. Many students sought her advice as they researched their topics, and she was always able to offer valuable assistance. Student communicated with the other teachers involved in teaching research to develop this program in eighth grade.
Student worked well with both individuals and small groups. The nature of our National History Day research provided opportunities often. He was effective in guiding small groups of 8th grade students in working cooperatively on a research project. He also assisted many students in editing their work for presentation. Student communicated with the other teachers involved in teaching research to help make this program a success.
Student developed kind, supportive, relationships with the kindergarten students and their families. She is also highly regarded by the teaching staff, paraprofessional staff and other interns at School. She has effectively worked with the children in whole group, small groups and individually while following the Writer's Workshop model of teaching writing. Student met with me regularly to share her plans for each month. She remained independent in making decisions when developing thoughtful, elective, "best practice" lesson plans.
Student worked mostly with small groups during this internship. This gave her the opportunity to know each student she worked with as an individual. She used the knowledge of her students to plan lessons geared toward the specific needs and interests of the individuals in her groups.
Student worked mostly with small groups during this internship. This gave her the opportunity to know each student she worked with as an individual. She used the knowledge of her students to plan lessons geared toward the specific needs and interests of the individuals in her groups.
Student worked mostly with small groups during this internship. This gave her the opportunity to know each student she worked with as an individual. She used the knowledge of her students to plan lessons geared toward the specific needs and interests of the individuals in her groups.