Westmoore High School–Pre-AP English II
Mrs. Deanna Ragsdale, Teacher
Phone: 405.735.4800 (to leave a message) Email:
Pre-AP English II is a year-long course in which students will practice all of the language arts skills included in English II. Upon completion of Pre-AP English II, students must take the ACT in preparation for college readiness. Students will learn and practice test-taking skills pertaining to reading comprehension, literary analysis, and writing. In addition, students will read and write more intensely in order to prepare them for success in AP English Language and Composition. A study of rhetorical elements in writing will also be part of the course in order to help students succeed at the next AP level. Additionally, more vocabulary work, class discussion, projects, and group work is required from Pre-AP English II students. Those NOT wishing to undergo the extra rigor should withdraw from Pre-AP and enroll in an on-level English class. Our two semester units will include the works of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” and Wiesel’s “Night.” Students will also learn material from four smaller units consisting of: Destiny, Taking a Stand, Technical Difficulties, and The Human Connection.
The 8 English Language Arts (“ELA”) Standards for English II:
- 1. Speaking & Listening
- 2. Reading & Writing Process
- 3. Critical Reading & Writing
- 4. Vocabulary
- 5. Language
- 6. Research
- 7. Multimodal Literacies
- 8. Independent Reading & Writing
Required Materials – DUE Thursday, August 24:
~1 3-ring Binderwith 5 tabs and Lined Paper
~WHS Planner AND ID (NO restroom or hall pass without both!)
Supplies Needed – Please help our classroom with the following supplies – worth 10 Extra Credit points each (up to 30 points)! Thank you so much!
1st Hour — 1 Bag Individually Wrapped Mini-Sized Candy (class rewards)
3rd Hour — 2 Glue Sticks
4th Hour __ 2 Black Sharpie Markers
5th Hour —1 Package of 24 No. 2 Pencils or 1 Package of 24 Colored Pencils
6th Hour — 1 Package of Highlighters
**At any time your family finds a good deal on a ream of “20 pound” copy paper, we could definitely use that this school year. I will keep it my classroom, specifically for our class copy needs! Thank you!!!
Communication is KEY!
**I use 5 methods of communication to set students up for success:
(1)Written agenda on my board each Monday, (2) Verbal attention to important material, (3) REMIND Text Alerts (see information below), (4) Email correspondence, (5) Updated Website Calendar!
(please see other side)
MPS Handbook:
*We will discuss key points in our 2016-17 Moore Public Schools (MPS) Handbook, including Attendance – pg 20, Cell Phone Policy – pg 42, Dress Code – pg 32, Honor Code (PRIDE) – pg 41, IDs and Safety – pg 41, and Make-Up Work – pg 22
Parent Portal & Posting of Student Grades
I will post grades by class & ID number weekly. Students must be responsible to check this for missing assignments & current grades. Students are encouraged to keep their graded papers until they check Infinite Campus to make sure all have been entered correctly! Student Portal access AND Parent Portal access can be obtained in person in our WHS Counseling Center. ***PLEASE sign up for Parent Portal!!! You can receive updates on student attendance AND grades! Our District ID when signing up is: JXXJYX.
Grading Policies: In compliance with the English Department policy, the only late work accepted is major essays and projects. 20% will be deducted for every day the assignment is late; however, work will not be accepted more than two days late. Also following departmental policy, semester tests are worth 15% of the student's entire grade with the other 85% coming from class work and tests. Extra credit is offered one time per semester. Please make sure you are aware of when the assignment becomes available and the date in which it is due.
Grading Rubric for Written Assignments/Essays (further essay help is available on my website):
REMIND Text Alerts
Every student and/or at least one parent MUST sign up for text alerts, used only for special reminders and announcements. To receive messages via text, text the following message to 81010: @20ragsdale