Round 2 – Year 12 students
NOTE: Variables 7, 9, 24 & 25 do not exist.
Numerical data entered directly by student (N).
Text data entered directly by student (T).
Numerical data derived by researcher from text data using Coding Instrument (C). / MORE DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF THE VARIABLES
Variables in SPSS file / Descriptions of variables in the SPSS file / Numerical variable names derived from the T variables in the SPSS file
(These variables also appear in the “Variables in SPSS file” list in column 3) / (Simple numerical data entry recorded from radio buttons, and
written information entered into text boxes later coded to numerical values.)
1 / D_R / (Not a variable) / Blank
2 / T / NAME2 / Last name / Last name
3 / T / NAME1 / First name / First name
4 / N / REF1 / Reference 1 (Data matching) / Used for Data ID
5 / N / YEARLEVL / Year 10, 11, 12 / Year 10 or Year 12
6 / T / SCHOOL / Name of school / SCHOOL_N / School name
8 / N / TESTDAY / Day of week / Day of the week
10 / N / TESTDATE / Date survey was completed / Calendar date
11 / N / TESTMNTH / Calendar month / Month of the year
12 / N / TESTYEAR / Year survey was completed / The year the data was collected
13 / N / POSTCODE / Post code / Post code
14 / N / AGEYEARS / Age in years / Age in years
15 / N / AGEMNTHS / Age in months / Age in months
16 / N / GENDER / Gender / Gender
17 / T / EXPECTED / Expected possible selves list / E_NUMBER E_STRUCT E_WORDNU / In the space below, please list as many as you can of the possible selves that you expect to become in the future (Not what you hope to become)
18 / T / EXMIMPT / Most important expected possible self / E_ELABOR E_DOMAIN E_ASPIRE E_RESPON / Please choose your most important expected possible self from your list above and write it again in the space below. This is the most important possible self that you expect to become in the future.
19 / N / EXEFFORT / Effort made to achieve expected possible self / 1. If you make a big effort, do you think you can make this possible self happen?
20 / N / EXLIKELY / Likelihood of achieving that expected possible self / 2. How likely is it that this possible self could happen to you?
21 / N / EXYESNO / Action taken to achieve that expected possible self - Yes or no / 3. Have you done anything to help you achieve this possible self?
22 / T / EXDONE / Description of action taken to achieve expected possible self / E_ACTION / 4. If you answered yes, describe what you have done to help you achieve this possible self.
23 / T / HOPED / Hoped-for possible selves list / H_NUMBER H_STRUCT H_WORDNU / In the space below, please list as many as you can of the hoped-for possible selves that you hope to become in the future.
26 / T / HOMIMPT / Most important hoped-for possible self / H_ELABOR H_DOMAIN H_ASPIRE H_RESPON / Please choose your most important hoped-for possible self from your list above and write it again in the space below. This is the one future self that you would very much like to become in the future.
27 / N / HOEFFORT / Effort made to achieve hoped-for possible self / 1. Do you feel you can make this possible self happen through your own effort?
28 / N / HOLIKELY / Likelihood of achieving that hoped-for possible self / 2. How likely do you think this possible self is to happen?
29 / N / HOYESNO / Action taken to achieve that hoped-for possible self - Yes or no / 3. Have you done anything to help you achieve this possible self?
30 / T / HODONE / Description of action taken to achieve hoped-for possible self / H_ACTION / 4. If you answered yes, describe what you have done to help you achieve this possible self.
31 / T / FEARED / Feared possible selves list / F_NUMBER F_STRUCT F_WORDNU / In the space below, please list the feared possible selves that you imagine you could become in the future.
32 / T / FEMIMPT / Most important feared possible self / F_DOMAIN F_ELABOR / Please choose your most important feared possible self from your list above and write it again in the space below. This is the future self that you would never want to become in the future.
33 / N / FEEFFORT / Effort made to avoid feared possible self / 1. Do you feel you can prevent this possible self from happening?
34 / N / FELIKELY / Likelihood of avoiding that feared possible self / 2. How likely do you think this possible self is to happen?
35 / N / FEYESNO / Action taken to avoid that feared possible self - Yes or no / 3. Have you done anything so far to help you avoid becoming this possible self?
36 / T / FEDONE / Description of action taken to avoid feared possible self / F_ACTION / 4. If you answered yes, describe what you have done to help you avoid becoming this possible self.
37 / N / FILL1 / A “filler” question / 1. It is easy for me to relax.
38 / N / PESS2 / Pessimism scale / 2. It's best not to get my hopes too high because I will probably be disappointed.
39 / N / OPT3 / Optimism scale / 3. In uncertain times I expect the best.
40 / N / PESS4 / Pessimism scale / 4. Rarely do I expect good things to happen.
41 / N / PESS5 / Pessimism scale / 5. If something can go wrong for me it will.
42 / N / OPT6 / Optimism scale / 6. I always look on the bright side of things.
43 / N / FILL7 / A “filler” question / 7. I enjoy my friends a lot.
44 / N / OPT8 / Optimism scale / 8. I'm always optimistic about my future.
45 / N / FILL9 / A “filler” question / 9. It's important for me to keep busy.
46 / N / PESS10 / Pessimism scale / 10. I hardly ever expect things to go my way.
47 / N / OPT11 / Optimism scale / 11. When I undertake something new, I expect to succeed.
48 / N / PESS12 / Pessimism scale / 12. Things never work out the way I want them to.
49 / N / FILL13 / A “filler” question / 13. I don't get upset very easily.
50 / N / PESS14 / Pessimism scale / 14. If I make a decision on my own, I can pretty much count on the fact that it will turn out to be a poor one.
51 / N / FILL15 / A “filler” question / 15. Where there is a will, there is a way.
52 / N / PESS16 / Pessimism scale / 16. I rarely count on good things happening to me.
53 / N / FILL17 / A “filler” question / 17. I like heavy metal music better than pop music.
54 / N / PESS18 / Pessimism scale / 18. It's better to expect defeat then it doesn't hit so hard when it comes.
55 / N / OPT19 / Optimism scale / 19. In general, things turn out all right in the end.
56 / N / PESS20 / Pessimism scale / 20. Give me 50/50 odds and I will choose the wrong answer every time.
57 / N / JAZZ / Music preferences / How do you feel about the following types of music - Jazz?
58 / N / CHRISTN / Music preferences / How do you feel about the following types of music - Christian?
59 / N / HEAVYM / Music preferences / How do you feel about the following types of music – Heavy metal?
60 / N / OPERA / Music preferences / How do you feel about the following types of music - Opera?
61 / N / COUNTRY / Music preferences / How do you feel about the following types of music - Country?
62 / N / ROCK / Music preferences / How do you feel about the following types of music - Rock?
63 / N / CLASSICL / Music preferences / How do you feel about the following types of music Classical?
64 / N / ESTEEM1 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 1. I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others.
65 / N / ESTEEM2 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 2. I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
66 / N / ESTEEM3 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 3. I am able to do things as well as most other people.
67 / N / ESTEEM4 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 4. I feel I do not have much to be proud of.
68 / N / ESTEEM5 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 5. I take a positive attitude towards myself.
69 / N / ESTEEM6 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 6. I think I am no good at all.
70 / N / ESTEEM7 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 7. I am a useful person to have around.
71 / N / ESTEEM8 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 8. I feel that I can't do anything right.
72 / N / ESTEEM9 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 9. When I do a job, I do it well.
73 / N / ESTEEM10 / Self-esteem scale (Ros’bg) / 10. I feel that my life is not very useful.
74 / N / WORTH1 / School work is worthwhile / 1. I always try to pay attention in class.
75 / N / WORTH2 / School work is worthwhile / 2. I always try to get to school on time.
76 / N / WORTH3 / School work is worthwhile / 3. Sometimes I'm sorry I have to leave school and go home.
77 / N / FILLER4 / A “filler” question / 4. I like all or most of my teachers at high school.
78 / N / FILLER5 / A “filler” question / 5. I think all or most of my teachers like me.
79 / N / FILLER6 / A “filler” question / 6. I like working with most of the students in my classes at school.
80 / N / FILLER7 / A “filler” question / 7. I think most students in my classes like to work with me.
81 / N / WORTH8 / School work is worthwhile / 8. I usually try to listen to the teacher when I'm in a class at school.
82 / N / WORTH9 / School work is worthwhile / 9. I almost never cause a disruption in my classes.
83 / N / WORTH10 / School work is worthwhile / 10. If other students upset the teacher, I try to keep doing my work.
84 / N / PERSIS11 / Persistence at a task / 11. I like to keep working at an assignment or class exercise until it is finished.
85 / N / PERSIS12 / Persistence at a task / 12. I ask the teacher for help if I'm not sure what to do.
86 / N / PERSIS13 / Persistence at a task / 13. I don't mind doing homework each night.
87 / N / PERSIS14 / Persistence at a task / 14. I start work on my homework as soon as I can each night.
88 / N / PERSIS15 / Persistence at a task / 15. I always try to finish my homework before going to bed.
89 / N / PERSIS16 / Persistence at a task / 16. I like to finish everything I start - not just schoolwork.
90 / N / FILLER17 / A “filler” question / 17. I usually watch too much TV and don't get all my homework finished.
91 / N / GIFTED18 / Attitude to giftedness / 18. I sometimes don't work as hard as I should at school because I worry about what others think of me.
92 / N / FILLER19 / A “filler” question / 19. I work hard to please my parents.
93 / N / PERSIS20 / Persistence at a task / 20. I won't let anything stop me from becoming successful.
94 / N / PERSIS21 / Persistence at a task / 21. I will stay at school until I complete year 12.
95 / T / PARENT / Task persistence support - parents / P_ENCOUR / Who encourages you to do well at school? 1. Parents.
96 / T / ADULT / Task persistence support – other adults / A_ENCOUR / Who encourages you to do well at school? 2. Other adults you know.
97 / T / TEACHER / Task persistence support - teachers / T_ENCOUR / Who encourages you to do well at school? 3. Teachers at school.
98 / T / FRIEND / Task persistence support – school friends / F_ENCOUR / Who encourages you to do well at school? 4. School friends.
99 / T / SELF / Task persistence support – self talk / S_ENCOUR / Who encourages you to do well at school? 5. You.
100 / FINDER_A / Used for data matching / Used for sorting and finding data in Filemaker.
101 / FINDER_B / Used for data matching / Used for sorting and finding data in Filemaker.
102 / FINDER_C / Used for data matching / Used for sorting and finding data in Filemaker.
103 / FINDER_D / Used for data matching / Used for sorting and finding data in Filemaker.
104 / FINDER_E / Used for data matching / Used for sorting and finding data in Filemaker.
105 / FINDER_F / Used for data matching / Used for sorting and finding data in Filemaker.
106 / FINDER_G / Used for data matching / Used for sorting and finding data in Filemaker.
107 / FINDER_H / Used for data matching / Used for sorting and finding data in Filemaker.
108 / N / INTELL5 / Incremental or entity intelligence / 22. You have a certain amount of intelligence, and you really can't do much to change it.
109 / N / INTELL6 / Incremental or entity intelligence / 23. Your intelligence is something about you that you can't change very much.
110 / N / INTELL7 / Incremental or entity intelligence / 24. You can learn new things, but you can't really change your basic intelligence.
111 / N / INTELL8 / Incremental or entity intelligence / 25. No matter who you are, you can change your intelligence a lot.
112 / N / INTELL9 / Incremental or entity intelligence / 26. You can always greatly change how intelligent you are.
113 / N / INTELL10 / Incremental or entity intelligence / 27. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit.
114 / N / INTELL11 / Incremental or entity intelligence / 28. Choose the sentence that describes how you feel about your intelligence.
115 / N / INTELL12 / Incremental or entity intelligence / Now show how true the statement you chose is for you.
116 / N / INTELL13 / Incremental or entity intelligence / 29. Check the sentence that is most true for you.
117 / N / INTELL14 / Incremental or entity intelligence / Now show how true the statement you chose is for you.
118 / N / INTELL15 / Incremental or entity intelligence / 30. Check the sentence that is most true for you.
119 / N / INTELL16 / Incremental or entity intelligence / Now show how true the statement you chose is for you.
Descriptions of Variables in the SPSS File
