10932 Pine Street Telephone: (562) 493-9500
Los Alamitos, California 90720 FAX: (562) 493-6266
Regular Meeting of the Council
October 20, 2011
The Grand
4101 East Willow
Long Beach, California
A.Call to order by Bill Dabbs, President of the Council
B.Pledge of Allegiance
C.Roll Call
D.Adopt AgendaAction
E.Minutes of Previous Meeting
1.Council – April 14, 2011Action1E1
F.2010-2011 Distinguished Service and Hall of Fame AwardRob Wigod
A.Recognition of anyone wishing to address the Council.
Speakers must limit their remarks to three minutes.
A proposal will be forthcoming regarding Bylaw 206 B3. There is a perceived inequity with residential moves as a student completing a valid change has the option of ANY private school while they may only attend the public school that their address is within.
1.Reconsideration of Season of Sport – New Bylaw,STATE416
Section A Action/Exec.
Cmte. No Support
This proposal was one that was looked at last year. Sections “A” and “D” were brought back to the table for further review. If the Southern Section votes to reconsider this Bylaw, there should be direction for our state representatives on how to proceed at State Federated Council.
A motion was made and seconded to reconsider the proposal. That motion failed. (Meaning: the Southern Section is not in favor of reopening discussion on this item, however, if another Section does, our representatives will need to determine the Southern Section’s position on any amendments forwarded.
A motion was made and seconded to vote “no” on Section “A” as written. That motion was passed unanimously.
A motion was made and seconded to not support any amendments to this proposal. This motion was passed.
Section DAction/Exec.
Cmte. No Support
This part of the proposal dealt with scrimmages.
There was a motion and a second to NOT support part “D”. This motion passed unanimously.
2.Proposal from CIF State Executive CommitteeAction/Exec. STATE422
Regarding Bylaw 305 Home Study, Home SchoolingCmte. Supports
and Bylaw 306 Independent Study Programs/Schools
Item pulled by CIF State office.
3.2011-12 State CIF Budget RevisionAction**STATE423
There was a motion and a second to accept the revised CIF State Budget as presented. This motion was supported unanimously.
4.Revised Weighted Voting for 2011-12 perAction**STATE430
Article 1.103.
There was a motion and a second to accept the weighted voting allotments as presented in STATE430. This motion was supported.
1.Proposal from Baseball Advisory Committee regardingAction/Exec,SS420
Rule 1507 End of Competition to be presented by MattCmte. No Support
La Belle
Point of clarification - this proposal is a pilot program that will not go into effect until Spring of 2013 (typo in the paperwork). In addition, there will not be an adjustment in any current pitching guidelines. Again, finances were a large concern.
There was a motion and a second to support SS420. The motion failed 26-46
2. Proposal from Camino Del Rey Association regardingAction/Exec.SS421
Rules 1647 (Basketball) and 2417 (Soccer) Coach Ejection Cmte. No Support
to be presented by Dr. Merritt Hemenway
There was a motion and a second to support SS421. The motion failed.
1.Revision of Bylaws 206-209: Transfer EligibilityDiscuss**STATE431
More information is going to be forthcoming as the bylaws are under revision for consideration. There will be more to come at our February meeting.
2.Reformatting/Revision of Bylaws 200-217Discuss**STATE432
More information is going to be forthcoming as the bylaws are under revision for consideration. There will be more to come at our February meeting.
3.Revision of Bylaw 303.D: Small Learning Communities, Discuss**STATE433
Small Schools, Alternative Schools and Charter Schools
Housed on a Member School Campus
Allows students to “play where they are” so to speak. This proposal came via the San Francisco Section where student travel long distance across the bay to small learning communities daily. The current Bylaws require students to get back to their residential area to play for their neighborhood school which in some cases is impossible given they use public transit to commute. The dispensation proposed will allow those students a choice to be eligible at the public high school near where they are being educated or the school where the small learning community is housed.
1.Proposal from Southwestern League regarding the State DiscussSS426
Football Bowl Game Format to be presented by Ray Moore
Football advisory committee unanimously supports this change. The current structure doesn’t allow as many schools to participate. This allows for every section to have representation in the State Bowl format while not extending the season an extra week.
2.Proposal from the Moore League regarding Bylaw 3200.2,DiscussSS427
3200.1, 3200.1.1 – All Playoffs Managed by Commissioner
to be presented by Lisa Ulmer
This proposal is being researched further. There is a lot of consideration that needs to be given to a format change with studies being incorporated to find the correct formulation. The Southern Section staff will assist in a further study of such a change.
3.Proposal from the Trinity League regarding Bylaw 200, 206,DiscussSS428
207, 208 and 510 and the wording “Athletically Motivated
Transfer” and “Transferring for Athletic Reasons” to be
presented by Michael Brennan
This proposal would take all language referencing “athletic motivation” out of our Bylaws. Despite being a proposal brought forth by a league comprised of private high schools, the notion exists that this affects both private and public schools. “Athletic Motivation” is a difficult thing to prove. “Undue Influence” is a more measurable entity that exists to keep coaches/others from encouraging students to make transfer decisions for athletic as opposed to academic reasons. “Athletic Motivation” is difficult to define. Motivation is difficult to show. Clarification was offered reminding council this is a CIF State Bylaw. Voting in favor or in opposition of this bylaw will allow our representatives to present this at the State level for further review.
4.Proposal from Boys and Girls Tennis Advisory CommitteeDiscussSS429
regarding Bylaw 2706, End of Competition to be presented
by Howie Farer
The State implemented a Regional tournament in the sport of tennis. Unfortunately there was a calendar conflict given the Southern Sections current calendar. The State tournament schedule finished long before our tennis championship tournaments. Instead of starting tennis two weeks earlier in each respective season, supporting this proposal would allow us to conduct our individual tennis championships AFTER the Team State Regional tournament commences.
A.Governance Task Force Report Gary Smidderks
The Section is encouraged to provide leadership and innovation in the transitions that are coming forth with state issues. Instead of voting “no” for state issues with no solution, propose palatable change that can satisfy the needs of all sections. Kudos were given to Ray Moore for his league’s offering of an alternative to the State Bowl proposal we are faced with currently. Their proposal satisfies the want for statewide participation without adding the extra week of play.
A.President’s ReportBill Dabbs
Mr. Dabbs echoed the need for solutions to state proposals that we do not support. He also commended the San Luis Obispo area for their community support of a football player and his family after a serious injury was sustained during a game. High School athletics is a great time to personify character and the community.
B.Commissioner’s ReportRob Wigod
All Fall Workshops have been completed by staff. Directories have been completed and sent to schools. An Athletic Trainers Committee and Technology Committee have been added to the CIF’s advisory list of offerings. Prep Zone has been a great way to highlight high school sport and fantastic stories of its participants. The Champions for Character Award dinner is coming up on Monday (October 24th) at the Queen Mary. We are excited to honor all who exemplify Victory with Honor in our Section.
C.Treasurer’s ReportReggie Thompkins
2010-2011 audit is complete with the final read at the November Executive Committee Meeting. Only 14 schools have outstanding dues.
1.October 24, 2011 – CIF Southern Section Champions for Character Seventh Annual Award Dinner, The Queen Mary, Queen’s Salon, 6:00 p.m.
2.November 3, 2011 – CIF Southern Section Executive Committee Meeting via teleconference,
1:30 p.m.
3.January 14, 2012 – CIF Southern Section Executive Committee Meeting, Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel, Palm Springs, California, 8:30 a.m.
4.February 2, 2012 – CIF Southern Section Council Meeting, The Grand, Long Beach, California, 9:00 a.m.
A.Time of adjournment 12:13p.m.