Table S1 Name, acronym and accession numbers of begomoviruses used for sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis
Virus name / Acronym / Accession Number (DNA-A) / Accession number (DNA-B)Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus-[BR:BA] / AbMBV-[BR:BA] / FN434438 / FN434439
Abutilon mosaic virus - [Germany] / AbMV-[DE] / X15983 / -
Abutilon mosaic virus - [United States:Hawaii] / AbMV-[US:Haw] / U51137 / U51138
African cassava mosaicvirus - [Nigeria] / ACMV-[NG] / X17096 / X17095
Beancalicomosaicvirus -[Mexico:Sonora:1986] / BCaMV-[MX:Son:86] / AF110189 / AF110190
Cabbage leaf curl virus - [Jamaica:Douglas Castle:2005] / CabLCV-[JM:DC:05] / DQ178612 / n.a
Chino del tomate virus - Tomato [Mexico:Sinaloa IC:1983] / CdTV-To[MX:SinIC:83] / AF101476 / AF101478
Corchorus golden mosaic virus -[Vietnam:Hanoi:2005] / CoGMV-[VN:Han:05] / DQ641688 / DQ641689
Corchorus golden mosaic virus - [India:Barrackpore:2007] / CoGMV-[IN:Bar:07] / EU636712 / FJ455448
Corchorus golden mosaic virus - [India:Barrackpore 2:2009] / CoGMV-[IN:Bar2:09] / FJ790326 / FJ790327
Corchorus golden mosaic virus - [India:Bahraich:2008] / CoGMV-[IN:Bah:08] / FJ463902 / FJ463901
Corchorus golden mosaic virus - [India:Barrackpore 2:2008] / CoGMV-[IN:Bar2:08] / GQ183863 / GQ183864
Corchorus mottle virus- -[BR:PE:SJM:08] / CoMoV-[BR:PE:SJM:08] / JQ805781 / JQ805780
Corchorus yellow spot virus - [Mexico:Yucatan:2005] / CoYSV-[MX:Yuc:05] / DQ875868 / DQ875869
Corchorus yellow vein Vietnam virus - [Vietnam:Hoa Binh:2000] / CoYVV-[VN:Hoa:00] / AY727903 / AY727904
Cotton leaf crumple virus - Arizona [United States:Arizona:1991] / CLCrV-AZ[US:Ari:91] / AY083350 / n.a
Cucurbit leaf crumple virus - [United States:California:1998] / CuLCrV-[US:Cal:98] / AF224760 / AF224761
Desmodium leaf distortion virus - [Mexico:Yucatan:2005] / DesLDV-[MX:Yuc:05] / DQ875870 / DQ875871
Euphorbiamosaicvirus - [Mexico:Jalasco:Pepper:2005] / EuMV-[MX:Jal:Pep:05] / DQ520942 / n.a
Malvastrumyellowmosaic Jamaica virus - [Jamaica:9bA43:2003] / MaYMJV-[JM:9bA43:03] / FJ600482 / -
Okra mottle virus - [Brazil:6319:2008] / OMoV-[BR:6319:08] / EU914817 / -
Okramottlevirus - [Brazil:SantoAntonio de Goias 8:Soy:2008] / OMoV-[BR:Sag8:Sb:08] / FJ686695 / -
OkrayellowmosaicMexicovirus - [Sida] / OYMMV-[Sida] / GU990613 / -
Okra yellow mosaic Mexico virus - [USA:Texas] / OYMMV-[USA:Texas] / HM035059 / HM035060
Okrayellowmottle Iguala virus - [Mexico:Iguala] / OYMoIgV-[MX:Igu] / AY751753 / n.a
Pepper golden mosaic virus - United States [United States:Distortion:1987] / PepGMV-US[US:Dis:87] / AY928514 / AY928515
PotatoyellowmosaicPanamavirus - [Panama:Divisa:Tomato:1996] / PYMPV-[PA:Div:Tom:96] / Y15034 / Y15033
Rhynchosia golden mosaic Yucatan virus - [Mexico:Desmodium:C6:2008] / RhGMSiV-[MX:Desm:C6:08] / GQ352453 / n.a
Sida common mosaicvirus - [Brazil:Coi4:2007] / SiCMV-[BR:Coi4:07] / EU710751 / n.a
Sida goldenmosaic Florida virus – [Cuba:Havana:Malvastrum:123:2009] / SiGMFlV - [CU:Hav:Mal:123:09] / HM359015 / -
Sida goldenmosaic Honduras virus - [Honduras] / SiGMHV-[HN] / Y11097 / Y11098
Sida golden mosaic virus - [United States:Florida] / SiGMV-[US:Flo] / AF049336 / AF039841
Sida golden mottle virus - [USA:Bran:Flo] / SiGMoV-[USA:Bran:Flo] / GU997691 / GU997692
Sida micranthamosaicvirus - [Brazil:A2B2] / SiMMV-[BR:A2B2] / AJ557451 / AJ557453
Sida micranthamosaicvirus – [Mato Grosso do Sul2:2007] / SiMMV-[BR:MGS:2:2007] / FN436005 / FN436006
Sida mosaic Brazil virus / SiMBV-[BR] / FN436001 / FN436002
Sida mottlevirus - Micrantha [Brazil:A1B3] / SiMoV-Mic[BR:A1B3] / AJ557450 / AJ557454
Sida mottlevirus - Micrantha [Brazil:São Paulo 77:2008] / SiMoV-Mic[BR:SP77:08] / FN557522 / FN557523
Sida mottlevirus - Rhombifolia [Brazil:Vicosa 1:1999] / SiMoV-Rho[BR:Vic1:99] / AY090555 / n.a
Sida yellow leaf curl virus - [Brazil:Coi3:2007] / SiYLCV-[BR:Coi3:07] / EU710750 / n.a
Sida yellowmosaicvirus - [Brazil:Vicosa 2:1999] / SiYMV-[BR:Vic2:99] / AY090558 / n.a
Sida yellowmosaicYucatanvirus - [Mexico:Yucatan:2005] / SiYMYuV-[MX:Yuc:05] / DQ875872 / DQ875873
Soybean blistering mosaic virus - [Argentina:NOA:2005] / SbBMV-[AR:NOA:05] / EF016486 / n.a
Tobacco leaf curl Cuba virus - [Cuba:Taguasco:2005] / TbLCuCV-[CU:Tag:05] / AM050143 / n.a
Tobacco leaf rugose virus - [Cuba:Havana:2007] / TbLRV-[CU:Hav:07] / AJ488768 / n.a
Tomato chlorotic mottle virus - Bahia [Brazil:Seabra 1:1996] / ToCMoV-BA-[BR:Sea1:96] / AF490004 / AF491306
Tomato common mosaic virus - [Brazil:Coi22:2007] / ToCMMV-[BR:Coi22:07] / EU710754 / EU710755
Tomato golden mosaic virus - [Brazil:Common:1984] / TGMV-[BR:Com:84] / K02029 / K02030
Tomato golden mottle virus - [Mexico:Rioverde:2005] / ToGMoV-[MX:Rio:05] / EF501976 / n.a
Tomato leaf distortion virus - [Brazil:Pda4:2005] / ToLDV-[BR:Pda4:05] / EU710749 / n.a
Tomatomildmosaicvirus - [Brazil:Pda 58:2005] / ToMMV-[BR:Pda58:05] / EU710752 / EU710753
TomatomildyellowleafcurlAraguavirus - [Venezuela:10:2003] / ToMYLCV-[VE:10:03] / AY927277 / EF547938
Tomato mottle Taino virus - [Cuba] / ToMoTaV-[CU] / AF012300 / AF012301
Tomato mottle virus - [PR:2004] / ToMoV-[PR:04] / AY965900 / -
Tomatorugosemosaicvirus - [Brazil:Uberlandia 1:1996] / ToRMV-[BR:Ube1:96] / AF291705 / -
Tomatosevereleafcurlvirus – Guatemala [Mexico:Rioverde 1:2005] / ToSLCV-GT[MX:Rio1:05] / DQ347946 / n.a
Tomato yellow distortion leaf virus - [Cuba:Nicotiana benthamiana:EF5N:2007] / ToYDLV-[CU:Nben:EF5N:07] / n.a / FJ999999
Tomato yellow distortion leaf virus - [Cuba:5E17:2007] / ToYDLV-[CU:5E17:07] / FJ174698 / n.a
Tomato yellow spot virus - [Brazil:Bicas 2:1999] / ToYSV-[BR:Bic2:99] / DQ336350 / DQ336351
Wissadula golden mosaic virus -[Jamaica:St Thomas:2005] / WGMV-[JM:StT:05] / DQ395343 / -
a-: Not used
bn.a: Not available