Martha Raup 10/24/09 CIS 52a

Problem 1:
<?php$variables = "variables";
$myText = <myHereDoc
This is some PHP text.
It is completely free.
I can use "double quotes"
and 'single quotes',
plus $variables too, which will
be properly converted to their values.
<b>Even <span style="color: red">HTML tags</span> work!</b>
And I can write myHereDoc, as long as it
is not alone on a line, like this:</pre>
echo $myText;

Problem 2:
function printBR($txt) {
echo $txt."<br />";
$myString = "Hi, welcome to my page!";
$myBoolean = true;
$myDouble = 4.234;
$myInteger = 3;
printBR("My string is: ".$myString.", and it's type is: ".gettype($myString));
printBR("My Boolean is: ".$myBoolean.", and it's type is: ".gettype($myBoolean));
printBR("My double is: ".$myDouble.", and it's type is: ".gettype($myDouble));
printBR("My integer is: ".$myInteger.", and it's type is: ".gettype($myInteger));
printBR("My null is: ".$nyNull.", and it's type is: ".gettype($myNull));


Problem 3:
$fixedRateMortgage = 5.03;
$homeEquity = 8.49;
$autoLoan = 7.33;
$cdInterest = 1.28;
echo "30 year fixed rate mortgage loan: ".$fixedRateMortgage."%. This figure is of the '".gettype($fixedRateMortgage)."' data type.<br />";
echo "30 year home equity loan: ".$homeEquity."%. This figure is of the '".gettype($homeEquity)."' data type.<br />";
echo "48 month new auto loan: ".$autoLoan."%. This figure is of the '".gettype($autoLoan)."' data type.<br />";
echo "6 month CD interest rate: ".$cdInterest."%. This figure is of the '".gettype($cdInterest)."' data type.<br />";
echo (strtoupper("source:"))." <a href=\"\"></a>, as of 10/15/09";

Problem 4:
$testValue = $_POST['inputValue'];
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
<p>Enter a value here:<br />
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]?>" method="post" />
<input type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" name="inputValue" />
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" />
</form<br />
Press the &quot;Submit&quot; button to evaluate the input using the PHP conditional (ternary) operator.
} elseif (($testValue !==0) & ($testValue !=="")) {

echo "Hello. Welcome to Martha's test of the ternary operator."."<br />";
echo "The value you submitted was: ".$testValue.".<br />";
echo (is_numeric($testValue) ? "The value entered is a number." :
(is_double($testValue)) & ((round($testValue)%2)==0)) ? "The number '".round($testValue)."' (rounded) is even." : "The value you entered is NOT a number!";


Problem 5:

$fTemp = 0;

while ($fTemp <= 100) {

$cTemp = ($fTemp - 32) * .55;

echo $fTemp." Fahrenheit is equal to ".$cTemp." Celsius<br />";




Problem 6:
for ($fTemp = 0; $fTemp <= 100; $fTemp++) {
$cTemp = ($fTemp - 32)*.55;
echo $fTemp." Fahrenheit is equal to ".$cTemp." Celsius.<br />";

Problem 7:
$test1 = $_POST['grade1'];
$test2 = $_POST['grade2'];
$test3 = $_POST['grade3'];
$total = $test1 + $test2 + $test3;
$average = ($total / 3);
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
<form action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>" method="post">
<p>Grade test #1
<input type="text" size="4px" maxlength="3px" name="grade1" />
Grade test #2
<input type="text" size="4px" maxlength="3px" name="grade2" />
Grade test #3
<input type="text" size="4px" maxlength="3px" name="grade3" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" />
<p>Please enter your most recent scores on tests, using numbers between 0 and 100.
Then, press the Submit button to calculate your grade.</p>
} else {
echo (!is_numeric($test1)) ? "Please enter a legitimate grade score." : "You entered ".$test1.", "
.$test2.", and ".$test3.".<br >The total grade point was: ".$total.", and the average grade point was: "
.round($average).".<br />";
if (($average >90) & ($average < 100)) {
echo "<h1>Congratulations! You've got an 'A'!</h1>";
} elseif (($average>80) & ($average < 89)) {
echo "<h2>You got a B - Keep up the good work!</h2>";
} elseif (($average > 70) & ($average < 79)) {
echo "<h3>You got a C, which is just 'average'. Surely you can do better!</h3>";
} elseif (($average > 60) & ($average < 69)) {
echo "<h4>Whoops - you got a D. Get with the program!</h4>";
} elseif (($average > 0) & ($average < 59)) {
echo "<h5 style='color:red'>Too bad - you got an F, and ".strtoupper("You are flunking!!")
} else {
echo "You did not follow directions!";

Problem 8:

function createTable() {

// Set up variables













// create outer table

echo "<table style=\"border: 1px solid black; background-color:#99F\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"4\">";

echo "<tr style=\"text-align:center\"<td colspan=\"4\">Random Heads and Tails</td</tr>";

echo "<tr style=\"background-color:white;\"<td>Persons<td>Evens</td<td>Odds</td<td>RAND TOTAL</td</tr>";

for ($rows=1; $rows<=10;$rows++) {

echo "<tr style='color: white; text-align: center;'> \n";

echo "<td>Person ".$personCount."</td<td>".$randEven."</td<td>".$randOdd."</td<td>".$randTotal."</td>";

echo "</tr>";



echo "<tr style='color: red; text-align: center;' <td>TOTALS</td<td>".$randEvenTotal."</td<td>".$randOddTotal."</td<td>".$grandTotal."</td</tr>";

echo "<tr style='color: black; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;'>";

echo "<td>AVERAGES</td<td>".$randEvenAve."</td<td>".$randOddAve."</td<td>".$grandTotalAve."</td</tr>";






// an attempt at "mathematical" constructs

function doRandomCoinToss() {

$random = rand(100, 150); // Thanks to Henri

if ($random%2==0) {


} else {




/* ROTTEN CODE! Illegal to have a boolean??

function getRandomCount() {

$randEvenCount = 0;

$randOddCount = 0;


if ($randEvenCount < 2) & ($randOddCount < 2) {


} else break;

while ($randEvenCount < 2) {



while $randOddCount < 2) {





function getRandTotal() {

for ($personCount=1; $personCount <= 10; $personCount++) {

$randTotal = $randEventCount + $randOddCount;

return $randTotal;



function totalRandCounts() {


for ($personCount=1; $personCount <= 10; $personCount++) {

$grandTotal += $randTotal;

return $grandTotal;



function getAverages() {

$averageEven = (randEvenCount / 10);

$averageOdd = (randEvenCount / 10);

$averageRandTotal = ($grandTotal / 10);

$randEvenAve = $averageEven;

$randOddAve = $averageOdd;

$randTotalAve = $averageRandTotal;




Problem 9:

<form name="favoriteCity" action="lab1_9-switch.php" method="post">


<legend>Choose Your Favorite City</legend>

<input name='selectedCity' type='radio' value='sf' /> San Francisco<br />

<input name='selectedCity' type='radio' value='ny' />New York<br />

<input name='selectedCity' type='radio'value='london' />London<br />

<input name='selectedCity' type='radio' value='paris' />Paris<br />

<input name='selectedCity' type='radio' value='honolulu' />Honolulu<br />

<input name='selectedCity' type='radio' value='tokyo' />Tokyo<br />


<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$selected_radio = $_POST['selectedCity'];
switch ($selected_radio) {
case "sf":
echo "Don't forget your umbrella!";
case "ny":
echo "Enjoy the Big Apple!";
case "london":
echo "Cheerio, Chap!";
case "paris":
echo "Bonjour!";
case "honolulu":
echo "Hang Five!";
case "tokyo":
echo "Enjoy the sushi!";

Problem 10:

function getMoney($euros) {

$euros = $_POST['euros'];

return $euros;


function converter($euros) {


settype ($euros, float);

$dollars = ((149.08 * $euros)/100);

$dollars = round($dollars, 2);

return $dollars;


if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {


<p>Hello, Traveler! How many Euros did <?php echo strtoupper("you") ?> spend in Germany?<br />

<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post" />

<input type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" name="euros" /&nbsp;&nbsp;

<input type="submit" value="Convert Euros" name="submit" /</form</p>


} elseif (( $euros !== 0) || ($euros !== '')) {

echo "The exchange rate on 10/17/09: $100 is worth 67.08 Euros, and &euro;100 is worth 149.08 dollars.<br />";

echo "The formula for converting Euros to dollars, therefore, is &euro;1 = \$1.4908.<br /<br />";

echo "You spent &euro;".getMoney($euros)." Euros in Germany, which is the equivalent of $".converter($_POST["euros"])." in American money. Hope you enjoyed your trip!!";

} else {

echo "Sorry, you did not complete the form properly.";



Problem 11:

$string = "This is the string to convert. Oh My!";

function converter($conversionMethod, $string) {

strtoupper($string)== "upper" ; // error message when i use "unexpected" = assignment operator. WHY????

strtolower($string) == "lower";

ucFirst($string) =="title";

ucWords($string) =="words";


echo "This is the string to convert: ".$string."<br />";

echo "This is the string converted to all upper capitalization: ".converter($string, "upper")."<br />";

echo "This is the string converted to all lower capitalization: ".converter( $string,"lower")."<br />";

echo "This is the string converted to a title format: ".converter($string, "title")."<br />";

echo "This is the string converted to each word capitalized: ".converter($string, "words")."<br />";


function titleConverter($title, $string) {


echo $string;


function txt2upper($upper, $string) {

echo strtoupper($string);


function txt2lower($lower, $string) {

echo strtolower($string);


function firstWordConvert($first, $string) {

echo ucfirst($string);



