COMAR Deskbook Order Form

This Deskbook is designed to make accessing the State’s Administrative Code easier. This title gives the researcher a tool from which they can access the entire Administrative Code.

This reference work is divided into several sections which are designed to serve a wide set of needs.

There are four major sections of this work. The first is the listing of titles and regulation titles. The Deskbook list only those sections of the administrative code that appears in the Register, giving that resource extra added value. This gives single volume access to this multi-volume set. The cite form is dictated by the Code.

The second section gives a history of the supplements that have contributed to the code being built. The third section is the code authority section, which is designed to provide access to agencies that enact the rules and regulations.

The final section is a unique index to the Administrative Regulations. This is a regulation level index that code accessible in key word form.

This publication is designed making access the State’s Administrative Code as easy as possible. Remember this is only a tool for aiding in researching the law. It is not meant to be the end all to using the code, but a starting point.

The Deskbook comes as a loose-leaf reference tool that is updated every six months. This update takes into account all the changes that have appeared in that time period and incorporates into all sections.

The cost is $85.00 for the first shipment and the updates come automatically every six months at about $60.00 per update.

If you have ever attempted to locate an elusive Code cite, this tool could be just what you need. It can give real value to those shelves of COMAR your library houses.


Yes, Please send me the COMAR Deskbook, enclosed is $85.00 each

(Includes postage and handling)

Send to: R.T. Associates, P.O. Box 3428, LaVale, Maryland21504

(Private MD Companies add 5% MD Sales Tax, $4.25)

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Fed ID #219568125 No. of Copies ______Amount Enclosed ______