KINDERGARTEN – Social Studies Standards

My World and Me, Harcourt Brace Social Studies, Kindergarten

Vocabulary: address, alike, apartment, calendar, change, choice, citizen, city, clothing, community, continent, desert, Earth, family, flag, food, friends, future, globe, holiday, island, map, month, mountain, mountain range, needs, neighbor, neighborhood, ocean, past, place, planet, present, river, school, season, services, shelter, symbol, time line, tomorrow, wants, weather, week, world, year, yesterday.

Strand / Sub-Strand / Standards / Benchmarks / Examples
I.U.S. HISTORY / A. Family Life Today and In The Past / The student will understand how families live today and in earlier times, recognizing that some aspects change over time while others stay the same. /
  • Students will compare family life in his or her community from earlier times and today.
  • Discuss how, for families, the following things have changed from the past to the present: transportation, communication, kitchens, schooling, etc. May want to focus on how things are different, and what has remained the same, from the time when their parents or grandparents were children.
•Old Store, New Store, HM, SS Leveled Reader
IV.HISTORICAL SKILLS / A. Concepts of Time / The student will demonstrate chronological thinking. /
  • Students will define and use terms for concepts of historical time.
  • Lots of talk about yesterday, today, and tomorrow; past, present and future; chronology of days of the week, months of the year, seasons.
  • Construct lots of time lines: events in a day, week or month. Classify photographs or pictures by categories: pictures taken a long time ago, those taken not so long ago, and those that could have been taken today.

IV.HISTORICAL SKILLS / B. Historical Resources / The student will understand that we can learn about the past from different sorts of evidence. /
  • Students will compare different kinds of historical sources and describe the different sorts of information the sources provide.
  • Students learn about (and make inferences about) the past by studying artifacts from a different time: toys, dolls, books, tools, etc.
• Old Store, New Store, HM, SS Leveled Reader
V.GEOGRAPHY / A. Concepts of Location / The student will use directional and positional words to locate and describe people, places and things. /
  • Students will describe the location of people, places and things by using positional words
  • Students will explain that an address locates a specific place.
  • Near/far, above/below, left/right, behind/in front
  • Street address, apartment number, classroom number

V.GEOGRAPHY / C. Physical Features and Processes / The student will distinguish between physical and human-made features of places on the Earth’s surface. /
  • Students will name and locate physical features of the United States, including places about which they have read.
  • Deserts, mountain ranges, rivers, oceans, Great Lakes
• ON Earth, K. SS Leveled Reader
V.GEOGRAPHY / B. Maps and Globes / The student will use and create maps and globes to locate people, places and things. /
  • Students will locate places by using simple maps, and understand that maps are drawings of locations and places as viewed from above.
  • Find their desk in a map of their classroom

VI.ECONOMICS / A. Economic Choices / The student will understand that economic choices are necessary in life. /
  • Students will identify the difference between basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter) and wants (things people would like to have).
. /
  • Food vs. video game

VII.GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP / A. Civic Values, Skills, Rights and Responsibilitis / The student will describe civic values, rights and responsibilities in a republic. /
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of civic values that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life.
  • Introduction of rights and responsibilities; connections and cooperation with others in classroom and school.
•At Home and At School, SS Leveled Reader
•Our Classroom, SS Leveled Reader
VII.GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP / B. Beliefs and Principles of United States Democracy / The student will understand the role of government, rules, and law and why we have them. /
  • Students will give examples of rules in the classroom/school and community.
  • Personal and group safety, promote positive classroom environment, promote fairness, respect, etc.
•At Home and At School, SS Leveled Reader
•Our Classroom, SS Leveled Reader
VII.GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP / B. Beliefs and Principles of United States Democracy / The student will know key symbols, songs and locations that represent our nation and state. /
  • Students will recognize the symbols, songs, locations that uniquely identify our nation.
  • Students will describe key national holidays and explain why people celebrate them.
  • U.S. flag, the bald eagle, the National Anthem.
  • Students will learn about Thanksgiving –its history, purpose and meaning.
•Our Flag, SS Leveled Reader
•Our Money, SS Leveled Reader
Kindergarten Social Studies StandardsPage 1