KINDERGARTEN – Social Studies Standards
My World and Me, Harcourt Brace Social Studies, Kindergarten
Vocabulary: address, alike, apartment, calendar, change, choice, citizen, city, clothing, community, continent, desert, Earth, family, flag, food, friends, future, globe, holiday, island, map, month, mountain, mountain range, needs, neighbor, neighborhood, ocean, past, place, planet, present, river, school, season, services, shelter, symbol, time line, tomorrow, wants, weather, week, world, year, yesterday.
Strand / Sub-Strand / Standards / Benchmarks / ExamplesI.U.S. HISTORY / A. Family Life Today and In The Past / The student will understand how families live today and in earlier times, recognizing that some aspects change over time while others stay the same. /
- Students will compare family life in his or her community from earlier times and today.
- Discuss how, for families, the following things have changed from the past to the present: transportation, communication, kitchens, schooling, etc. May want to focus on how things are different, and what has remained the same, from the time when their parents or grandparents were children.
IV.HISTORICAL SKILLS / A. Concepts of Time / The student will demonstrate chronological thinking. /
- Students will define and use terms for concepts of historical time.
- Lots of talk about yesterday, today, and tomorrow; past, present and future; chronology of days of the week, months of the year, seasons.
- Construct lots of time lines: events in a day, week or month. Classify photographs or pictures by categories: pictures taken a long time ago, those taken not so long ago, and those that could have been taken today.
IV.HISTORICAL SKILLS / B. Historical Resources / The student will understand that we can learn about the past from different sorts of evidence. /
- Students will compare different kinds of historical sources and describe the different sorts of information the sources provide.
- Students learn about (and make inferences about) the past by studying artifacts from a different time: toys, dolls, books, tools, etc.
V.GEOGRAPHY / A. Concepts of Location / The student will use directional and positional words to locate and describe people, places and things. /
- Students will describe the location of people, places and things by using positional words
- Students will explain that an address locates a specific place.
- Near/far, above/below, left/right, behind/in front
- Street address, apartment number, classroom number
V.GEOGRAPHY / C. Physical Features and Processes / The student will distinguish between physical and human-made features of places on the Earth’s surface. /
- Students will name and locate physical features of the United States, including places about which they have read.
- Deserts, mountain ranges, rivers, oceans, Great Lakes
V.GEOGRAPHY / B. Maps and Globes / The student will use and create maps and globes to locate people, places and things. /
- Students will locate places by using simple maps, and understand that maps are drawings of locations and places as viewed from above.
- Find their desk in a map of their classroom
VI.ECONOMICS / A. Economic Choices / The student will understand that economic choices are necessary in life. /
- Students will identify the difference between basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter) and wants (things people would like to have).
- Food vs. video game
VII.GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP / A. Civic Values, Skills, Rights and Responsibilitis / The student will describe civic values, rights and responsibilities in a republic. /
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of civic values that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life.
- Introduction of rights and responsibilities; connections and cooperation with others in classroom and school.
•Our Classroom, SS Leveled Reader
VII.GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP / B. Beliefs and Principles of United States Democracy / The student will understand the role of government, rules, and law and why we have them. /
- Students will give examples of rules in the classroom/school and community.
- Personal and group safety, promote positive classroom environment, promote fairness, respect, etc.
•Our Classroom, SS Leveled Reader
VII.GOVERNMENT AND CITIZENSHIP / B. Beliefs and Principles of United States Democracy / The student will know key symbols, songs and locations that represent our nation and state. /
- Students will recognize the symbols, songs, locations that uniquely identify our nation.
- Students will describe key national holidays and explain why people celebrate them.
- U.S. flag, the bald eagle, the National Anthem.
- Students will learn about Thanksgiving –its history, purpose and meaning.
•Our Money, SS Leveled Reader