PeulatErev – July 31
Theme of peulah:Reut (friendship)
Location: Beit Am Gadol!
Goals: Meet and become more comfortable with people in other tzrifim, work together as a kevutzah, (#HaveKef)
-Construction paper
-Loud speakers
There are 4 groups of chanichim (half-staff, 2 counselors in each group).
Beit am Gadol is a Farm and each group is a different animal.
Madrichim are the farmers/shepherds and chanichim are the animals.
1) Start with the Edah song (Sheets!) (4 Minutes) sing through it twice
2) Big circle and playing game of the animals (In Hebrew - Ori will lead). (2-3 Minutes)
Separate and read off the groups. Each group is a different animal. (2-3 Minutes)
Each group will practice their noise/motion in their group.
- Cow
- Chicken
- Goat
- Horse
3) Friendship chain:In the 4 groups:Each chanich is given a piece of construction paper. On their paper, they write what they think is the most important quality in a friend. When every chanich is done writing, madrichim will help them staple the papers together to form a chain/line. (We will then hang them up in the moadon in a chain.) (5-7 Minutes)
4) Freeze dance:All together: play music and chanichim must dance as their animal and make the noise of that animal. When the music is paused, everyone must freeze until the music is played again. Madrichim will dance with them and make sure they are following rules. – Competition of which animal is dancing the best. (7 minutes)
5) Shepherds and Animals (Sharks and Minnows FARM EDITION) All together
The madrichim are in the center (half court) of the BAG, they are shepherds. All the chanichim are on one side all standing against the wall. When Ori says the phrase in Hebrew, all chanichim run in a straight line from one side of the BAG to the other side (trying not to get tagged by Madrichim). The madrichim/shepherds in the middle must tag as many chanichim as they can. If a chanich is tagged, they become a shepherd and stand in the middle with the madrichim. (Play a few rounds depending on timing of Peulaterev)