IBHOTA Summer Assignment
· You will be required to write ONE paper and complete ONE annotated bibliography.
· You will select ONE topic from EACH of Civil Rights in the Americas and Cold War and the Americas topics below, remember ONE from EACH topic
· If you choose an essay from Civil Rights, you do an annotated bibliography for the Cold War; if you do an annotated bibliography from Civil Rights, you do an essay from the Cold War
Civil Rights in the Americas:
· The First Nations Peoples of Canada have received more fair opportunities from the Canadian government when compared to the United States Native Americans. Assess the validity of the statement.
· Civil protest and peaceful demonstration have been more successful than legislation and the court system in altering the condition of minorities in America. Restrict your answer to the time period of 1940-1980. Assess the validity of the statement.
· The tactics of the Black Power movement were a reasonable response to the challenges of the Civil Rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s in the United States. Assess the validity of the statement.
· Were 2nd Wave feminist movements in the United States more successful compared to ONE Latin American country?
· Was the Bracero program (1942-1964) THE MOST important significant immigration program developed by the United States government regarding our Southern neighbors?
· Was the counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s more a reaction to the conformity of the 1950s, or was it more clearly tied to protest of the Vietnam War?
Cold War and the Americas:
· Were the social costs of stifling conformity and Communist witch hunts worth the political gains garnered from the Containment policy? Restrict your answers to effects on the American home front.
· Was the Korean War an appropriate application of the containment policy?
· What were the origins of the New Look foreign policy and was its application successful?
· The Vietnam War was an overt demonstration of the futility of the American policy of containment and an indictment of American efforts at hegemony. Discuss.
· Evaluate the opinion that the CIA was more destructive to long term American interests in Latin America than they were helpful. Limit your examination to 2 nations.
· Research paper requirements: 1250 words. MLA format. Peer reviewed sources.
· An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
· In the world of IB History, this is often manifested in a discussion that you will hear often, OPCVL. With respect to Origin, Purpose and Content, what is the Value and what are the Limitations of the particular source you are evaluation
· You MUST use peer reviewed sources to complete this. These can be found in the Galileo database through the Cobb Digital Library as well as a number of other repositories.
· Please reference the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website for assistance with proper citation. Please use MLA format.