Pacific Highway upgrade – Sapphire to Woolgoolga
Proposed temporary changed access arrangements at Moonee Beach Road, Moonee Beach
Dear resident
Roads and Maritime Services has engaged Leighton Contractors and Fulton Hogan to design and build the 25 kilometre Sapphire to Woolgoolga Pacific Highway upgrade.
In September 2013, the Moonee Beach overpass was opened to traffic from the local service road to the north and from Moonee Beach Road. The new southbound off-ramp from the Pacific Highway also was opened and the existing left turn from the Pacific Highway into the access road south of the Moonee Beach shopping centre closed.
In November 2013, the local service road from Maccues Road to the Moonee Beach overpass was opened, completing the service road links to the overpass and Moonee Beach.
It is now planned to open the southbound on-ramp of the Moonee Beach interchange.
This will occur in two stages:
1) On Sunday 2 February 2014, weather permitting, the right turn in and right turn out of the access road south of the Moonee Beach shopping centre will be closed. The intersection will become a left-out only, which is the main traffic movement at this intersection.
Northbound traffic on the highway will be able to access Moonee Beach via the intersection of the highway and Wakelands Road and the local service road to the overpass. If northbound motorists miss this opportunity, they will still be able to access Moonee Beach via the intersection of the highway and Bucca Road and the local service road to the overpass. Traffic from Moonee Beach wanting to travel north on the highway will be able to access the highway via the overpass and heading north along the local service road to the intersection of the highway and Bucca Road.
2) On Tuesday 4 February 2014, weather permitting, the intersection of the access road south of the Moonee Beach shopping centre will be permanently closed and the southbound on-ramp opened.
The completion of the northbound on and off-ramps of the interchange is expected to occur in mid-2014, weather permitting.
Plans showing the temporary changed traffic arrangements are enclosed.
Preparation work including blacking out of existing linemarking, new linemarking and moving of concrete barriers will take place out of hours between 6pm and 7am to minimise traffic impacts on nights prior to the stages.
Traffic management and electronic signs will be used to advise motorists of changed conditions. We apologise for any inconvenience this work may cause and appreciate the patience of residents.
If you would like further information about the temporary changed access arrangements or the Sapphire to Woolgoolga upgrade project, please contact the community relations team on 1800 63 63 63 (toll-free).
Yours faithfully
Andrew McRae, Project Director, Leighton Fulton Hogan Joint Venture
Roads and Maritime Services
Sapphire to Woolgoolga upgrade
PO Box 9090, Moonee Beach NSW 2450
I T 1800 63 63 63 I F 02 93536015
This project is funded by the Federal and State Governments.