Gifted Program @ Calhoun CountyCareer Tech
1200 Church Ave.SE Jacksonville, AL36265
Teachers: Melba Phillips, Laurinda Watson, John Moore, Sharon Shaw
Dear Gifted Parents and Students:
Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year in the Calhoun County Gifted Program! Our office and all our classes for gifted students in grades 3-8 will take place at the Calhoun County Career Tech Center. Your child will be bused to our location once a week for gifted services. We have a space to call our own and resources that all gifted students will use. Your child will have the opportunity to have all four gifted teachers on a rotation schedule this year, plus opportunities for everyone to have whole group activities that may include field trips, competitions, guest speakers etc… We feel this set-up will offer the best services available to your child this year.
Your child’s gifted class schedule is as follows:
Please review over the guidelines enclosed in this letter. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to a great year!!
**Donation Money: In order to furnish needed research/resource materials and supplies to be used in the enrichment activities, the program is asking for a $10.00 donation. Therefore, if you can help your child’s class, please send cash or make checks payable to CCCTC – Calhoun County Career Tech Center. Your donation at any time will be greatly appreciated.
**Supply List: Please provide the following items for your child to begin the first weekly class meeting. Each student will need 4 self addressed stamped envelopes (SASE). We hope this will help to get important papers home to you safely. Please check your school for correct color of folder as stated: AE/AH=orange, PVE=blue, OE=yellow, SE/SM=green, WE=red, WPE/WPM=purple, and WWE=green
3rd Grade4thGrade5th Grade 6th Grade
2 Folders with prongs/pockets 2 Folders with prongs/pockets 2 Folders with prongs/pockets 2 Folders with prongs/pockets
Paper plates Bleach/disinfectant wipes Bleach/disinfectant wipes Bleach/disinfectant wipes
Quart Ziplock BagsQuart Ziplock Bags Brown paper lunch sacksQ-tips
7th Grade8th Grade
2 Folders with prongs/pockets 2 Folders with prongs/pockets
**Wish List: Parents if you have any of the following materials extra at home to share with the class, please send them with your child. Anything you can donate will be greatly appreciated.
Small drinking cups, gum erasers, poster/watercolor paints, tissue, card stock, straws, popsicle sticks, thread, buttons, fabric, felt, old clean socks (any color), empty paper towel/tissue rolls, paint shirts, glue sticks, hand sanitizer, and any other assorted craft items.
Guidelines for the Calhoun County Gifted Program
- Units of Study: The units of study for the school year will include the countries of China, Africa, Australia, and Europe. All units of study will be enhanced by the following activities:
- Creative Writing: The student will be involved in creative writing activities including stories, plays, poems, commercials, songs etc…
- Creativity: The student will be involved in creative activities to stimulate the imagination.
- Independent Study: The student will research and complete a study or develop a project in an interest area if desired.
- Multiple Talents: The student will be involved in the areas of productive thinking, forecasting, decision-making, planning, and communication.
- Creative Art and Music: The student will be involved in activities that will foster the development of a positive attitude toward creative art and music.
- Individualized Interest: The student will have opportunities to investigate his/her areas of interest.
- Leadership: The student will participate in activities that will enhance leadership abilities.
- Self-image: The student will be provided with opportunities to develop a positive self-image.
- Critical Thinking: The student will be involved in the development of critical thinking skills.
- Computer Science: The student will participate in a variety of computer activities.
K. Field Trips: The student will participate in various trips according to class units of study.
- Time In Program: Each 3-6th grade gifted student will meet for approximately three hours each week.7th and 8th grade will meet for approximately 2 hours. Transportation will be provided by the CalhounCounty Board of Education. Your child must have a completed transportation form in order to go the CareerTechCenter.
3. ****Make-up Work: The state guidelines state: 6. Accommodations in the general education classroom must be provided for the times that gifted students are in pull-out classes. The accommodations form must be completed if the following accommodations are not made:
(i)Student will not be required to make up missed class work,
(ii) SUPP. NO. 07-2 SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES 290-8-9.12(7)(e)(6.)(ii) 290-8-9.12(9)
(iii) If new material is introduced, student will be instructed by peer or teacher in a small group or one-on-one setting
(iv) If tests are administered, student will take the test when he or she returns to the classroom or at a mutually agreed upon time.
Students will not have to complete missed classwork for homework. It is the student and teacher’s responsibility to consult about any new materials introduced while at gifted classes and arrange a time to be instructed. Parents, please encourage your child to consult with his/her teachers on the day of gifted classes about instruction missed.
4. Grades: The gifted teacher will review each student’s progress reports and report cards at the appropriate times. If a student is having difficulty in a subject area, the gifted teacher will consult with the student, the regular classroom teacher, and parents if necessary. The GEP may be re-reviewed at this time.
5. Conduct: Gifted students must maintain satisfactory conduct as outlined in the Calhoun County School Student Handbook and Code of Student Conduct during all gifted classes, field trips, and during transportation to the CareerTechCenter. Students with major violations will have to have the principal’s permission to attend gifted functions (including but not limited to classes, field trips, and special events by the gifted program).
6. Field Trips: Finalized plans will be announced later.
7. Student Placement Page: Please fill out and return the enclosed placement page to us at your child’s next class meeting so that I may have the most current address and phone numbers for your family. You may also mail to the career tech center.
8. Gifted Snack Time: Each class will have a schedule snack time on the career tech campus. Snack are available to be purchased during your child’s session. Water and Juice will be $.50, fruit roll ups $.50, chips $.75, ice cream $1.00. Please send correct change if possible with your child to each session. Students may also bring a snack from home if they wish. Remember we are PEANUT FREE here.
Melba Phillips, Laurinda Watson, John Moore, Sharon Shaw
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Gifted Program@ Calhoun CountyCareer Tech
Placement Page 2010-2011
Dear Parents:
Your child,______, is eligible for services in the Calhoun County Gifted Program. Please sign and date the form, and return this placement page with your child to the gifted program at his/her next gifted class meeting. Please try to help our program with a donation. Remember that you may send cash or make checks payable to CCCTC. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Melba Phillips, Laurinda Watson, John Moore, Sharon Shaw
Parent SignatureDateParent SignatureDate
***Please complete the following.
Student’s Name:______School:______
Parents’ Name:______
Mailing Address:______
City, State, Zip Code:______
Home Phone Number:______
Parents’ Work Phone Numbers:______
Email address:______
Student’s Home Room Teacher:______
Any Medical Allergies/Medical conditions of student:______
Please list all names of all adults authorized to check out your child from the CareerTechCenter or who may be contacted in case of emergency.
NameAddressPhone Number Relationship