The Greek Council of CarnegieMellonUniversity
The name of this organization shall be the Greek Council of Carnegie Mellon University.
The purpose of Greek Council is as follows:
- The objective of the Greek Council shall be to develop and maintain fraternity life and inter-fraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in doing so plan, facilitate, and implement programs and activities for the betterment of the Greek Community, CarnegieMellonUniversity campus community, as well as the Pittsburgh general area.
- Consider the goals and ideals of member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal life.
hTere shall be two classes of membership: VOTING and NON-VOTING.
- The VOTING membership of Greek Council shall be composed of members of fraternities, sororities, and private organizations granted recognition by the IFC, Panhellenic Council or any other Greek umbrella organization at CarnegieMellonUniversity.
- The NON-VOTING membership of Greek Council shall be composed of any
Carnegie Mellon Student, both registered and in good standing.
- The EX-OFFICIO membership of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council shall be composed of the Community Advisor for the Greek Peer Advisors, the presidents of Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council and Order of Omega.
- Ex-Officio members are encouraged to attend all Greek Council Executive Board and General meetings. Ex-Officio members are encouraged to provide their opinion but are not given a vote.
- The executive officers of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council shall be the President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer, PR/Senate Chair, Greek Week Tri Chairs, and the Greek Sing Chair(s).
- The Officers shall serve for a term of one year, the term of office shall begin no later than the last week of April, with one exception: The Greek Week Tri-Chairs shall begin no later than the first week of December.
- Individuals shall hold no more than one office per term.
- The officers of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council shall serve as the Executive Board of Greek Council and shall have such powers and duties as are prescribed in the Bylaws of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council. Any officer failing to perform their duties as outlined shall resign and a successor be designated by election or as provided in Article V, Section 6.
- When an officer vacancy occurs, it shall be the responsibility of the executive board to conduct an election within two weeks of the notification of the vacancy. In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall fulfill the duties of the President up to the time of election.
- MEMBERSHIP. The Carnegie Mellon Greek Council shall be composed of one delegate from each Greek chapter at Carnegie Mellon. It is suggested that each member fraternity appoint an alternate delegate, and strongly encourage that person to attend each Greek Council meeting.
- SELECTION OF DELEGATES. Delegates to Greek Council shall be selected by their respective fraternity/sorority.
- DELEGATE VACANCIES. When a delegate vacancy occurs, it shall be the responsibility of the fraternity/sorority concerned to select a replacement within two weeks and to notify the Greek Council Recording Secretary of their name, address, and telephone number. When a meeting of Greek Council occurs while a delegate vacancy exists, the alternate delegate of the fraternity/sorority concerned shall fulfill the duties of the delegate in all cases.
- GENERAL MEETINGS. The Greek Council shall hold at least one general meeting per semester. General Meetings of Greek Council shall be held at a time and place established by the executive board at the beginning of each university semester.
- SPECIAL MEETINGS. A special meeting of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council may be called by the President when necessary and shall be called by upon the written request of any VOTING or NON-VOTING member of Greek Council. The President shall notify all members of Greek Council at least 36 hours prior to the Special Meeting time.
- The delegate from each fraternity/sorority shall be responsible for notifying chapter members of all general and special meetings of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council.
- ATTENDANCE. Each chapter must have a representative at more than 50% of the Greek Council meetings (since the previous year’s show) to be eligible for Greek Sing Awards.
- QUORUM. Majority (one-half of VOTING membership plus one) of the member fraternities/sororities shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
- VOTING. Voting procedures shall follow Roberts Rules of Order unless otherwise stated.
The Greek Council Advisor shall be appointed by the university administration or the Greek Council.
The Advisor shall serve in advisory capacity to the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council.
GREEK WEEK: Greek Week events shall be planned by the Greek Week Tri-Chairs. All event rules and scoring methods shall be pre-determined by the tri-chairs and shall be distributed prior to the event.
GREEK SING: Greek Sing events shall be planned by the Greek Sing Co-Chairs. All event guidelines and scoring methods are detailed in the Greek Sing Rules, which shall be distributed to Chapter Greek Sing Chairs prior to the event. The rules can be modified by the co-chairs.
GREEK AWARDS: Greek Awards events shall be planned by the Executive Board and Delegates of the Greek Council
- There will be two categories of awards: Chapter and Individual.
- CHAPTER AWARDS: To be eligible for a chapter award, a Greek organization must have recognizable CHAPTER status according to the university.
- INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: All active members of all Greek organizations are eligible to apply for individual awards.
Violation of any regulation of this Constitution or its related Bylaws, or Greek Sing
rules, or rules concerning matters other than the above stated shall be the occasion for
penalties established by the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council.
This Constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of the voting members of Carnegie Mellon Greek Council, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing at the preceding general meeting.
Last Update 04/22/03 by Amy Timko and William Foran
Previously Updated 1/22/01 by Chad Altman, Michael D. Hutsko, and Monica Bebie
The Greek Council of CarnegieMellonUniversity
1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council shall be from July 1 to June 30 inclusive.
2. CONTRACTS. The signature or the approval of the president, treasurer and faculty Advisor shall be required to bind the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council.
CHECKS. All checks issued on behalf of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council shall be approved by the president, treasurer and the Advisor.
a. All payments due to the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council shall be payable to the
CarnegieMellonUniversity. The treasurer shall record all payments.
b. All payments from Greek Council members shall be submitted through their
respective fraternity/sorority in the form of a check.
1. The offices of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary/Treasurer, Public
Relations/Senate Representative, Greek Sing Co-Chairs, and Greek Week Tri-Chairs
shall be elected annually.
2. Election of Officers shall occur no later than the last week of April, with one
exception: The Greek Week Tri-Chairs shall begin no later than the first week of
The President shall:
- Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Greek Council.
- Call and preside at all general and special meetings of the Greek Council
- Call and preside at all Greek Council Executive Board Meetings.
- Review and approve all checks and contracts involving the Greek Council..
- Maintain a complete and up-to-date President’s file, which will include a copy of the current Carnegie Mellon Greek Council Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules; the current Greek Council budget; current contact lists of all members and other pertinent materials.
- Serve as a member of CarnegieMellonUniversity committees as needed.
- Forward a copy of all contracts to the Recording Secretary.
- Shall appoint Standing and Special Committees as deemed appropriate.
- Perform all other duties pertaining to this office
- The President shall be prohibited to be the chair or co-chair of their own show
The Vice-President shall:
- Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence, inability to serve or at his/her call.
- Organize and implement philanthropy events to be completed by the members of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council.
- Perform all duties assigned by the President.
- Supervise the activity of all the appointed positions and committees.
- Perform all other duties pertaining to this office
- The Vice-President shall be prohibited to be the chair or co-chair of their own show
- Be the Parliamentarian of all Votings occurring in Greek Council
- Keep an up-to-date roll of the members of Greek Council and call roll at all meetings.
- Maintain a complete and up-to-date file, which will include the minutes of the meetings of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council from the date of its organization; copies of all contracts made by the Greek Council; current correspondence.
- Maintain and enforce attendance policies.
- Keep full minutes of all meetings of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council and record all action taken by the Executive Board. Distribute all minutes of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council meetings to all members of the council.
The Public Relations/Senate Representative shall:
1. Attend all Senate meetings as a representative of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council.
2. Shall be responsible for keeping the Greek Council informed of events within the Greek
Community and the CMU campus.
3. Shall maintain a file of Greek related articles and information.
4. Shall act as the communications representative of the Greek Council on the Carnegie
Mellon Campus.
- Shall act accordingly to the fashion of an executive member.
- Shall not be permitted to participate in his/her own chapter’s Greek Sing show.
The Treasurer shall:
- Be responsible for the official correspondence of the Greek Council unless provided for otherwise.
- Be responsible for the general supervision of the finances of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council.
- Distribute itemized bills at the meeting following the approval of the budget.
- Receive all payments due to the Greek Council, collect all dues and give receipts pertaining to the Greek Council.
- Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council.
- Maintain up-to-date financial records, give financial reports at each regular meeting of the Greek Council and provide an annual report at the close of her term of office.
- Approve all Greek Council Contracts and sign when authorized to do so.
- Enforce and collect all fines.
- Perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office
The Greek Sing Co-Chairs Shall:
1. Be responsible for the organization of the Greek Sing event, including the enlistment of
sponsors, reservation of space, communication of plans to the Greek community, and
other duties as necessary for the production of the event.
2. Perform all duties assigned by the President.
3. Create rules that will specify the guidelines of the Greek Sing event.
4. Act accordingly to the fashion of an executive member.
5. Shall work together with the Greek Council Advisor in order to properly plan for Greek
6. Shall not be permitted to participate in his/her own chapter’s Greek Sing show.
The Greek Week Tri-Chairs Shall:
1. Be responsible for the organization of Greek Week, including the enlistment of
sponsors, reservation of space, communication of plans to the Greek Community, and
other duties as necessary for the production of the events.
2. Assign tasks for members of the Carnegie Mellon Greek Council in order to carry out
the implementation of Greek Week.
3. Shall work together with the Greek Council Advisor in order to properly plan for Greek
4. Act accordingly to the fashion of an executive member.
The Executive Board shall:
- Administer routine business between meetings of the Greek Council when necessary and such other business that has been approved for action by Greek Council vote.
- Report all action taken by the Executive Board at the next regular meeting of the Greek Council through the Recording Secretary and record the action in the minutes of that meeting.
1. Any dispute arising out of the violation of the Greek Council Constitution, Bylaws, or
Greek Sing rules shall be addressed through the Judiciary Committee
1. Membership. The Judiciary Committee Chair shall be the Vice
President of Greek Council. Each chapter shall elect one member to
serve on the Judiciary Committee.
2. Duties. It shall be the Judiciary Committee’s duty to deal with
violations of the Constitution, Bylaws, & Standing Rules of the Carnegie
Mellon Greek Council
2. If an agreement is not reached through the Judiciary Committee process, the matter shall
be referred to the Advisor.
3. The Carnegie Mellon Greek Council shall have the power to implement and enforce
fines at the discretion of the executive board.
The Carnegie Mellon Greek Council shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised except in matters specifically provided for in the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules.
These Bylaws maybe amended by two-thirds vote of the voting members of Greek Council, provided notice of the proposal amendment has been given in writing at the preceding general meeting.