Name: Lusine K. Grigoryan

Birth date: 23.10.1989


Tel. (mobile): +7 (903) 663 82 84

Tel. (home): +7 (496) 566 00 16



International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research of HSE Expert Institute (former “Laboratory for Socio-Psychological Studies of HSE Expert institute”)

January 2012 – present: Manager, Junior Researcher,

January 2011 – December 2011: Manager, Trainee-researcher

February 2010 – December 2010: Trainee-researcher

School of Young Psychologist, National research university “Higher School of Economics”

April 2011 - present: Deputy Curator, Lecturer

April 2010 – April 2011: Lecturer


September, 2010 – present: National research university “Higher School of Economics”, Psychology Department, M.A. “Psychology in business”

September, 2006 – June, 2010: National research university “Higher School of Economics”, Psychology Department, B.A. with honors


1.  Training program “Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling”, September and November 2011

2.  Training program “Cross-cultural research of changing society: theories and methods”, September, October and November 2011

3.  Short-term training program “Methodology of Project Management”, September 2011

4.  International seminar “Research Frontiers of Culture and Psychological Processes” , HSE, June 2011

5.  International seminar “Values and Socio-Economical Behavior: Cross-cultural Dimensions and Explanatory Models”, HSE, June 2011


1.  Special scholarship of Russian Federation Government (2011)

2.  Academic scholarship (Higher School of Economics) (2010 – 2012)

  1. “Oxford Russian Fund” scholarship (2010 – 2011)

4.  B.A. degree with honors (2010)

5.  High school diploma with honors (2006)


International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology – member from 2011


1.  Grigoryan L., Lepshokova Z., Ryabichenko T. The role of national identity and attitudes towards immigrants in economic beliefs of Russians: an empirical model // HSE Preprints, series: Sociology [in press]

2.  Grigoryan L.K. Cross-cultural studies in economic psychology: overview of the main directions // Proceedings of V Congress of Russian Psychological Society, Moscow: IP RAS, 2012 - vol. 2, p. 344-345 (in Russian).

3.  Grigoryan L.K. Interrelations between the economic attitudes and personal values: cross-confessional analysis. Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the ICABEEP. Exeter UK: Washington Singer Press, 2011

4.  Grigoryan, L. Interrelations between the economic attitudes and personal values: cross-confessional analysis // Culture values and models of economic behavior. Moscow, “Sputnik+”, 2011, p. 166—185 (in Russian).

5.  Grigoryan, L. Cross-cultural studies in economic psychology // Culture values and models of economic behavior. Moscow, “Sputnik+”, 2011, p. 104-134 (in Russian).

6.  Grigoryan L.K. Cross-confessional comparison of values (Russian Christians and Muslims) // The 12th European Congress of Psychology, 4-8 July, 2011, Oral abstracts, Istanbul: Turkish Psychological Association, p. 574

7.  Grigoryan L.K. Values and personality characteristics as predictors of ethnic intolerance // The 12th European Congress of Psychology, 4-8 July, 2011, Oral Abstracts, Istanbul: Turkish Psychological Association, 2011, p. 577

8.  Grigoryan L.K. The economic attitudes of Russians and Caucasians: comparative analysis// The regional conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), June 30 – July 3, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, Congress handbook, Istanbul: Koc University, 2011

9.  Grigoryan L.K. Program for empirical study of cross-cultural specificity of informal ties in organizations // Proceedings of IV International Conference of young researchers “Psychology – the Science of Future”, Moscow: IP RAS, 2011 (in Russian).

10.  Grigoryan L.K. Interrelations between values and economic attitudes among Christians and Muslims // Proceedings of International Youth Scientific Forum “LOMONOSOV-2011” — Moscow: MAX Press, 2011 (in Russian).

11.  Grigoryan L.K. Ethnic intolerance: predictors on the individual level // The Worlds of Cultures and Cultures of the World: Proceedings of III Conference “Applied ethno psychology: current issues and perspectives for development”. Moscow: MSPPU, 2011, p. 32-33 (in Russian).

12.  Grigoryan L.K. Cross-cultural comparison of models of economic behavior: Russians and Caucasians // Psychology: the World of Opportunities: Proceedings of II International Conference for undergraduate and post-graduate students, LSU named after Pushkin, SPb: “Ising”, 2011, p. 190 – 193 (in Russian).

13.  Grigoryan L.K. Values and personality characteristics as predictors of ethnic intolerance // Proceedings of International Youth Scientific Forum “LOMONOSOV” — Moscow: MAX Press, 2010 (in Russian).

14.  Grigoryan L.K. Investigation of the phenomenon of ethnic intolerance // Almanac of Modern Science and Education, Tambov: Gramota, 2010. № 7 (38), p. 22-29 (in Russian).

15.  Grigoryan L.K. Values and personality characteristics as predictors of ethnic intolerance // Theoretical problems of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology: Proceedings of Second International Scientific Conference, Smolensk: Universum, 2010. – vol. 1, p. 77-79 (in Russian).

16.  Grigoryan L.K. The main directions of cross-cultural studies in economic psychology // Almanac of Modern Science and Education, Tambov: Gramota, 2010. № 10 (41), p. 84-88 (in Russian).

17.  Grigoryan L.K. Individuality in intercultural space: studying predictors of ethnic intolerance // Proceedings of III Conference “Psychology of Individuality”, Moscow: HSE publishing, 2010. – vol. 1, p. 187-188 (in Russian).

18.  Grigoryan L.K. The overview of cross-cultural studies in Russian economic psychology // Proceedings of conference “Current issues of theoretical and applied psychology: traditions and perspectives”. Yaroslavl: YarSU, 2010 – p. 55-57 (in Russian).


1.  Cross-cultural studies in economic psychology: overview of the main directions. V Congress of Russian Psychological Society, Moscow: MSU named after Lomonosov, 2012.

2.  Interrelations between the economic attitudes and personal values: cross-confessional analysis. The 2011 Conference of the ICABEEP, Exeter, UK, 2011.

3.  Values and personality characteristics as predictors of ethnic intolerance. The 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, 2011.

4.  The economic attitudes of Russians and Caucasians: comparative analysis. The regional conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Istanbul, 2011.

5.  Program for empirical study of cross-cultural specificity of informal ties in organizations. IV International Conference of young researchers “Psychology – the Science of Future”, Moscow: IP RAS, 2011.

6.  Interrelations between values and economic attitudes among Christians and Muslims. International Youth Scientific Forum “LOMONOSOV-2011”, Moscow: MSU named after Lomonosov, 2011.

7.  Ethnic intolerance: predictors on the individual level. III Conference “Applied ethno psychology: current issues and perspectives for development”, Moscow: MSPPU, 2011.

8.  The overview of cross-cultural studies in Russian economic psychology. The conference “Current issues of theoretical and applied psychology: traditions and perspectives”. Yaroslavl: YarSU, 2010

9.  Interrelations between the economic attitudes and personal values: cross-confessional analysis. International seminar “Values and Socio-Economical Behavior: Cross-cultural Dimensions and Explanatory Models”, Moscow region, 2011

10.  Cross-cultural comparison of models of economic behavior: Russians and Caucasians. II International Conference for undergraduate and post-graduate students, LSU named after Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, 2011.

11.  Individuality in intercultural space: studying predictors of ethnic intolerance. III Conference “Psychology of Individuality”, Moscow: HSE, 2010.

12.  Psychological predictors of ethnic intolerance. Seminar “Interdisciplinary studies of ethnicity”, Saint Petersburg: HSE, 2010

13.  Values and personality characteristics as predictors of ethnic intolerance. Second International Scientific Conference “Theoretical problems of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology”, Smolensk, 2010.

14.  Values and personality characteristics as predictors of ethnic intolerance. International Youth Scientific Forum “LOMONOSOV-2010”, Moscow: MSU named after Lomonosov, 2010.

15.  Structural and psychological analysis of advertising material. The Conference of undergraduate and postgraduate students “Current Issues of Media Studies”, Moscow: HSE, 2010.

16.  Die Geschichte der Humboldt Universität. The Conference of undergraduate and postgraduate students "Wir Lernen Deutsch", Moscow: HSE, 2009.


1.  Values and economic behavior: examination of explanatory models in experiments and field studies (HSE Basic Research Program, 2012). Supervisors – P. Schmidt, N. Lebedeva, Sh. Schwartz.

2.  Socio-cultural and psychological factors in economic activity and psychological well-being (HSE Basic Research Program, 2012). Supervisors – E. Yasin, N. Lebedeva.

3.  The role of socio-cultural context and values in socio-economic behavior in modern Russia (HSE Basic Research Program, 2011). Supervisors – P. Schmidt, N. Lebedeva, Sh. Schwartz.

4.  Regional peculiarities of economic consciousness and behavior in the Russian Federation (HSE Basic Research Program, 2011). Supervisors – E. Yasin, N. Lebedeva.

5.  “Getting things done” (2011-2012). Project supervisor – P. Smith; executors in Russia – N. Lebedeva, L. Grigoryan.

6.  The relationship of components of psychological structure of social capital and attitudes of economic behavior (Russian Foundation for Humanities, 2011-2012). Supervisor – A. Tatarko

7.  The Influence of Social Capital on Economic Attitudes of Ethnic Groups in Russia (HSE Scientific Fund, 2011-2012). Supervisor – A. Tatarko

8.  The Influence of Socio-Cultural Factors on Economic Consciousness (Russian Fund for Fundamental Research, 2010-2012). Supervisor – A. Tatarko

9.  Socio-cultural investigations of economic consciousness and behavior (Basic Research Program, 2010). Supervisors – E. Yasin, N. Lebedeva.


1.  English – fluent;

2.  Russian – fluent;

3.  Armenian – fluent;

  1. German – basic.


1.  SPSS

2.  AMOS

3.  Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Express)