Marriage & Family Life
Marriage Preparation
So you want to get married? Congratulations!
The most important part of the preparation for your marriage is truly understanding the sacrament and the lifelong commitment you are making to each other. In order that you can prepare properly there are several options available to you.
You may wish to see the Guidelines for Marriage Preparation which are published by the Diocese. These will give you an indication of the areas you may need to consider as part of your preparation.
In the first instance contact your parish priest. He will support you through this time and enable you to get the most from the preparation. He may do the preparation himself or he may refer you to a team of lay people who will work with you.Often these are within your own parish or deanery but any of them would be able to help you.
There is a document you may wish to use as a couple called “ Are you ready?” This is worth looking at as soon as you make the decision to get married but it is something that should be digested slowly over the whole process of your preparation. They are not questions to be answered, rather prompts to aid your discussions. Your deliberations can remain between you two but you may find it raises issues you wish to discuss with the clergy that will be marrying you.
There is also a useful source of information produced by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops on a website called 'For Your Marriage' available at:
The following parishes all run their own marriage preparation using the diocesan course delivered by lay couples and the priest. They are often willing to accommodate nearby parishioners.
Chichester: 01243 782343
Sacred Heart, Hove: 01273 732843
Worth: 01342 710313
Epsom: 01342 723573
Guildford: 01483 562704
Esher: 01372 462451
Redhill:01737 761017
Woking: 01483 760652
Worthing: 01903 200416
Marriage preparation courses run by Catholic Marriage Care Volunteers are available at DABCEC in Crawley on the following dates in 2016:
Saturday 12th March 2016
Saturday 14th May 2016
Saturday 25th June 2016
Saturday 29th October 2016
Alternatively you may find Marriage Care offers you the preparation you require:
Crawley and Redhill Centre
These courses need to be booked in advance through the
National Appointment Service
T 0800 389 3801
The day starts at 09.45 and we aim to finish by 4.30 p.m. Lunch is included. The cost is £90.00
(inc. VAT) per couple. The courses are run by Crawley and Redhill Marriage Care.
North East Hants Centre
Phone: Gabriel Chevalier on 01252 677176
Natural Fertility Planning Information
You can find information on the Billings Ovulation Method from Dr Helen Davies, Christian Education Centre, 4 Southgate Drive, Crawley RH10 6RP. Tel: 01444 881744 - Email: - Website: