How to Create New Users for SIMS Learning Gateway (SLG)
This cribsheet is for the SLG administrator in school. It gives step-by-step guidelines for provisioning (creating) new users for SLG.
To set up new users in SLG you need School Administrator access rights in
In use route: Routines | Active Directory Provisioning | Provision Users | Staff | Add Staff
Note: This example is for staff users but it works the same way for parents and pupils.
Click the Search button to display a list of all current staff in the school.
To provision staff as SLG users you need to move them from the Search results list into the Selected Staff List.
Select the required staff from the Search results list using the mouse. You can select more than one person at once by holding down the Ctrl key as you click the names.
Continue holding the Ctrl key down and then click the down-arrow on the Select to Add button. Now choose Selected Items. This will move the staff you selected into the Selected Staff List.
Click the Save button.
The staff members’ names will disappear from the Selected Staff list.
Close the screen.
Saving the list of selected staff lets your server know that there are new SLG users who have been provisioned in and now require user names and passwords.
When SLG was set up in your school, a Scheduled Task was set up on your server. This runs automatically, once every day. The Scheduled Task searches for any new SLG users who need user names and passwords. When it finds them it sends their details to Calderdale’s central SLG servers. This is where user names and passwords are created in a function called Active Directory. Active Directory is used to manage every SLG user account in Calderdale.
Active Directory creates usernames and passwords as soon as it receives new users’ details and immediately sends them back to the correct school. It keeps a record of each user with their most up-to-date password so it can check their credentials every time they log onto your SLG system on the internet.
When the new usernames and passwords are received by your school server it saves them immediately into As your Scheduled Task runs once every day it may take up to 24 hours for these to appear in If it takes longer than 24 hours, please log a call with the Service Desk on 01422 392560.
If you need to provision a user very urgently, log a call with the Service Desk as we may be able to force your Scheduled Task to run immediately so usernames and passwords are sent to within a couple of minutes.
You can now run reports in to get the details of usernames and passwords which you can then pass on to your new users. There are a number of reports for each different type of SLG user, Staff, Parents and Pupils. All Capita’s SLG report names start with ADP (Active Directory Provisioning). These have blank templates with bare data inserted and are designed for you to create your own template and personalise it for your school.
There are also some SLG reports from Calderdale with letter and memo templates already set up. These are available in the Calderdale SLG Resource Pack which can be downloaded from: . The Calderdale report names start with ADP CMBC.
Important Note:
You should only give each user details of their own username and password.
There are ADP memo reports for staff and pupils and two letter reports for parents which run as mail merges. One letter is for usernames and the other for passwords, enabling you to distribute new usernames and passwords separately to individual parents.
To create a simple list of staff usernames and passwords all on one page, use the ADP-Staff User Account List report. Double click the report to run it and select the parameters required.
Note: for the Service Name parameter click the Select All button. Select the parameter for Teaching Staff according to which users you want to show in the report. Note: Ticking Accept All will show all staff users.
Click the OK button to run the report.
The Logon Name column shows your staff’s usernames.
The Initial Password column shows the passwords your staff will use the first time they login to SLG. They will change this password the first time they login.
Each SLG user can login to SLG via the Calderdale Learning Portal website at:
Please see the SLG for School Staff and SLG for Parents cribsheets for step-by-step instructions for how to login to SLG, how to change your own password and how to logout correctly.
© Calderdale MBC 2009, Training and Support Team