PRESENT: Chairman, Cedric Burton; Vice-Chairman, Janet Martin; Teresa Crouchman; Bryan Glenister; Ted Rolfe; Jill Segger; Brian Taylor; Sallie Thomas; William White; District Councillor, Peter Cresswell
CLERK: Elaine Taylor
District Councillor, Carl Poole
It was proposed by Janet Martin, seconded by Sallie Thomas, and unanimously agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 9th October 2007 be signed by the chairman as a correct record of proceedings.
Parish Plan
The Chairman is still to concur with Mr Mason regarding the extent of assistance required and the potential methods we can employ to obtain volunteers in order to finalise the plan. On-going
Register of Assets
The Clerk reported that East Cambridgeshire District Council (E.C.D.C) has been chased for the replacement of the metal litter bins at Pump Green, opposite the British Legion and outside the Post Office, High Street, Cheveley and been informed that Cheveley is “next on the list”. On-going
The Clerk reported that there has been a further delay in the definitive list of street light column numbers, locations and a map from Mr Alan Hitch, Street Lighting Maintenance Division of C.C.C. but that it should now be received by the end of the week. On-going
Risk Assessment
The Clerk reported that she believes K.H. Services have removed the goal posts from the Recreation Ground.
Parish Trees
The Clerk reported that Dale Parker has removed the dead tree on Park Road, Cheveley.
Bench at Pump Green
The Clerk reported that the “Phoenix” bench has been received by Ted Rolfe and will be installed once the notice board for outside the post office has also been received. On-going
The Clerk is still to find an alternative contractor to quote for the cost of refurbishment of the old bench.
Remembrance Wreath
The Clerk reported that the chairman laid the wreath at the Cheveley Remembrance service.
Urgent Matters
The Clerk reported that the dead tree outside Glebe House has been completely removed.
Councillor Vacancies
The Clerk reported that a draft welcome letter has been forwarded to The Chairman and Vice-chairman for initial consideration and that the letter and press release has been scheduled for the New Year as it was felt the Christmas season would be a less effective period for a recruitment campaign. On-going
The Clerk reported that membership of the “EyeBee Bulletin” had been applied for in the name of the Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity.
Notice board at Cheveley post Office
The Clerk reported that the man-made timber notice board had been ordered from Greenbarnes Ltd. On-going
Verges at Church Lane, Cheveley
The Clerk reported that Paul Butcher of East Highways Division had advised that the E.C.D.C. Conservation Officer had approved the kerb stones for this project and a contribution of £800.00 (eight-hundred pounds) would be required from Cheveley Parish Council. C.C.C. Highways will invoice on completion of the works. On-going
Parish Trees Policy
The Chairman reported that the Working Party Group to develop a policy had not yet met.On-going
Risk Assessment
The Clerk is still to obtain quotations for the required works.On-going
Ted Rolfe reported that he has repaired the section of the car park fence.
CheveleyVillage Guide
The Clerk reported that she had advised Mr Symonds of the outcome of the last meeting and had received the impression that he would not be pursuing this further.
No declarations of interest were made by any councillor present at the meeting with regard to items on the agenda.
The Chairman presented the McCalmont Cup to Mr Jason Trainer and thanked him for his work in the Parish, particularly his efforts on the Cheveley Country Fair. Mr Trainer reported that unfortunately due to lack of support the Country Fair was currently on hold but he was optimistic that it would continue again in the future. The chairman assured Mr Trainer that the Parish Council would assist in any way possible.
Councillor Cresswell reported that due to Mrs Whellar’s successful campaign the Newmarket bus service will not be reviewed again this year but has been retained for a further year.
Jill Segger gave a verbal report back from the Councillor Professional Development (CPD) Stage 1 course she attended at C.A.L.C. in September and strongly recommended that all Councillors should consider attending.
The Clerk will copy the “Declaring Interests at Meetings” guidance notes and circulate to Councillors;the clerk will also advise Councillors of all forthcoming CPD training dates and investigate the possibility of obtaining a copy of the “Good Councillors Guide” for each Councillor from C.A.L.C.
AP Clerk
The Parish Council noted the online Annual Update 2007 for the Town Land Charity at Appendix 6 (Issued with 9th October 2007 Agenda). The Clerk reported that Cedric Burton has since been added to the records as the Chairman.
The Chairman reported that he met with Mr Kelley Harrington of K.H. Services to discuss current service levels and possible solutions for future grass cutting schedules. The professional advice received was that if the growing season conditions remain as at present there should be one additional cut of the open field at the Cemetery and seven additional cuts of the inner recreation ground.
Sallie Thomas proposed, Janet Martin seconded, and it was unanimously resolved to increase the frequency of the grass cutting, as advised, subject to the funding being approved in the 2008/2009 Budget at Agenda item 10e. The Clerk will notify K.H. Services of any contract amendment for the 2008/2009 grass cutting season.
AP Clerk
The Chairmen reported that both the Jointly Funded Minor Highways Improvements bids for traffic calming measures on Ashley Road and Newmarket Road had been unsuccessful and tabled a draft letter to Mr Matthew Shuter our Cambridgeshire County Councillor. After much discussion Janet Martin proposed, Ted Rolfe seconded, and it was unanimously resolved that Mr Shuter and the relevant officer be asked to attend a meeting to discuss the options and that the Ashley Parish Clerk be approached as to whether Ashley Parish Council would be interested in a joint project to improve the B1063. It was resolved to send the letter and the chairman requested that Councillors pass their comments on the draft letter to the Clerk for a final draft to be produced.
AP Clerk & Councillors
The Clerk reported the current financial position of each project and the project expenditure assumptions made when producing the Proposed Budget Allocations for 2008-2009 at Appendix 1.
Janet Martin proposed, Sallie Thomas seconded and it was unanimously resolved that a notice board at the new David Wilson development on land South of Centre Drive and North West of Duchess Drive should be added to the project list for 2008/2009.
(a) Janet Martin proposed, Jill Segger seconded and it was unanimously resolved to approve the following cheques for payment in November:
Mrs E. Taylor Salary & Mileage£ 660.21
HM Revenue & Customs£ 80.51
Dale Parker (Tree surgeon)£ 47.00
KH Services: Verges £358.46
Cemetery £208.68
Recreation Ground £303.19
Maintenance £175.00
V.A.T. £182.93£1,228.26
The Clerk reported that the payment for village maintenance would be retained until receipt of the caretaker’s checklists.
(b) Sallie Thomas proposed, Teresa Crouchman seconded, and it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council awards £25.00 (twenty-five pounds) to all residents of the parish who are over eighty years of age and have resided in the parish for fifteen years or more in respect of the Town Land Charity. The Clerk is to advertise for applicants on the notice boards and arrange to make the payments.
(c) The Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) gave a verbal report back from the C.A.L.C. V.A.T. Workshop she attended in July. On the advice received the Council agreed that any resulting potential liabilities could be met through General Reserves. Cedric Burton proposed, Janet Martin seconded, and it was unanimously resolved that the RFO make any necessary adjustments to the Parish Councils current V.A.T. procedures.
AP Clerk
(d) Cedric Burton proposed, Sallie Thomas seconded, and it was unanimously resolved that the Clerk obtain advice on the best corporate arrangements for the future of the Cheveley Pavilion & Recreation Ground Charity.
AP Clerk
(e) The Parish Council received the Proposed Budget Allocations for 2008-2009 at Appendix 1. Cedric Burton proposed, Sallie Thomas seconded, and it was unanimously resolved to accept the Proposed Budget Allocations for 2008-2009 at Appendix 1, except the precept figure; the Parish Council acknowledged that in doing this it accepts a small amount of risk as the budgeted expenditure figure is higher than the budgeted income figure.
(f) The RFO reported that the Proposed Budget Allocations for 2008-2009 at Appendix 1 allowed for a 5% increase in the precept with the resulting impact on Band D Council Tax being only £2.14 (two pounds and fourteen pence) per annum. Sallie Thomas proposed and Teresa Crouchman seconded the proposed 5% increase in precept, a counter proposal by Jill Segger and seconded by Janet Martin to increase the precept by 3.4% in-line with inflation and E.C.D.C. was resolved by a majority of five votes to four. The Clerk will submit a precept request to E.C.D.C for £36,190.00 (thirty-six thousand one-hundred and ninety pounds) and issue all Councillors with a revised Budget Allocation for 2008-2009.
AP Clerk
Janet Martin proposed, Cedric Burton seconded, and it was unanimously resolved to submit a response under the current consultation on the East Cambs LDF Core Strategy Amendment Preferred Options Paper stating that Cheveley Parish Council supports the suggested approach for the Newmarket Fringe (policy H2) that there are no suitable and deliverable options for development around the edge of Newmarket due to physical constraints and the importance of the surrounding countryside for nature conservation and stud use. The Clerk will submit the response prior to the closure of the consultation on 30th November 2007.
AP Clerk
(a) The Parish Council considered Planning applications received at Appendix 2.
(b) The Parish Council received the Recommendations Made By Parish Council at Appendix 2.
(c) The Parish Council received the Applications Approved at Appendix 2.
(d) The Parish Council received the Applications Refused at Appendix 2.
(e) The Parish Council received the Other details at Appendix 2.
(f) The Chairman tabled a draft letter to Mr Alan Dover, The Principal Development Control Officer at E.C.D.C. Teresa Crouchman proposed, Janet Martin seconded, and it was unanimously resolved to send the drafted letter, with amendments, to Mr Alan Dover. The Chairman requested that Councillors advise the Clerk of the amendments.
AP Clerk & Councillors
The Chairman tabled a draft letter to Mr Phillip Reed, Chairman of E.C.D.C. Planning Committee. Janet Martin proposed, Jill Segger seconded, and it was unanimously resolved to send the draft letter in a revised format to highlight the purpose of the letter (lack of consultation) citing the Brook Stud development (07/00155/FUL) as an example.
AP Clerk
There were no urgent matters to discuss.
- Councillor Cresswell provided further detail and answered questions regarding the E.C.D.C. Establishment of Neighbourhood Panels. The Clerk reported that the Parish Council had been invited to send two members to a roll-out information evening on 3rd December 2007 and to nominate one representative for the South Panel. In the absence of a volunteer to attend the roll-out evening or be a representative Janet Martin advised that she would attempt to attend the information evening if work commitments permitted. Councillor Creswell reported that in the absence of our representation on the Panel he would endeavour to keep the Parish Council informed of its actions and decisions.
- The Standards Board for England – Issue 1 August 2007 Occasional Paper; Predisposition, Predetermination or Bias, and the Code
- E.C.D.C. Chairman’s “Highlights of the Week” letter dated 12 October 2007
- E.C.D.C. Chairman’s “Highlights of the Week” letter dated 19 October 2007
- E.C.D.C. Chairman’s “Highlights of the Week” letter dated 26 October 2007
- E.C.D.C. Chairman’s “Highlights of the Week” letter dated 2 November 2007
- E.C.D.C. Chairman’s “Highlights of the Week” letter dated 9 November 2007
- E.C.D.C. Council decision list – 16th October 2007
- E.C.D.C. External Partnerships Review Committee decision list – 8th October 2007
- E.C.D.C. Licensing Committee decision list – 10th October 2007
- E.C.D.C. Community Services Committee decision list – 11th October 2007
- C.C.C. Review of ~passenger Transport in Cambridgeshire
- C.C.C. Contracted Bus Services Consultation (email)
- C.A.L.C. Workshop on Allotments flyer
- Clerks & Councils Direct – Issue 54 November 2007
- Freeplay SMP – issue 2
- East Cambs Sector Community Contact Officer (email)
- Ashley Parish Council letter dated 2 November 2007
- COPE Newsletter No. 39 – November/December 2007
- East Cambridgeshire Domestic Violence Forum – Domestic Violence Strategy and Directory
- Norwich Play Seminar (Thursday 15th November 2007) flyer
- Ringway “Shelters” advertising flyer
- Whitehouse Enterprises recycled plastic outdoor furniture details
- Mulletboy Ltd advertising flyer
- Scansis AS Ltd – Free-sport Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) brochure
- The Bulletin of C.P.A.L.C. – Edition 7 October 2007 (issued to each councillor)
Tuesday 11th December 2007.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.02 p.m.
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Signed …………………………………………………………. Dated ……………………………