Missouri Veterinary Medical Association


Purpose and Philosophy

Through the CVA program, MVMA seeks to assist its members in training, employing and retaining better-qualified and more productive employees. While the collegiate-based Registered Veterinary Technician programs do an outstanding job of training employees for the higher level work requirements in a veterinary practice, the CVA program provides and certifies training that was previously unavailable at the entry or more basic levels.

It is the philosophy of the MVMA-CVA program that adult students learn best by doing and when engaged in learning that has direct relevance to their lives.

Accordingly, we structured this program as job-related education. We require the active involvement of the employer or immediate supervisor in the student’s learning/training program, but we provide a well-crafted educational program to guide the experience. We like to remind employers that well structured, purposeful work assignments chosen carefully to augment the CVA training materials are like having an educational “wet lab” every day.

The Certified Veterinary Assistant designation elevates and recognizes the advanced knowledge of the Registered Veterinary Technician.

The MVMA-CVA program DOES NOT eliminate the need for Registered Veterinary Technicians. Quite to the contrary, RVTs are vital to the veterinary clinic team. RVT programs are highly intensive college level programs taught by educators who hold licensure as veterinarians or RVTs. Students attend their classes in an RVT program every day for two years. They must pass the national and state exams for licensure. In addition, they are required to take college level courses in the liberal arts such as English, biological science, psychology, history, government and others. The MVMA-CVA program is a learn-on-the-job vocational training experience that covers only the basic fundamentals of veterinary medicine.

MVMA envisions the ideal veterinary practice as one in which the veterinarians,

RVTs, and CVAs work together as valuable and highly productive members of a

unified animal health-care team. As licensed veterinarians should supervise and be assisted by RVTs, we believe it is appropriate and highly effective for RVTs to supervise many activities of the CVA.

Training and Certification process

All testing is conducted by Animal Care Technologies, which notifies the MVMA when the online curriculum has been completed, testing has been passed, and a veterinarian or RVT has validated the skills. Upon notification from ACT, verification of work experience required, and verification the candidate is 16 years or older, the MVMA issues the initial certification.

All certified veterinary assistants must progress through each certification step in sequence, that is, all CVAs must certify first at Level I, then go on to Level II, Level III in sequence.

Experience Requirement

The MVMA-CVA program was designed from the ground up as a learning-at-work program. We believe the knowledge gained through hands-on application in the workplace is essential to the success of this program and its graduates.

Accordingly, MVMA has established the following minimum work experience

requirements for each certification level:

·  Level I: (500 hrs) 90 days full-time or the equivalent days part-time prior to the application for certification

·  Level II & above: (1000 hrs) 180 days full-time or the equivalent days part-time prior to the application for certification

High School and Community College Programs

MVMA recognizes that the school-based veterinary assistant programs can consist of well-designed, highly organized content taught in classroom settings by well-qualified professional educators. Contact your local high school or community or technical college to see if MVMA CVA certification can be part of your school’s offerings.

Even in these academic settings, CVA certification is NOT issued without the required experience. However, the CVA candidate can request documentation of fulfilling all CVA requirements EXCEPT the work experience. In this case, the CVA candidate can receive a document recognizing that the candidate is eligible for the CVA certification PENDING PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE or PPE. Within the first year of receiving this designation, and prior to renewal, the candidate must receive the experience and have it documented by an MVMA-member veterinarian. Documentation consists of the candidate and an MVMA member veterinarian completing the Experience Verification Form and returning it to the MVMA office prior to the CVA renewal date. All fees of regular certification and renewal apply. Use of the CVA designation while in the PPE status is not allowed. During the first year, when the experience is achieved and documented, the CVA candidate can receive true CVA status and the designation may then used, but the original anniversary date when PPE status was issued is maintained as the CVA’s anniversary date.

Optional high school and community college practical experience: the MVMA veterinarian associated with these schools can opt to submit documentation (the Experience Verification Form) for up to 200 hours of the classroom time deemed by the veterinarian to involve animal contact, clinic exposure, or activity equivalent to this level of practical experience. To fulfill the remaining 300 hours, these students are encouraged to work or volunteer in veterinary clinics or animal shelters or other venues where a veterinarian can verify their practical experience, either during their school program or after they graduate.

Effective Dates of Certification

Certification is valid for one calendar year following initial certification, after which the CVA must renew his/her certification or else forfeit all rights and privileges associated with certification. They must be employed by or have a professional working relationship with a veterinarian in order to renew. An MVMA-member veterinarian must verify this professional relationship. Upon Completion of requirements for higher CVA levels, the date of certification for the higher level becomes the new effective date, and renewal occurs 12 months later.

Certification Renewal Requirements

A CVA must be currently employed by or have a professional working relationship with a veterinarian as evidenced by the renewal form, must complete 2 hours of continuing education during the 12-month certification period, and must submit a check to MVMA in the amount of $35.00 for the renewal fee.

Continuing Education

MVMA CVAs are required to report two (2) hours of approved continuing education within the 12-month period following their initial certification or latest renewal anniversary date. For CE opportunies visit the Practice Staff page on the MVMA website at www.movma.org.

Renewal Deadline and Consequences

Certification is valid for one calendar year, beginning with the date of initial certification. This date will be clearly shown on the certificate issued to the successful candidate and on each subsequent certificate issued for recertification. This date will serve as the CVA’s permanent anniversary date.

MVMA will make every effort to notify the CVA in writing that their certificate is about to expire, but the CVA is responsible for contacting MVMA on or before their anniversary date and for submitting the application for re-certification. The

CVA has 60 calendar days following the anniversary date in which to submit the application for renewal of certification, the CVA evaluation, and the renewal fee.

If all items required for renewal of certification are not received in the MVMA office before the 60-day deadline, the CVA will lose certification status and will be required to re-test for certification.

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association reserves the right to not renew a CVA certification based on investigation of complaints against the CVA by an MVMA member veterinarian, or other credible source.

Program Updates

The MVMA reserves the right to change any aspect of the CVA program at any time.

CVA Certification Benefits

The Certified Veterinary Assistant receives a number of benefits as a result of certification in the MVMA program, including:

Certificate. All successful applicants for certification as a CVA will receive

a professional quality certificate designating the date and level of certification as well as the name of the certified individual. This certificate is suitable for framing, and MVMA encourages the CVA to display it in a prominent place at the work site.

Patch and Pin: newly certified CVAs receive an iron-on patch and lapel pin signifying their Certified Veterinary Assistant designation.

Title: Certified Veterinary Assistants are encouraged to use the CVA designation after their name.

Verification of Certification: MVMA maintains a permanent registry of all

CVA’s who have completed and maintained their certification status, and

we will respond to all employer inquiries to verify an individual’s certification.

Promotion of Certification as an Employer Benefit: MVMA will continually promote to its member veterinarians the value of employing certified veterinary assistants. We believe the MVMA program certificate will become the standard employment credential across Missouri for veterinary jobs at less than the RVT level.

Portability of Employee Qualifications: The MVMA supports the use of Registered Veterinary Technicians and their role in veterinary care. In addition, as the MVMA-CVA program becomes well known and widely respected across Missouri, veterinarians will come to understand and value the job skills and abilities represented by each level of certification. If the CVA moves into a new community, the certificate will greatly enhance his or her chances of employment at a new veterinary clinic, complementing the role of the Registered Veterinary Technician.

Discounts on Continuing Education: Like RVTs, individuals who hold current

CVA certification, and are employed by an MVMA member, will be allowed to register for continuing education at any MVMA-sponsored seminar or conference at member rates.

All individuals who maintain current certification as a CVA and provide an email address will receive a link to the MVMA Quarterly magazine each issue, and other appropriate and timely information from the MVMA.

Revised March 2011 3

CVA I-II-III Annual Renewal/C.E. Record

Continuing Education Activities




Effective Dates of Certification

Certification is valid for one calendar year following initial certification, after which the CVA must renew his/her certification or else forfeit all rights and privileges associated with certification. They must be employed by or have a professional working relationship with a veterinarian in order to renew. This professional relationship must be verified by an MVMA-member veterinarian.

MVMA Veterinarian Name (Print): ______

I verify that (CVA) ______has used his/her CVA skills and education under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian to a significant degree within the past 12 months.


Signature Date

Certification Renewal Requirements

A CVA must be currently employed by or have a professional working relationship with a veterinarian, must complete 2 hours of continuing education during the 12-month certification period, and must submit a check to MVMA in the amount of $35.00 for the renewal fee.

Continuing Education

MVMA CVAs are required to report two (2) hours of approved continuing education within the 12-month period following their initial certification or latest renewal anniversary date. Approved CE includes Animal Care Technology veterinary related courses, MVMA or Missouri Veterinary Medical (licensing) Board approved courses, Missouri Veterinary Technician Association approved courses, RACE approved courses, or other learning experiences as approved by the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Veterinary Technician and Practice Staff Committee.

CVA NAME: ______

ADDRESS: ______

CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP:______

I verify all information on this application for renewal is true and correct.


Annual Renewal Fee: $35.00
Make check payable to MVMA and mail with form to: MVMA, 2500 Country Club Drive,
Jefferson City, MO 65109-1190

CVA Signature Date

CVA, PPE (Pending Practice Experience) EXPERIENCE VERIFICATION
(to remove PPE designation)

Experience Requirement

The MVMA-CVA program was designed from the ground up as a learning-at-work program. We believe the knowledge gained through hands-on application in the workplace is essential to the success of this program and its graduates.

Accordingly, MVMA has established the following minimum work experience

requirements for each certification level:

·  Level I: (500 hrs) 90 days full-time or the equivalent days part-time prior to the application for certification

·  Level II & above: (1000 hrs) 180 days full-time or the equivalent days part-time prior to the application for certification

High School and Community College Programs

MVMA recognizes that the school-based veterinary assistant programs can consist of well designed, highly organized content taught in classroom settings by well-qualified professional educators. Contact your local high school or community or technical college to see if MVMA CVA certification can be part of your school’s offerings.

Even in these academic settings, CVA certification is NOT issued without the required experience. However, documentation of fulfilling all CVA requirements EXCEPT the work experience can be requested by the CVA candidate. In this case, the CVA candidate can receive a document recognizing that the candidate is eligible for the CVA certification PENDING PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE or PPE. Within the first year of receiving this designation, and prior to renewal, the candidate must receive the experience and have it documented by an MVMA-member veterinarian. All fees of regular certification and renewal apply. Use of the CVA designation while in the PPE status is not allowed. During the first year, when the experience is achieved and documented, the CVA candidate can receive true CVA status and the designation may then used, but the original anniversary date when PPE status was issued is maintained as the CVA’s anniversary date.

MVMA Veterinarian Name (Print): ______

I verify that (CVA, PPE name) ______has gained experience under my supervision in the amount of at least ______hours within the past year, and I would be willing and able to provide documentation of these hours of experience if requested by the MVMA.


MVMA Member Veterinarian Signature Date

CVA NAME: ______

ADDRESS: ______

CITY: ______STATE: ______ZIP:______

I verify all information on this application for renewal is true and correct.


CVA Signature Date

Mail completed to: MVMA, 2500 Country Club Drive,
Jefferson City, MO 65109-1190

P:\00-Virtual File Drawer\CVA Program 74\MVMA CVA Handbook.doc#e2010052008