The Mark Ames Memorial
2016 TAPG Pre-Conference Scholarship
Mark Ames was a model leader and community member to the Therapeutic Adventure Professional Group (TAPG) of AEE. He contributed much in his time with us, bringing the true heart of Adventure Therapy work to our personal and professional development efforts. His wisdom, compassion, genuineness, and personal strength were an inspiration to all who knew him. This scholarship is designed to keep the welcoming spirit of Mark Ames alive by helping a new participant to be able to experience the joy and educational enrichment of TAPG’s annual pre-conference event. This scholarship is designed to provide this opportunity to someone who otherwise may not be able to afford to attend. This year, the TAPG Pre-Conference event will be held in Minneapolis, MN from October 25-26, 2015.
This scholarship covers one complete registration fee for the TAPG Pre-Conference. Accommodations, food and transportation are the responsibility of the recipient.
- Must be attending a pre-conference for the first time.
- Be enthusiastic about learning more about Adventure Therapy and have a vision for how they hope to use that knowledge.
- Be willing to help spread the word about Adventure Therapy and the TAPG.
- Exemplify the qualities that Mark Ames contributed to the TAPG community.
- Expected to write a summary about their experience for submission to Insight, TAPG’s digital newsletter.
Application Process:
- Fill out the application below completely. Typed applications are highly preferred. (If you choose to handwrite the application please be sure that it is legible.)
- Email the completed application to: Fred Borroel at
- Application must be emailed by August 15th.
Mark Ames Memorial TAPG Pre-Conference
Scholarship Application
Please type your answers. Please keep answers to questions limited to 350 words.1. / Name:
2. / Mailing Address:
Street: ______
City: State: ZIP:
3. / Daytime Telephone Number: ( ) Email Address:4. / Date of Birth: Month Day Year
6. / Current Occupation (If student please describe program of study. If employed please describe employment): /
Duration of Employment:
7. / Why are you interested in attending this Pre-con and what do you hope to contribute?8. / Please explain your current connection to Adventure Therapy or your interest in Adventure Therapy.
9. / What contributions are you currently making to the field of Adventure?
10. / What qualities do you have that you feel are strengths that you can share with the field of Adventure Therapy?
11. / What does “community” mean to you and how do think an organization should go about building community?
12. / Please describe your current financial need and whether or not you have access to other financial assistance to help you attend this conference.