Twiddle muffs
We completed 21 and presented
to Karen Worsey at Queens
Hospital on Thursday 31st March.
Many thanks to Janet Fishbourne, Jill Evans and Elaine Mayne
A scrapbook of our activities is compiled by Diana Peach; we need a volunteer to take over when she leaves, and to be the custodian of our photographic history
We have raised a £350.05 for our 2015/2016 Charity, The Alzheimers Society
Garden Festival Trophy 2016. Members are invited to submit a press report of a WI meeting in September 2115 – The WI Bicentenary. £3.50 per entry. The report must be created by one person, be no more than 500 words and produced on one side of A4 paper. Closing date Thurs 4th August
Rosemary Palmer Trophy. Create a Tea cosy in any medium, cost £3.50 per entry; must have been completed in the last 2 years and be the member's own work. Only one entry per member. Closing date 30th June 2016; entries will be displayed at the Annual Council Meeting in October 2016
Lady Denman competition. Using not more than 500 words, write a letter to yourself drawing on your life experience and imagine what you would say if you had the opportunity to guide/warn your younger self.
Elizabeth Bell challenge 2016 Launched in March to allow for the new digital area on the WI moodle to be complted and available for members to access. Wis will be challenged to create a digital story showing the impact that the WI has had on their community
Are you interested in joining a woodwind band, playing in a recorder ensemble, a WI ukulele group or joining a choir – see Gill for details
ANSLOW WI – April 2016 Newsletter
Happy April birthdays to: Janet Fishbourne, Carol Gascoigne, Pauline Gollogly, Averil Wheildon Salt.
Remember to dress in red, white and blue in honour of HM The Queen's 90th birthday and bring your own pens for the quiz!
Annual meeting and Friendship supper
Resolutions 1. Avoid food waste, address food poverty
2. Appropriate care in hospitals for people with dementia
Please take the time to have a look in the latest WI life (p 21) to familiarise yourself with the details thus facilitating an informed vote at our AGM
Competition Fairytale story book
Collecting Spa day 17th June, Molecular Gastronomy, Rummikub,
names for NFWI open day
Thursday 21st April Group meeting 6.45 pm for 7.15pm
Friday 22nd April 1.15pm Cinema club, Eddie the Eagle, Red Carpet Cinema, Barton Marina
Saturday 23rd April 7pm skittles evening at Anslow Village Hall. £6.50. Tickets available from Mandy
Friday 6th May 10-12midday, The Cornerstone, Stafford; learn to play Rummikub, £2.50 to include light refreshments
Wednesday 11th May Anslow Parish Council Annual General meeting 8pm Anslow Village Hall. All WI members are invited to attend; a short report from our WI will be given.
Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd June Staffordshire County Show . County Showground, Stafford. ST18 0EB
Sunday 10th July We are hosting an afternoon tea at Anslow Village Hall for the Retford History Society, we need volunteers to make cakes, scones and sandwiches and help on the day
Tuesday 11th October 98th Annual Council Meeting, Stafford
Monday 17th October Rolleston club Autumn Group meeting hosted by Anslow, speaker Bill Tidy.
Suggestion box
Don't forget to submit any suggestions/ complaints/compliments in person or via the suggestion box
Signing in to meetings
Please remember to sign in at our meetings and give apologies for anyone who is ill.
Committee: would you like to join our committee and have a say in how your institute is run? Additional members would be most welcome
ACWW project: support for sustainable livelihood through distribution of milch animals (cows) to landless poor Dalit women and raising their family income level to address household poverty; Initially 20 women will be supported. We need to raise £3,000; £132 was carried over from the previous project and £368.56 has already been raised.
March supporters club draw. Audrey Smith won 2nd prize of £10
Hanging 'brasket' competition A sustainable gardening project with the help of Sutton Seeds. One entry per WI; fill an old bra with plants and send in the photograph & content list of plants by Wednesday 31st August 2016.,
Saving Denman – It has been suggested by NFWI that each member pays £10 over the next two years to add to the budget for ongoing maintenance of the building and grounds. More information will be given at our meeting.
Organ transplants The West Midlands has the lowest number of available organs for transplant in the country. WI members have done well making the 'time to talk' to relatives to make their wishes regarding donation known, however there is a great need to improve the current situation. Can you help raise awareness of this situation amongst your friends and relatives? More information is available at The short video exemplifies the value and importance of people being on the organ donor register.
Gill receiving our 70th Anniversary
certificate at the March Council meeting.
Diary dates: Spa Day at Burton college 17th June; 70th Anniversary outing – afternoon tea at Branston Golf club 28th July, £10.;
Flower meadow – urgent help is required for weeding that must be completed by Friday 15th April in order to rake and sow the flower seeds on Sunday 17th April. If you would like to help sow the seeds please meet at 10.30am on Sunday 17th April at the flower garden and bring a rake and something to sprinkle the seeds such as a jam jar with holes in the lid.
Anslow Village hall management committee is looking for another member; please see Mandy
November and December – NFWI open days in London. 2 hour visit; £5 to include commemorative photograph in the style of the front cover of WI life. See Gill for details
Does anyone have a notice board that they can donate for use in the village hall for the WI?