Journal Grading Rubric

Name:______Book Title:______

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Book Selection
Student score:
Teacher score: / Reader selected a book that was just-right for his/her reading ability. / Reader selected a book that was close to his/her reading ability. / Reader selected a book that was not close to his/her reading ability. / Reader selected a book that was too easy or too difficult for them.
Amount of
Journal Entries
Student score:
Teacher score: / Reader made 8 or more double-sided entries that displayed best thinking. / Reader made 7-6 double-sided entries that displayed best thinking. / Reader made 5-4 double-sided entries that displayed best thinking. / Reader made 3-0 double-sided entries that displayed best thinking.
Reading Strategies
Student score:
Teacher score: / Reader used a wide variety of reading strategies (5 or more). / Reader used some variety of reading strategies (4). / Reader used little variety of reading strategies (3 or 2). / Reader used one or zero reading strategies.
Student score:
Teacher score: / All or most entries (8 or 7) were written in detail and used evidence from the text for support. / Some entries (6 or 5) were written in detail and used evidence from the text for support. / Few entries (4 or 3) were written in detail and used evidence from the text for support. / Little entries (2, 1, or zero) were written in detail and used evidence from the text for support.
Concepts Taught
Student score:
Teacher score: / Many entries (4 or more) demonstrated effort in applying concepts taught during mini-lessons. / Some entries (3) demonstrated effort in applying concepts taught during mini-lessons. / Few entries (2 or 1)) demonstrated effort in applying concepts taught during mini-lessons. / No entries demonstrated effort in applying concepts taught during mini-lessons.
Reading Time / Habits
Student score:
Teacher score: / Reader read silently in their seat for the entire time and/or worked on entries. Reader did not disrupt other readers. / Reader read silently in their seat and/or worked on entries for most of the class period. Reader rarely disrupted other readers. / Reader read silently in their seat and/or worked on entries for some of the class period. Reader disrupted other readers by speaking or making noises. / Reader did not stay on task during reading time. Reader moved around a lot and disrupted other readers by speaking or making noises.
Student score:
Teacher score: / Reading Journal was organized nicely with page tracker and entries. Entries were written neatly to best of ability. / Reading Journal was mostly organized with page tracker and entries. Entries were not written to best of ability. / Reading Journal was partly organized. Page tracker was missing. Entries were difficult to read. / Reading Journal was not organized. Page tracker was missing. Entries were illegible.
Self Assessment
Student score:
Teacher score: / Reader took time to accurately assess journal entries. / Reader assessed journal entries with minor inaccuracies. / Reader rushed through assessments; many were inaccurate. / Reader did not assess journal entries.
Writing Expectations
Student score:
Teacher score: / 0 errors were made on the 4-point list of writing expectations. / 1 error was made on the 4-point list of writing expectations. / 2 errors were made on the 4-point list of writing expectations. / 3 or more errors were made on the 4-point list of writing expectations.
Student Score: /36 / Final Score: /36