June 2015

Dear Parents/Carers


As you know, The Modern Languages Department has planned a day visit to the attractive market town ofLe Touquet, situated about one hour from Calaison Friday 10th July 2015.

The visit is intended to increase students’ understanding and knowledge of France and to encourage them to use the foreign language. We consider the visit to be a valuable extension of the Languages Curriculum and we have around 180 students attending.Students will spend several hours exploring the town of Le Touquet and will be able to practise newly learned phrases by purchasing souvenirs and ordering a drink or ice cream in a café. There will also be some activities to complete on the coach relating to the language and geography of France.

Final arrangements for the day are as follows:

Meet at school at 6:45am and report to group leader. (Your child will be told the name of their leader inFrench lessons before the trip).

Departure from school, by coach, at 7a.m.

Return to school by 11p.m.

Please be aware that we are convening in a residential area and we would greatly appreciate it if you could encourage your child to keep the level of noise to a minimum,even though they may be very excited. We may return before 11pm but if it is considerably earlier, parents will be contacted.

Students must wear comfortable clothes for the day and should bring a waterproof jacket in case it rains. Please make sure that your child has a packed breakfast and lunch for the day, though obviously there will be an opportunity to purchase food once we are in Le Touquet. They may bring spending money but we would advise a maximum of £25 worth of Euros as it will be their responsibility should it get lost. Likewise, should your child wish to bring an iPod or any other devices for use on the coach, this is entirely their responsibility and they bring it at their own risk. Please remember that spending money for use in Le Touquet must be purchased as Euros. We will be stopping at the services en route, so if they wish to buy any food here, they must also have some Sterling with them.

Upon arrival in Le Touquet, students will be allowed to explore in groups of at least 4. There will be a member of staff on duty at all times at an allocated point and all students will have the school emergency phone number which I will be carrying throughout the day. Any students spotted in town in groups fewer than 4 will be made to accompany a teacher, so it is important to behave in a very mature and sensible manner all day and follow these instructions carefully.

Please could you return the form below as soon as possible to let us know if you are happy for us to administer paracetamol should your child feel unwell during the day.Your child must hand in their passport and European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to Student Services by Friday 3rdJulyat the absolute latest.

All medical and emergency contact details have been collated for this trip using the information provided on the ‘Medical Form for School Trips’ that were completed at the start of year 7. If there is any new information that you would like me to be aware of, or ifthere are any details that you think may need updating, please let me know by phone or email as soon as possible. My direct email address is .

Many thanks in advance. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the school if you have any further queries relating to the day.

Yours faithfully,

Mr R Thorpe

Trip Leader


Student Name:Form: ______

If my child has a headache/feels unwell during the day trip to Le Touquet on Friday 10th July, I am/am not* happy for them to be given paracetamol.
*Please delete as appropriate

Signed: ______(Parent/Carer)