Exam Review 3: Thorax, Lungs, Heart, Histology

Exam Review Wednesday 03/07HPA1 116 4:00-5:50 PM

  1. The first 8 ribs are considered “true” ribs (T/F).
  2. True
  3. False
  4. At what level is a sternal puncture usually performed?
  5. L1-L2
  6. The lower third of the sternal body
  7. T3-T5
  8. The upper third of the sternal body
  9. What condition is commonly seen in people who suffer from Turner’s syndrome?
  10. Flail chest
  11. Coarctation of aorta
  12. Cervical rib
  13. Infraclavicular nerve block
  14. A female patient presents with dimpled skin on her breast, resembling an orange peel. She is immediately given a mammography exam and the physician detects a tumor in her breast. Which of the following mammary structures has been invaded?
  15. Suspensory (Cooper’s) ligament
  16. Retromammary space
  17. Lactiferous duct
  18. Apocrine gland
  19. What nerve supplies part of the innervation to the parietal pleura?
  20. CN X
  21. T1-T4
  22. Phrenic nerve
  23. T5-T7
  24. A patient is rushed into the emergency room after sustaining knife wounds to his chest. He is experiencing a shortness of breath and the physicians are worried that he may have a collapsed lung. A mediastinal flutter is detected. Which of the following conditions is this patient suffering from?
  25. Tension pneumothorax
  26. Spontaneous pneumothorax
  27. Pneumonia
  28. Open (sucking) pneumothorax
  29. Which of the following procedures would be most effective in treating pleural effusion?
  30. Thoracocentesis
  31. Tube thoracostomy
  32. Needle decompression
  33. Tracheostomy
  1. Which of the following is NOT a part of the pharynx?
  2. Laropharynx
  3. Nasopharynx
  4. Oropharynx
  5. Hypopharynx
  6. At what level does the trachea bifurcate into the right and left main bronchi?
  7. T5
  8. T3
  9. C6
  10. T4
  11. What type of epithelium lines the inner layer of the trachea?
  12. Simple squamous
  13. Non-keratinizing stratified squamous
  14. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
  15. Stratified columnar
  16. What is the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood as it is brought to the lungs for oxygenation?
  17. PO2 40 mmHg; PCO2 46 mmHg
  18. PO2 100 mmHg; PCO2 46 mmHg
  19. PO2 40 mmHg; PCO2 100 mmHg
  20. PO2 100 mmHg; PCO2 40 mmHg
  21. Which of the following lung innervations is responsible for bronchoconstriction?
  22. Vagal afferent
  23. Vagal efferent
  24. Sympathetic afferent
  25. Sympathetic efferent
  26. A patient presents with heavy breathing and pink discoloration. Their forced expiration capacity is significantly low and when examined the physician notices that they have a thin, barrel-shaped chest. What condition is this patient suffering from?
  27. Pneumonia
  28. Asthma
  29. Chronic bronchitis
  30. Emphysema
  31. A patient is brought into the emergency room complaining of severe chest pain above his sternum. His family members are worried that is he suffering from a heart attack. The physician listens to his heart and notices a rubbing sound. What is the most probable diagnosis?
  32. Heart attack
  33. Coronary artery disease
  34. Cardiomegaly
  35. Pericarditis
  1. Which structure allows blood to move from the right atrium of the heart to the left atrium during fetal life?
  2. Ligamentum arteriosum
  3. Ductus arteriosus
  4. Foramen ovale
  5. Fossa ovalis
  6. Which of the following conditions can lead to Eisenmenger’s syndrome?
  7. Ventricular septum defect
  8. Pericarditis
  9. Coarctation of aorta
  10. Cardiac tamponade
  11. Which of the following valves lies between the left atrium and left ventricle?
  12. Tricuspid
  13. Mitral
  14. Aortic
  15. Semilunar
  16. A young boy comes in for his annual check up. The physician performs a routine examination but when he listens to the boy’s heart, he notices a slight murmur. Concerned about this finding, he checks the boys medical history. The boy’s medical history indicates that he was fighting a streptococcus infection not too long ago. What secondary disease may have manifested as a result of this initial infection and may be responsible for the boy’s irregular heart sounds?
  17. Rheumatic fever
  18. Atrial septal defect
  19. Bronchitis
  20. Mitral stenosis
  21. What is the correct order of the heart conduction pathway?
  22. AV node → SA node → Bundle of His → bundle branches → Purkinje fibers
  23. AV node → SA node → bundle branches → Purkinje fibers → Bundle of His
  24. SA node → AV node → Bundle of His → bundle branches → Purkinje fibers
  25. Bundle of His → Av node → SA node → Purkinje fibers → bundle branches
  26. Which of the following is NOT a major branch of the right coronary artery?
  27. Right marginal artery
  28. Anterior interventricular artery
  29. SA nodal artery
  30. Posterior interventricular artery
  31. Which cardiac vein is the main tributary of the coronary sinus?
  32. Middle cardiac vein
  33. Anterior cardiac vein
  34. Left marginal vein
  35. Great cardiac vein
  36. Which of the following is the site of auscultation for the tricuspid valve?
  37. Right of the 2nd intercostal space
  38. Left of the 2nd intercostal space
  39. Left of 5th intercostal space at sternal junction
  40. Left of 5th intercostal space at midclavicular line
  41. A patient comes in complaining of angina and excessive fatigue after minimal activity. The patient’s blood is sent to the lab for analysis and when the results come back the physician notices that the patient suffers from high cholesterol and hypertension. The doctor diagnoses the patient with atherosclerosis. What is the most effective treatment option?
  42. Coronary angioplasty
  43. Open heart surgery
  44. Coronary angiography
  45. Coronary bypass
  46. At what level is the diaphragmatic narrowing of the esophagus located?
  47. C6
  48. T10
  49. T12
  50. T5
  51. Which of the following veins is NOT involved in the venous drainage of the esophagus?
  52. Azygos vein
  53. Inferior thyroid vein
  54. Gastric veins
  55. Posterior intercostal veins
  56. The cisterna chyli drains approximately ¾ of the lymphatics of the body (T/F).
  57. True
  58. False
  59. Which of the following nerves does NOT provide innervation to the thoracic diaphragm?
  60. CN X
  61. C3-C5
  62. L1-L2
  63. Intercostal nerves
  64. Which vein drains the upper left portion of the thoracic wall?
  65. Azygos vein
  66. Hemiazygos vein
  67. Accessory hemiazygos vein
  68. Ascending lumbar veins
  69. Which of the following conditions is indicated by an absent Q wave and a delta wave?
  70. Wolf Parkinson’s White syndrome
  71. Atrial fibrillation
  72. Atrial flutter
  73. Ventricular tachycardia

  1. Use the image above to answer the following question. What layer of the skin is the arrow pointing to?
  2. Stratum corneum
  3. Stratum spinosum
  4. Stratum lucidum
  5. Stratum granulosum

*All questions have been cross referenced with lecture notes and the textbook, however this does not ensure that all answers are correct. This document serves as a study guide and is in NO WAY an official copy of any previous or current exams!*