Midland Zone of PCAV
Committee Meeting
Held on December 2nd 2014 at St Arnaud
Meeting Open: 8.15pm
Apologies: Bronwyn Cuthbertson, Mindy Bell, Liz McCourt, Tracey Arbuckle, Jill McEwen, Kira Chalmers
Club Representatives Present:
Ararat –
Bealiba – Faye Barnett,
Beaufort –
Bendigo –
Castlemaine –
Charlton – Kaye Blanchard
Donald – Beryl Pearse
Harcourt –
Horsham –
Huntly Spring Gully –
Loddon –
Maldon – Nicki Chalmers, Julie Robins
Mandurang South –
Maryborough –, Chelsea Gerring, Nicole Kendt
Neanger Park –
Stawell – Viv Cole, Narelle O’Callaghan
St Arnaud –
Midland Zone – Christine Linton, Sue Foley, Debbie Ruff, Linda Gerring, Debbie Weir
Business Arising from 2014 Minutes:
· Prices for the comets that clubs may want to order have been obtained; prices are $8.50 for a 3 tail comet, $9.20 for a 5 tail comet and $10.50 for a 7 tail comet. An email will be sent to clubs asking for who would like to place an order
· New Signatories have been set up for the Zone accounts. Direct Deposit payment options have been set up as well
· Consumer Affairs have been contacted. The annual statement has been downloaded and will be filled in at the meeting. This can then be sent off with the cheque ASAP
Confirmation of Minutes:
Moved: Narelle O’Callaghan Seconded: Viv Cole
Correspondence In: 15/10/2014 through to 2/12/2014
· Event programs
· Bealiba PC
o Asking if the Zone can approve an addition to their club uniform
Note: This does not need to be approved; the Zone just needs to know about it. A letter will be sent to Bealiba PC regarding this
o Asking what the Zone will be doing with the funds that would be going towards a State Event now that PCAV have bought a property to hold these events
Note: The money will be held as is at the moment; a review will be made in the future once we know for certain what exactly will be happening with future State events. A letter will be sent to Bealiba PC regarding this
· Neangar Park – asking the Zone to send their walkie talkie to them via post
· Event dates for the 2015 calendar from some clubs
· Emails between committee members re: the Dressage & SJ event change of venue from Castlemaine PC to Maldon PC
· Nicki Chalmers
o Coach Registration Information
o Asking for all exec committee to send a photo and brief role description through for the next newsletter
o Asking if she can get a draft copy of the zone calendar
· Sue Foley
o FEI show jumping rule that restricts combinations competing in more than 2 jumping events per day at a competition
o Advising that there is a new rule regarding portable yards at events
o Asking for expressions of interest for a new event called “Tetrathlon”
o Link to an article outlining the impact on the changes to the WWCC Legislation and the impact on Sporting Organisations.
o Reminding all clubs to vote for the PCAV Vice Presidential election
o Thanking all clubs who voted for the PCAV Vice President election
· Linda Gerring
o Thanking the riders and parents who came to the instructors school and also to Nicki Chalmers for organising it
o Email to Section C clubs advising what equipment, etc. they need for the next Zone event to be held at Maldon PC
· Advising that they have updated the PCAV website to reflect the new committee. Also advising that they have amended Debbie’s login to allow access to the Midland Zone MyClub and website, they have also done a password access for Sue
· With an attachment for a survey from the Australian Horse Industry Council
· Advising that there will be an Open day at the new PCAV Equestrian Centre on Sunday December 14th
· Advising that they have new and improved XC score sheets available for purchase
Hard Copies/Other
· Tuff Rugs – asking if we would be interested in some sponsorship.
Note: Email back to say yes we would love some sponsorship and thank you very much
· Dunolly Horse Activity Club – asking if the Zone would be interested in using their grounds for an event. Also asking if we would be able to sponsor them either in kind or monetary
Note: Send letter to say thank you for the offer; it is good to have another option but we have decided to table it at the moment and will definitely keep it in mind
· Glynn Jarrett – fact sheet on Minimum number of members in an Incorporated Association
· Marie Gahn – Thank you card for the flowers and good wishes on the passing of her husband
Correspondence Out: 15/10/2014 through to 2/12/2014
· With the link to the online coach registration for ALL coaches coaching in Pony Club
· Zone Events Nomination Form for the 2015 Calendar
· Info on changes to the WWCC for all coaches and tutors working with children
· Program for the Zone SJ & Dressage Qualifiers to be held at Maldon on December 14th 2014
· Draft copy of the 2015 Zone Calendar
· Computer Sashes – Sash/ribbon order for the upcoming SJ & Dressage Qualifiers
Correspondence Moved: Debbie Ruff Seconded: Christine Linton
Presidents Report from Linda Gerring
Report presented at meeting. Unable to attach as a copy wasn’t supplied to the Secretary.
Treasurers Report:
Financial statement for Midland Zone PCAV as at 30/11/2014
Opening Balance $6422.50
Income Expenditure
Interest Sep, Oct & Nov $49.53 Computer sashes $394.72
December entries $80.00 Zone Workshop $390.00
Supper $40.00
Anti Virus $99.00
PCAV $44.00
Flowers $65.00
DCI Travel $400.00
C Travel $132.40
Total Income $129.53 Total Expenditure $1565.12
Closing Balance $4986.91
Statement Balance $5887.01
Less Outstanding Cheques
#109 $700.00 Honorarium
#108 $50.10 Consumer Affairs
#119 $100.00 John Stevens
#140 $50.00 Clinton Hedger
Total $900.10
$5887.01 - $900.10 = $4986.91
Moved: Christine Linton Seconded: Debbie Weir
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Zone Rep Report: Sue Foley
Report presented at meeting. Unable to attach as a copy wasn’t supplied to the Secretary
Moved: Sue Foley Seconded: Narelle O’Callaghan
Midland Zone Minutes 14th October 2014Page 3
Zone Chief Instructor Report:
Report presented at meeting. Unable to attach as a copy wasn’t supplied to the Secretary
Moved: Nicki Chalmers Seconded: Deb Ruff
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Zone Events Report:
· Zone Camp (to be held in Feb/March) – Nicki to speak to Huntly Spring Gully about holding the camp there
· Games & Flat (to be held in April) – Section A, Linda to contact this section to inform them and ask them to put forward venues.
· Horse Trials (to be held in May) – Section D, Maldon will host this event if their XC is finished, otherwise Maryborough will hold it
· Flat Ride & SJ (to be held in August) – Section C, Linda to contact Mandurang South about hosting this event
· Dressage & SJ Qualifiers (to be held in December) – Section B, Linda to contact this section to inform them and ask them to put forward venues.
General Business:
· Beryl had an issue at her club re; having spring clips on bridles. Beryl has suggested that when gear checking at rallies, etc. to be aware of this issue
· Zone Workshops are being held in June and November next year. Nicki suggested that we move the June NCAS Training workshop to the 18th & 19th April so that we can take the opportunity of getting the rebate of $100 for the training from PCAV before it finishes in May. This means that we will now be running the two instructor’s schools in April (instead of June) and November.
· Viv discussed the issue of PCAV’s new rule about not being able to use portable electric fencing at events now, that we need to use portable steel yards. A letter is to be written to PCAV with our thoughts on this – that it will restrict members from being able to attend events and is not being inclusive of all our riders. It will also make it harder for smaller clubs to run events if they do not have yards
· Debbie Ruff asked who do clubs send the Zone XC Course Accreditation form & payment to. The form gets sent to the zone rep and the accreditation fee is to be paid to the accreditor. An email containing this info is to be sent to clubs who hold Horse Trials and need XC Course Accreditation
· Get prices for a portable PA system (St Arnaud & Maryborough) to bring back to the next meeting. Also look at grants to possibly purchase this system. Kaye suggested that instead of the Zone purchasing this system that maybe clubs should purchase it and the Zone can hire or use the PA system when needed.
Meeting closed: 10.00pm
Next meeting: Tuesday 27th January 2015, 8.00pm @ Maryborough (venue TBA)
Job list from Meeting
Job / Responsible / Timeline / CompletedOld Midland Zone documents that require archiving to be sent to the Donald History Group (this is where previous Midland Zone documents are archived). / Debbie / ongoing
Prices for Comets that all clubs can order for past events have been obtained. An email is to be sent to clubs with prices and an order form / Debbie / DONE
The Annual Statement is to be sent off to Consumer Affairs / Debbie / DONE
Letter to be sent to Bealiba PC re: addition to club uniform / Debbie / DONE
Letter to be sent to Bealiba PC re: what the Zone will be doing with the funds that they have saved from State events / Debbie / DONE
An email is to be sent to Tuff Rugs re: sponsorship / Linda / DONE
A reply is to be sent to Dunolly HAC re: grounds hire & sponsorship / Debbie / DONE
Speak to Huntly-Spring Gully about holding the Zone Camp there in Feb/March 2015 / Nikki / By next meeting
Contact Section A clubs asking who would like to host the Games & Flat event to be held in April 2015 / Linda / By next meeting
Contact Mandurang Sth PC to ask if they would like to host the Flat Ride & SJ event to be held in Aug 2015 / Linda / By next meeting
Contact Section B clubs asking who would like to host the Dressage & SJ Qualifying event to be held in Dec 2015 / Linda / By next meeting
Letter to be sent to PCAV re: their decision to change the rule about the use of portable yards at events / Debbie / DONE
An email is to be sent to clubs who have XC courses that need to be accredited for events regarding payment, forms, etc. / Debbie / DONE
Get prices for a portable PA system to be used at Zone events / St Arnaud & Maryborough / By next meeting
Look at possible grants available to purchase PA system / St Arnaud & Maryborough / By next meeting
Midland Zone Sections:
SECTION A / SECTION B / SECTION C / SECTION DArarat / Charlton / Bendigo / Bealiba
Beaufort / Donald / Huntly-Spring Gully / Castlemaine
Horsham / Loddon / Mandurang South / Harcourt
Stawell / St Arnaud / Neangar Park / Maldon
Section Calendar:
EVENT / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017Instructors School / A / C / B / D
Horse Trials / B / D / A / C
Games & Flat / D / A / C / B
Instructors School / C / B / D / A
SJ & Flat Team / A / C / B / D
AGM / B / D / A / C
Dressage & SJ Qualifiers / C / B / D / A
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