Watauga County Schools
PD for K-5 ELA-Tentative Big Ideas to Teach during a half day session
Big Ideas:
Shift 1: PK-5, Balancing Informational & Literary Text
Balance: NAEP chart – entire day, 50/50
Building background knowledge through informational text
Cultivate an attention to detail ***Use quotes for reflection
Shift 2: 6-12, Building Knowledge in the Disciplines
All teachers are literacy teachers/literacy is taught in every content area (self-contained classrooms)
Engaging students through primary sources, more time to explore a text, seeing text as evidence leading to debates, discussions, etc.
*What support systems need to be in place to support content area teachers? (Meredith)
*Activity: T-chart?
Shift 3: Staircase of Complexity
The 3-piece triangle, place of Lexile score along with other components to determine complexity.
Role of teacher: Scaffolding – not differentiation, slowing down, chunking, rereading
Teachers need to PLAN through rereading the text before teaching, choosing vocabulary, etc.
Required student behaviors: perseverance
Activity: Rereading handout and sample texts
Wiki chart of levels of complexity
Shift 4: Text-Based Answers
Cultivating close reading and developing questions worth asking (shift from generic question stems)
Don’t always activate prior knowledge, don’t interfere with writer’s voice, purpose
Activity: Text-based Q&A Handout
Shift 5: Writing from Sources
Total shift from narrative, reading-writing connection
Voice comes from powerful, useful information with evidence from text, not just retelling what happens
Why shift is important for college AND career readiness
Quote: “Let go of the time you spend teaching narrative.”
Other considerations: plagiarism, paraphrasing, reliable sources, using meaningful, relevant and sufficient evidence.
Reading multiple sources (including primary sources) and compiling evidence to support an opinion/idea.
Activity: Review synthesis graphic organizer (3 boxes)
Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary
Vocabulary tiers, importance of Tier 2
Role of synonyms
Teach fewer words, deeper understanding (Tier 2 words)
Teacher planning – planning which words to use ahead of time
Activity: Quindlen text vocabulary chart