Frost Farms Homeowners Association, Inc
Minutes from January 22, 2015 Board Meeting
Board Members in Attendance: Eve Williams, Erroll Saunders, David Abright, Diane Jackson, Wanda White, Terri Haskett
Homeowners present: Warren Adams
Location: 1101 Shadow Wood Trail
Call to Order: 7:33pm, quorum met
-Review of minutes from 9.18.14 meeting: Corrections- added homeowner Nancy Argo to attendance at last meeting; secure date of insurance was changed to reflect 9/17/14 instead of 9/17/15; misspelling of Johnnie King’s last name was corrected. (See changes reflected in minutes on file). Motion to accept: David Abright, second by Wanda White, all approved.
-Chairman’s Report: Eve presented written Chairman’s report (attached) that reviewed 2014 events such as Block Party, Halloween, and Annual Holiday Party. Update on Neighborhood Matching Grant was given. Since the grant money was never used for a dedicated project, Eve had to return the $500 to the city in order to retain our eligibility. Applications are due in October so we will reapply by the deadline this year.
Title companies – a list of addresses for which title companies have contacted the HOA regarding sale of property was reviewed.
Webite – Ross McBride has provided information on conversion of the Frost Farms website from his ownership to our current board. Eve still needs time to investigate this transition process. Vicki Patel has volunteered to take over website updates and communication.
-Calendar Year Financials: Reviewed the 2014 P&L, transaction detail by account report, vendor’s balance sheet, collections report and Inwood Bank statement. Upon review of the collections report, Wanda White suggested that another round of past due invoices go out but on bright paper that would capture the homeowner’s attention. Fourteen (14) homeowners are at least 1 year behind and (7) homeowner’s had balances greater than $1k.
Motion was made by David Abright to retain services of a lawyer in the next 30 days for the purpose of placing liens on homes that were delinquent; second by Diane Jackson, all approved. Errol Saunders volunteered to research and make contact with lawyers in the DFW area.
-Architectural Committee: David Abright reported that owners at 1150 Whispering Oaks had gone thru the committee to get approval to build a fence in their backyard. Pictures of the approved fence were presented.
-Social Committee: Diane Jackson reported that there was not enough response for the Super Bowl party so she will be sending out an e-message canceling the event.
-Recognition of outgoing board member Wanda White: Due to the sale of Wanda’s home in Frost Farms, she is resigning from the board. The board recognized Wanda for her years of service by giving her a service recognition plaque.
Board member Diane Jackson nominated and made a motion for homeowner Warren Adams to replace Wanda’s open position; second by Eve Williams, all approved.
-Next meeting will be April 30, 2015.
Meeting adjorned at 9:25pm.