Greenwich Council’s proposed admissions arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for entry in the 2011/12 academic year.
Nursery schools and nursery classes in primary schools
If there are more applicants than places available, the school will give priority in the following order:
1. Looked after children.
A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is in the care of a local authority, including foster care.
2. Children with an educational, medical or social need for education in a nursery school or class.
3. Children who have a brother or sister living at the same address who will be on roll at the school at the time when the child is due to start nursery education.
Brother or sister means a full, half, step brother or sister, long-term fostered or adopted child, or a child living as part of the family unit.
4. Greenwich children ranked according to home/school distance.
5. Children living in other boroughs ranked according to home/school distance.
If it is necessary to choose between applicants within any of the groups 2-5, priority will be given to those who live nearest to the school and to the age of the child. Where the child has not received any early years education provision and is nearing reception class
age, the school may prioritise this child over a younger child.
Measurement will be according to a straight line from the child’s home to the main entrance of the school. An existing registered childminder’s address, instead of the home address, may be used to determine the position of the child’s home in relation to the school.
The home address is considered to be where the child resides as their only or principal residence. The following documentation is required as proof of the principal home address:
- A current Council Tax statement or Council Tax Benefit letter, AND
- A HM Revenue and Customs letter confirming that the parent / carer is in receipt of Child Benefit or Child Tax Credits at the address given on the application form.
If the child resides equally between both parents, the principal home address will be
considered to be the address of the parent who is in receipt of benefits for the child.
For children who reside with a relative or carer other than a parent, a residence order
or other court order will be required.
Admissions process
The free early years education entitlement is 15 hours per week, 38 weeks a year. These hours may be taken more flexibly in some provision to spread the 15 hours over three days or more. It also means that a child may access their entitlement through two different providers. Some schools may be able to offer additional hours, but only to those applicants who meet the eligibility criteria set by the Council.
Applications to nursery schools or classes are made direct to the school.
Greenwich primary schools admit all children to reception classes in September. This may mean some nursery classes will also fill their places in September.
Children will not be admitted to a nursery class or nursery school before their 3rd birthday.
There is no formal appeals process in the case of admission to nursery schools and classes.
Primary schools
If there are more applicants than places available, priority will be given in the following order to:
1. Looked after children.
A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is in the care of a local authority, including foster care.
2. Children who have a brother or sister living at the same address who will be on roll at the school at the time of the child’s admission.
Brother or sister means a full, half, step brother or sister, a long-term fostered or adopted child, or a child living as part of the family unit.
3. Other children.
Within criterion 3, applicants may be given higher priority on the grounds of professionally supported medical or social need for that particular school. Although a medical or social reason may apply to other immediate family members as well as the child, priority may only be given within criterion 3 where it has been demonstrated that there are exceptional circumstances.
In the event that two or more applicants have equal right to a place under any of the above criteria, priority will be given to those who live nearest to the school.
Distance from home to school is measured electronically by Council officers. Measurement will be according to a straight line from the child’s home to the main entrance of the school. The computerised mapping system measures from a single fixed point in the centre of the home address to the main entrance of the school. If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building eg. flats, priority will be given to the applicant whose door number is the lowest numerically and/or alphabetically.The home address is considered to be where the child resides as their only or principal residence. The following documentation is required as proof of the principal home address:
- A current Council Tax statement or Council Tax Benefit letter, AND
- A HM Revenue and Customs letter confirming that the parent / carer is in receipt of Child Benefit or Child Tax Credits at the address given on the application form.
If the child resides equally between both parents, the principal home address will be considered as being the address of the parent who is in receipt of benefits for the child.
For children who reside with a relative or carer other than a parent, a residence order or other court order will be required.
In establishing the principal home address we reserve the right to ask for further information (such as proof of the tenancy period) and to check records held within the Council and with external agencies. If a false address is given and an offer of a school place is made on the basis of that address, we reserve the right to withdraw the offer of a school place at any stage during the primary admissions process.
Point of admission
In Greenwich, children can be admitted to a reception class in the term before they reach five years of age. This is known as ‘rising five’.
All schools in Greenwich have a single point of entry and admit children in September.
Parents / carers may defer entry until the term following the child’s fifth birthday, but not beyond the reception year.
Co-ordinated admissions
Greenwich will use the pan-London primary co-ordinated admissions scheme template. Full details are given in Appendix B.
Parents / carers have the right to appeal against the decision not to offer the child a place at any of the schools applied for. Appeals will be heard by an independent appeals panel in accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
Primary schoolPublished admission number
Alderwood 30
Alexander McLeod 75
Bannockburn 45
Boxgrove 60
Brooklands 30
Cardwell 60
Charlton Manor 60
Cherry Orchard 30
Conway 60
Deansfield 60
De Lucy 60
Discovery 60
Ealdham 60
Eglinton 60
Fossdene 60
Foxfield 60
Gallions Mount 60
Gordon information 60
Greenacres information30
Greenslade information30
Haimo 45
Halstow 45
Henwick 45
Heronsgate 60
Horn Park 60
Invicta 30
James Wolfe60
Kidbrooke Park 60
Linton Mead 60
Meridian 30
Middle Park 60
Millennium 60
Montbelle 60
Morden Mount 60
Mulgrave 60
Nightingale 30
Plumcroft 90
Rockliffe Manor 30
Sherington 60
South Rise 90
Thorntree 30
Timbercroft 60
Windrush 30
Wingfield 60
Woodhill 60
Secondary schools
Each secondary school will have a fixed total number of places for its Year 7 intake in September 2011. All Greenwich community and voluntary controlled schools will divide this number into five ability bands to provide a balanced intake of children of differing abilities. If there are more applicants than places available, priority within each ability band will be given in the following order to:
1. Looked after children.
A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is in the care of a local authority, including foster care.
2. Children who have a brother or sister living at the same address who will be on roll at the school (in Years 7-11) at the time of at the time of the child’s admission.
This does not include students attending for sixth form studies. Brother or sister means a full, half, step brother or sister, a long-term fostered or adopted child, or a child living as part of the family unit.
3. Other children.
Within criterion 3, applicants may be given higher priority on the grounds of professionally supported medical or social need for that particular school. Although a medical or social reason may apply to other immediate family members as well as the child, priority may only be given within criterion 3 where it has been demonstrated that there are exceptional circumstances.
In the event that two or more applicants have equal right to a place under any of the above criteria, priority will be given to those who live nearest to the school.
Distance from home to school is measured electronically by Council officers. Measurement will be according to a straight line from the child’s home to the main entrance of the school. The computerised mapping system measures from a single fixed point in the centre of the home address to the main entrance of the school. If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building eg. flats, priority will be given to the applicant whose door number is the lowest numerically and/or alphabetically. The home address is considered to be where the child resides as their only or principal residence. The following documentation is required as proof of the principal home address:
- A current Council Tax statement or Council Tax Benefit letter, AND
- A HM Revenue and Customs letter confirming that the parent / carer is in receipt of Child Benefit or Child Tax Credits at the address given on the application form.
If the child resides equally between both parents, the principal home address will be considered as being the address at which the child is registered whilst attending primary school and of the parent who is in receipt of benefits for the child. For children who reside with a relative or carer other than a parent, a residence order or other court order will be required.
In establishing the principal home address we reserve the right to ask for further information (such as proof of the tenancy period) and to check records held within the Council and with external agencies. If a false address is given and an offer of a school place is made on the basis of that address, we reserve the right to withdraw the offer of a school place at any stage during the primary admissions process.
Co-ordinated admissions
Greenwich will use the pan-London secondary co-ordinated admissions scheme template. Full details are given in Appendix C.
Parents / carers have the right to appeal against the decision not to offer the child a place at any of the schools applied for. Appeals will be heard by an independent appeals panel in accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
Secondary school Published admission number
Crown Woods270
Eltham Green 240
Eltham Hill180
The John Roan210
Plumstead Manor240
Thomas Tallis 240
Woolwich Polytechnic240
All 16-18 year olds who live in Greenwich or attend a Greenwich school have the right to attend a GPlus centre which offers the course of study they wish to follow, provided that:
• they meet the entry requirements and,
• they enter a Learning Agreement which is mutually acceptable to both the student and the Centre he/she has chosen.
Other applicants who meet these two conditions are also welcome to apply and will be offered places where possible.
For September 2011, the following planned admission limits will apply for each centre named below (which are maintained as part of the GPlus network and for which the Council is the admissions authority). Where the centre is part of a host school, these admission limits will be for new applications (i.e. from students entering Year 12 who are not transferring from the school’s own Year 11 cohort).
School-based Centres Admissions limit for new applications
Crown Woods 144
The John Roan 36
Kidbrooke 100
Plumstead Manor 180
Thomas Tallis 37
Shooters Hill Post 16 500
In terms of admission to courses at GPlus centres by students who meet the general conditions for entry (as set out above), the following priorities will apply:
1. Looked after children.
A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is in the care of a local authority, including foster care.
2. If there are more applicants for particular courses at any centre than there are places available on that course, priority will be given in the following order, to:
- Where the centre is part of a school, students in Year 11 at that school.
- Students who attend a nearby secondary school with a formal linking arrangement with the GPlus centre concerned.
- Students who attend another Greenwich secondary school.
- Students who live nearest to the preferred GPlus centre, as measured in a straight line between the front gate of the applicants home address and the main
entrance of the centre (within this category, an applicant may be given higher priority on the grounds of professionally supported medical or social need for that particular GPlus centre).
Unsuccessful applicants for places at a school-based sixth form or a 16-18 school will be informed of their right of appeal. All appeals against the decision to refuse a place in a GPlus centre are considered by an independent appeal panel.
Template LA Schemes for Co-ordination of Admissions to Year 7 and Reception in September 2011
Definitions used in the template schemes
“the Application Year” / the academic year in which the parent/carer makes an application i.e. in relation to the academic year of entry, the academic year preceding it“the Board” / the Pan-London Admissions Executive Board, which is responsible for the Scheme
“the Business User Guide (BUG)” / the document issued annually to participating LAs setting out the operational procedures of the Scheme
“the Common Application Form” / this is the form that each authority must have under the Regulations for parents/carers to use to express their preferences, set out in rank order
“the London E-Admissions Portal” / the common online application system used by the 33 London LAs and Surrey County Council
“the Equal Preference System” / the model whereby all preferences listed by parents/carers on the Common Application Form are considered under the over-subscription criteria for each school without reference to parent/carer rankings. Where a pupil is eligible to be offered a place at more than one school within an LA, or across more than one participating LA, the rankings are used to determine the single offer by selecting the school ranked highest of those which can offer a place
“the Highly Recommended Elements” / the elements of the Template Scheme that are not mandatory but to which subscription is strongly recommended in order to maximise co-ordination and thereby simplify the application process as far as possible
“the Home LA” / the LA in which the applicant/parent/carer is resident
“the Local Admission System (LAS)” / the IT module for administering admissions in each LA and for determining the highest offer both within and between participating Las
“the Maintaining LA” / the LA which maintains a school to which an applicant/parent/carer has applied
“the Mandatory Elements” / those elements of the Template Scheme to which authorities must subscribe in order to be considered as ‘Participating Authorities’ and to benefit from use of the Pan-London Register
“the Notification Letter” / the agreed form of letter sent to applicants on the Prescribed Day which communicates any determination granting or refusing admission to a primary or secondary school, which is attached as Schedule 2
“the Prescribed Day” / For primary schools: A date determined annually by the Board.
“the Pan-London Register (PLR)” / the database which will sort and transmit application and outcome data between the LAS of each participating LA
“the Pan-London Timetable” / the framework for processing of application and outcome data, which is attached as Schedule 3
Template Scheme for Co-ordination of Admissions to
Year 7 in September 2011
All the numbered sections contained in this scheme are mandatory, except those marked with an* which are highly desirable.
- This LA will advise Home LAs of their resident pupils on the roll of this LA’s maintained primary schools and academies who are eligible to transfer to secondary school in the forthcoming academic year.
- Applications from residents of this LA will be made on this LA’s Common Application Form, which will be available and able to be submitted online. This will include all the fields and information specified in Schedule 1 to this Template LA Scheme. These will be supplemented by any additional fields and information which are deemed necessary by this LA to enable the admission authorities in the LA area to apply their published oversubscription criteria.
- This LA will take all reasonable steps to ensure that every parent/carer who is resident in this LA and has a child in their last year of primary education within a maintained school, either in this LA or any other Maintaining LA, receives a copy of this LA's admissions booklet and Common Application Form, including details of how to apply online. The admissions booklet will also be available to parents/carers who do not live in this LA, and will include information on how they can access their Home LA's Common Application Form.
- The admission authorities within this LA will not use supplementary information forms except where the information available through the Common Application Form is insufficient for consideration of the application against the published oversubscription criteria. Where supplementary information forms are used by the admissions authorities within this LA, the LA will seek to ensure that these only collect information which is required by the published oversubscription criteria, in accordance with paragraph 1.83 of the School Admissions Code.
- Where supplementary information forms are used by admission authorities in this LA, they will be available on this LA’s website. Such forms will advise parents/carers that they must also complete their Home LA’s Common Application Form. This LA’s admission booklet and website will indicate which schools in this LA require supplementary information forms to be completed and where they can be obtained.
- Where an admission authority in this LA receives a supplementary information form, this LA will not consider it to be a valid application unless the parent/carer has also listed the school on their Home LA's Common Application Form, in accordance with paragraph 3.7 of the School Admissions Code.
- *Applicants will be able to express a preference for six maintained secondary schools or Academies within and/or outside the Home LA (and any City Technology College that has agreed to participate in their LA’s Qualifying Scheme).
- The order of preference given on the Common Application Form will not be revealed to a school within the area of this LA in accordance with paragraph 1.76 of the School Admissions Code. However, where a parent/carer resident in this LA expresses a preference for schools in the area of another LA, the order of preference for that LA’s schools will be revealed to that LA in order that it can determine the highest ranked preference in cases where an applicant is eligible for a place at more than one school in that LA’s area.
- This LA undertakes to carry out the address verification process set out in its entry in the Business User Guide. This will in all cases include validation of resident applicants against this LA’s primary school data and the further investigation of any discrepancy. Where this LA is not satisfied as to the validity of an address of an applicant whose preference has been sent to a Maintaining LA, it will advise the Maintaining LA no later than 10 December 2010.
- This LA will confirm the status of any resident child for whom it receives a Common Application Form stating s/he is a 'Looked After Child ' and will provide evidence to the Maintaining LA in respect of a preference for a school in its area by 15 November 2010.
- This LA will advise a Maintaining LA of the reason for any preference expressed for a school in its area, in respect of a resident child born outside of the correct age cohort, and will forward any supporting documentation to the Maintaining LA by 15 November 2010.