2014 National Black Members Conference /
Containing motions and amendments
and Standing Orders
2013 black members' conference - final agenda
17 – 19 January 2014
“History tells us we are here to stay”
Black members stronger together in UNISON
Section / Title / Page no.Checklist / 3
Welcome to UNISON National Black Members’ Conference / 5
Conference timetable / 7
Conference business / 11
Quick guide to UNISON jargon / 13
Notes for delegates / 15
Notes for visitors / 17
Guide to purpose of, and roles, at conference / 19
Guide to conference procedures / 21
Health and safety information / 27
Conference venue and directions for The Brighton Centre, Brighton / 29
Accessibility summary of The Brighton Centre / 35
Final Agenda and Order of Business / 39
Standing Orders Committee membership / 87
National Black Members’ Conference Rules and Standing Orders / 89
Please remember to bring the following documents with you when you come to Conference.
Tick- This conference guide
- National Black Members’ Committee Annual Report
- Voting card
- Credential card with photograph
- Confirmation of your accommodation details
We would like to welcome all delegates and visitors to the National Black Members’ Conference 2014. Our theme this year is "History Tells Us We Are Here To Stay" - Black members stronger together in UNISON.
We are proud to be your elected Chair and Deputy Chair and give our unwavering commitment to keep race on the agenda in all that we do and stop the silencing of discussions on racism by the erosion of Equality Legislation.
The National Black Members’ Committee continues its work programme on Challenging Racism in the Workplace;the revamped tool kits; guidance and materials produced in UNISON to support regions and branches in tackling racism with their employers; and using the equality duties. We have always recognised that the principal of equality involves growing our membership, organising and campaigning on the issues that drive us to ensure that our voices are heard.
Our Black young members, disabled, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, women and retired members all have a vital role to play through our self-organised group structures.
For new delegates, we hope you find the inspiration and courage to come to the rostrum to speak, and to let us hear your voice loud and clear on the issues affecting you and your colleagues in the workplace.
We have approximately 168,000 Black members in UNISON, however our numbers are shrinking every hour, every day, every week, month and year as austerity, cuts, re-organisations and disciplinariesdisproportionately impact on our Black colleagues.
Increasing Black representation in all structures of UNISON is vital if we are to be a true voice in the battles that we face, defending public services, our terms and conditions, campaigning for a Living Wage and tackling the dismantling of Equality Duties; all crucial work for the NBMC.
Challenging Islamophobia and the Far Right within our communities is essential to ensure Black communities are not paying the price for the Coalition Government’s ideology and discriminatory actions against the most vulnerable, poor and working class.
The National Black Members’ Committee will raise the important issues on the discrimination that we face daily in employment and in wider society both regionally and nationally. We will not stop until equality is real for all.
A note of thanks, goodbyes and acknowledgements:
To the South East Region, thank you for hosting the conference and making us all feel so welcome.
To our colleagues on the NBMC, thank you for all of your hard work throughout the year. Goodbye to those who leave us this year and welcome to those who join us for the year 2014/15.
Thank you to our National Executive Council Black Members’ representatives and welcome to our newly elected representatives for the next 2 year cycle.
Thank you to members of the Standing Orders Committee, the Standing Orders Committee Secretary and Administrator, Hope Daley and Wavenie Jones, who provide support to the Committee. They work hard behind the scenes to ensure that our conference runs smoothly.
Thank you to our National Race Equality Officer, Khadiee Campbell, and Assistant National Officer, Bukky Akinwale, for their support and guidance to a newly elected chairs team.
And to you, delegates and visitors, with your continued support we cannot fail to achieve and be proud on behalf of all Black members both past and present in UNISON.
We wish you all a productive and vibrant conference. We honour our ancestors.
Margaret GreerAsh Dhobi
Chair NBMCDeputy Chair NBMC
3.CONFERENCE TIMETABLE (Subject to change)
Friday 17January 2014
1200 / Delegate enquiry desk opens1300 – 1345 / First time delegates get together and welcome / Auditorium 1
1400– 1405 / Welcome
Margaret Greer, National Black Members’ Committee Chair / Auditorium 1
1405 – 1415 / Guest Speaker
Dave Prentis, UNISON General Secretary / Auditorium 1
1415 – 1425 / Standing Orders Committee
Report Number 1 / Auditorium 1
1425 – 1435 / Annual Report 1
Organising and Recruitment / Auditorium 1
1435 – 1445 / Guest Speaker
Maureen Le Marinel, UNISON President / Auditorium 1
1445 – 1520 / Motions / Auditorium 1
1520 – 1530 / Break
1530 - 1550 / Disabled Caucus / Syndicate 1
1550 – 1600 / Break
1600 – 1700 / Service Group Meetings
- Community
- Energy
- Health
- Higher Education
- Local Government
- Police and Justice
- Water, Environment and Transport
Office 13
Syndicate 1
Syndicate 2
Auditorium 1
Syndicate 3
The Restaurant
1700 – 1715 / Break
1715 – 1800 / Regional Meetings – First Session
- Cymru/Wales
- Eastern
- Northern
- Northern Ireland
- South East
- South West
The Restaurant
Syndicate 1
Syndicate 2
Auditorium 1
Syndicate 3
3.CONFERENCE TIMETABLE (Subject to change)
Friday 17January 2014
1805 – 1850 / Regional Meetings – Second Session- East Midlands
- Greater London
- North West
- Scotland
- West Midlands
- Yorkshire & Humberside
Auditorium 1
Syndicate 1
Office 13
The Restaurant
Syndicate 3
1900 – 2000 / Civic reception / Syndicate 4
Saturday 18 January 2014
09.30 / Conference resumes / Auditorium 10930 – 0940 / Standing Orders Committee
Report Number 2 / Auditorium 1
0940 – 0950 / Guest Speaker
Junior Smart, St Giles Trust / Auditorium 1
0950 – 1000 / Annual Report 2
Campaigning / Auditorium 1
1000 – 1200 / Motions / Auditorium 1
1200 – 1300 / Lunch
1300 – 1400 / Fringe meetings x4
- Personal assistants and carers
- Hope not Hate/the killing of Lee Rigby
- Changes in employment law/discriminating practices in employment
- African migrant network
Syndicate 1
The Restaurant
Auditorium 1
1400 – 1415 / Break
3.CONFERENCE TIMETABLE (Subject to change)
Saturday 18 January 2014
1415 - 1435 / Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Caucus / Syndicate 11450 / Conference resumes / Auditorium 1
1450 – 1500 / Guest Speaker
Sadiq Khan, MP / Auditorium 1
1500 – 1600 / Motions / Auditorium 1
1600 – 1610 / Break
1610 – 1710 / Workshops x 4
- Police and the criminal justice system
- New to UNISON/Young Black people
- Political awareness/Labour Link
- Mentoring and support/Network of Black Professionals
The Restaurant
Syndicate 1
Auditorium 1
1715 – 1735 / Women’s Caucus / Auditorium 1
1740 – 1800 / Labour Link Caucus / Syndicate 1
1830 – 1840 / Crèche Presentation / Auditorium 2
2000 – 0100 / Social event
3.CONFERENCE TIMETABLE (Subject to change)
Sunday 19 January 2014
9.30 / Conference resumes / Auditorium 10930 – 0940 / Standing Orders Committee
Report Number 3 / Auditorium 1
0940 – 0950 / Annual Report 3
International / Auditorium 1
0950 - 1000 / Guest Speaker
Marcia Rigg, Sean Rigg Justice Campaign / Auditorium 1
1000 – 1225 / Motions / Auditorium 1
1225 – 1230 / Closing Remarks / Auditorium 1
Thompson’s Surgery: from Friday 17 January 2014
Appointments can be made via the Thompsons’ stall in the exhibition area.
The National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) announces its policy on Motions and Amendments in advance and this is set out in the Final Agenda section.
Here is a brief explanation of the different policy positions:
SUPPORT / In favourSUPPORT WITH QUALIFICATIONS / In favour of main points but with some reservations
REMIT / Refer to NBMC for further consideration
SEEK WITHDRAWAL OR OPPOSE / Ask Branch etc. to remove from Agenda, usually in favour of another position, otherwise oppose
OPPOSE* / Against
DEFER / Awaiting more information prior to taking a position
TO BE ADVISED / Not yet discussed
* Where the NBMC opposes a motion, but supports one or more amendments to the motion, this indicates that the NBMC will change its position on the motion if the amendment or amendments are carried.
Self-Organisation / Groups facing discrimination meeting and organising to determine their collective agenda and feeding it into the union's structure.
SOGs / The four self organised groups - currently defined by UNISON national rules as women members, Black members, disabled members and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members.
NBMC / National Black Members’ Committee
National LGBT committee / National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Committee
NDMC / National Disabled Members’ Committee
NWC / National Women's Committee
NYMF / National Young Members Forum
NRMC / National Retired Members Committee
Proportionality / The representation of women and men in fair proportion to the relevant number of female and male members – UNISON has a rulebook commitment to proportionality.
Fair representation / The broad balance of representation of members of the electorate, taking into account such factors as age and low pay, the balance between part-time and full-time workers, manual and non-manual workers, different occupations, skills, race, sexual orientation, disability and gender identity – UNISON has a rulebook commitment to fair representation.
National Delegate Conference / Supreme decision making body of UNISON – annual conference of branch delegates, at which the self-organised groups have representation.
NEC / National Executive Council –the union’s highest elected body of lay members.
Lay Structure / A decision making body of UNISON members that does not include employees of the union.
Service Groups / Employer-based structures in the union. UNISON organises members in the following services – community; energy; health care; higher education; local government; police and justice; and water, environment and transport. Each service group has autonomy to decide the group's general policy and negotiate on behalf of their members. Each service group has an annual conference of delegates which sets the group's agenda for the following year.
Sector / A sub-group of a service group, e.g. the nursing sector of the health service group.
APF Labour Link / Affiliated Political Fund – Funded from contributions from opted-in members used to support the Labour party via the UNISON Labour Link.
GPF / General Political Fund – Funded from contributions from opted-in members used for non party political campaigning.
UNISON Parliamentary Group / A UNISON group of Labour MPs working closely with the union in the House of Commons.
Please note: branches can only change their delegates if it has been the subject, in advance, of correspondence and notification from the branch, and is known to the Conference Office.
6.1Delegates’ Credentials
Each delegate has been issued with a delegate's credential which is at the bottom of the welcome letter. The card, together with a passport size current photograph of yourself should be inserted into the plastic badge and should be worn so that it is visible at all times while you are in the Conference complex.
6.2Access to the Conference Hall
Stewards on doors are volunteers and have to adhere to a strict brief to assist the smooth running of Conference. If you are not wearing proper credentials you will not gain access to any part of the Conference Hall.
6.3In and Around the Conference Hall
When Conference starts on Friday afternoon, delegates will want to find their way around.
The Conference Hall is laid out with seating for delegates on a regional basis in the main body of the hall, a platform and rostrum at the front and seating for visitors at the back of the hall. The National Black Members' Conference is for Black UNISON members, but white members may attend the main Conference sessions as visitors.
Consideration should be given to disabled delegates. Assumptions should not be made that the only disability is a physical one - many members have non-apparent disabilities. Specific provision is made for members to participate equally. Members who shout, cross talk, walk in front of signers and/or cameras are disenfranchising those members who require facilitation.
Recycling bins are situated at the back of the Conference Hall for used paper. Please make use of this facility rather than leaving unwanted paper on the floor.
Flash Photography.The National Disabled Members' Committee has indicated an access issue with flash photography. It can cause visual impairment and disorientation and interferes with signed communications. Therefore the National Executive Council has decided that there will be no flash photography at any UNISON Conference.
There will be a Prayer Room at Conference – further details will be available from the Conference Enquiry Desk.
The Conference Enquiry Desk, situated in the Brighton Centre Foyer, is responsible for all administrative and organisational work. This is where delegates should go if they have any problems to do with the administration of Conference, for example if they lose their credentials, and for any access enquiries. The Desk will be open each day from before the start until the end of Conference, including during the lunch period.
There will be a Crèche at Conference – further details will be available from the Conference Enquiry Desk.
Remember this facility is only available for delegates who have reserved places for their children in advance.
There are First Aid facilities at the Brighton Centre. Details are available from the Conference Enquiry Desk. First Aiders may refer you to a doctor or to the local A&E Department.
Smoking.No smoking will be allowed in any areas being used by UNISON.
6.4Conduct of Delegates
All delegates and facilitators are expected to behave in a courteous manner. Aggressive, offensive or intimidatory language or behaviour will not be tolerated.
Complaints will be treated seriously and may be dealt with under the union's disciplinary procedures.
As trade unionists we do not expect any of these problems to arise. However your Regional Delegate is available in the first instance for advice and support at this Conference.
6.5Key Figures at Conference
- The National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) has appointed a number of co-Chairs from among its members, to preside over Conference and chair all the debates. With the co-operation of delegates, Conference business is processed quickly and without great formality. There are occasions, however, when the co-Chair will need to exercise their authority, including the right to make a ruling on a question of procedure or a point of order. The co-Chair also has the authority to expel any delegate causing a disturbance and refusing to obey the call to order.
- Committee Members may sit on the platform and may be called on to move reports, statements, motions, amendments to Standing Orders and any amendments in the name of the NBMC. They will also speak for the NBMC in some of the debates. Invited guests and the Chair's Aide will also sit on the platform.
- The Standing Orders Committee Chairperson will come to the rostrum from
time to time to give reports of the Standing Orders Committee (SOC).
4.6Monitoring for Fair Representation and Proportionality
All delegates will be asked to complete and return a form which enables the Conference to be monitored in order that UNISON can check on progress towards its objectives of fair representation and proportionality at all levels of the union. This exercise is conducted at all UNISON conferences and at regional level. Please assist us by returning the completed form well before the end of conference.
All visitors are asked to remember that they are welcome at Conference to observe debates, but they must take no part in the proceedings of Conference nor seek to influence the proceedings in any way and are not permitted on to the Conference floor.
The National Black Members' Conference is for Black UNISON members, but white members may attend the main Conference sessions as visitors.
Visitors are issued with credentials and are reminded that they will need to wear their credentials at all times, including a current passport sized photograph of yourself.
Admission to the floor of Conference will be authorised by the stewards only on the production of the relevant credential.
Accommodation in the visitors’ seats is available on a first come, first served basis each day.
Visitors are expected to behave in a courteous manner. Aggressive, offensive or intimidatory language or behaviour will not be tolerated.
Complaints will be treated seriously and may be dealt with under the Union’s disciplinary procedures.
No smoking will be allowed in any area of the venue being used by UNISON.
7.4Private Sessions
Although fairly rare, there are occasions when conference business has to exclude non UNISON members in the event of a ‘Private Session’ of Conference. When this happens, the co-Chair will announce the Private Session and ask those individuals who are not permitted to remain in the hall, to leave. The visitors’ seating area will be cleared for the duration of the closed Private Session, with the exception of those visitors who show their UNISON membership card.