AST English 12 – Mr. Allen Annotation Rubric
Assignment: Heart of Darkness – part 3
Date Due: first annotation due Monday, September 29, 2014.
Your assignment for now is to read part three of the novella and create three or more annotations.
This is a homework assignment worth 10 points.
3 / 2 / 1 / 0Media / Images or links to other media have real significance / Images or links to other media selected have no real significance. / No images or links to other media
Passages / Words and phrases are marked and commentary / notations has real significance / Random words appear to be marked; words selected often have no real significance.
Annotation / Annotation reflects application of literary terms, questioning, summarizing, and analysis. / Little/no notations or comments that are characterized by simplistic summary. / Comments that appear to be random and without purpose.
Content / Completely original ideas in comments / Some effort at originality. / Merely copy/paste from Internet
Amount / More than 3 / 3 / 2 / 1