Minutes of the Board of Directors and Officers
Country Inn & Suites - Clive
June 25, 2010
The following directors were present and participated in the meeting:
Charles Bruggemann (Iowa Telecom)
Dan Childers (Interstate Communications)
Tim Flickinger (PAETEC)
Terry Fox (MidAmerican Energy Company)
Leon Hofer (Iowa Network Services)
Greg Pavelka (East Central Iowa REC)
Mick Secory (Consolidated Utility Services, Inc.)
Mike Wildung (Central Iowa Water Association)
The following officers were present and participated in the meeting:
President: Dan Klopfer (Des Moines Water Works)
Vice President: Ed Greiner (Interstate Power & Light)
Secretary/Treasurer: Neal Drefke (Spencer Municipal Utilities)
Chairman: Curt Hodges (Mediacom)
The following people were also in attendance:
Ben Booth (Walter and Associates)
Gary Craig (One Call Systems)
Steve Halstead (Walter & Associates)
Nancy Jensen (IOC Center Manager)
Karla McNamara (One Call Systems)
Shellie Petek (Walter & Associates)
Bob Pose (One Call Systems)
Craig Walter (Walter & Associates)
The following officer and directors were absent:
Mike Heggen (Communication Technologies, Inc.)
Brian Poock (Northern Natural Gas)
Steve Stone (Black Hills Energy)
Ross Wendell (Qwest)
Paul Wiegand (Iowa State University)
Call to Order
President Dan Klopfer called the meeting to order. Craig Walter confirmed a quorum was present. President Klopfer recognized the guests from OCS; Karla McNamara, Bob Pose, Gary Craig and Nancy Jensen.
Approval of Agenda
MOTION made by Charles Bruggemann and seconded by Greg Pavelka to approve the agenda. All present voted in favor. Motion carried.
Manager’s Report
Ms. Jensen reported that speed of answer has improved and also that she is still hiring staff at the Call Center. Ms. Jensen also reported that ticket volume in June is down 9% and down 1% for the year.
One Call Center Updates
Craig Walter reported that the Call Center and One Call Systems (OCS) had problems the end of March through May where the vendor exceeded call time allotted in the vendor contract. The contract payment amount was reduced accordingly. OCS, Craig Walter and the IOC Executive Committee met to discuss answer time concerns. OCS obtained operating capital to cover expenses to allow Nancy Jensen to hire the staff needed to meet call volume. OCS has assured IOC that the lack of adequate staffing will not happen in the future.
President Dan Klopfer reported that since this issue the Executive Committee has received a daily report by 9:00 a.m. with the answer time, hold time, abandoned calls and the problem has been corrected. President Klopfer reported that the Executive Committee will receive the report now on a weekly basis.
Financial Committee Report
Neal Drefke reported that current financials are on track as planned as it was decided IOC needed to spend down our income. Also Mr. Drefke reported that due to advertising now being handled in-house that a few items will be repositioned on the financial disbursements to better allocate the actual expenses.
Advertising Committee Report
Ben Booth reported on the committee’s current activity. The committee will meet soon to plan 2011 with focus on homeowners. The theme is “Protecting What Really Matters.” Mr. Booth reported that the website will be updated by July 15, 2010 with Dave Ren and Tim Brandt (with OCS) doing the website updates.
Excavator Safety Awareness Program
Greg Pavelka reported that the committee held a conference call to discuss fresh ideas on direction. The committee will meet following the board meeting to discuss registration, gifts, door prizes, presentation and theme.
Leon Hofer reported that the committee held a discussion on federal level law changes. Mr. Hofer reported that September would be a good time to decide on recommendations to the board, if the committee should determine areas of support and concern.
State of the Art Committee Report
Dan Klopfer reported that Ross Wendell asked to be relieved of the chair position due to work load at Qwest. President Klopfer asked Tim Flickinger to chair the committee, of which he accepted.
Tim Flickinger reported that the committee is working on increasing the number of users of positive response, which added a #9 response for non-participants, “Member facility is not currently using the Electronic Positive Response System for their positive responses.” Mr. Flickinger reported that a Fax-a-Locate report is being compiled by Nancy Jensen for the committee to review and make recommendation to the board at the next meeting. Updates to the Excavator Manual regarding positive response, fax-a-locate and white lining are being reviewed and will be addressed.
Terry Fox suggested the current Excavator Manual text be provided to the IOC board members for additional suggestions or deletions prior to the next printing. Ben Booth will distribute the text to the board members.
President Klopfer reported that IOC currently has an electronic positive response system in place but not integrated with all companies’ software to utilize.
Administrative Update
Craig Walter reported that the office continues to attempt to make contact with Tim and Jay from Elder Corporation to address excessive faxes. Mr. Walter reported that Elder Corp. improved for a couple months but are again overtaxing the system with faxes. Excessive locate requests are not addressed in Chapter 480. Craig Walter and Ben Booth met with Dave Sheridan of the Attorney General’s Office to discuss this issue. Mr. Walter reported that Certus View is trying to obtain patents that could affect the one call industry. One Call America has hired attorneys and is collecting funds from states in an effort to stop the granting of the patents.
Mr. Walter reported on the political challenges coming up between former Governor Branstad and Governor Culver. Mr. Walter reported that he is currently attending a number of political fund raisers.
Ben Booth reported that he will be attending the CGI Safety Summit, although IOC was not asked to be a speaker at the meeting, there will be several one call speakers from other state one call systems to discuss standardized marking.
Steve Halstead reported that he spoke at both the CGI and PHMSA meetings.
Neal Drefke inquired why the design ticket revenue is down and Steve responded membership renewals will be sent out in November.
Board Member Comments:
President Dan Klopfer reported that the board met to discuss the value of conducting a Strategic Planning Meeting. President Klopfer appointed the Executive Committee and the Chair of each committee to be on the Strategic Planning Committee. Vice President Ed Greiner will chair the Strategic Planning Committee.
MOTION by Leon Hofer and seconded by Ed Greiner to approve a Strategic Planning Committee. Motion approved.
Two four hour sessions, separated by approximately one week will be set up in the near future.
Terry Fox inquired about the relationship with CGI. Ben Booth reported that his sense is that CGI is competing with IOC. Charles Bruggemann reminded the board that IOC has a different agenda than CGI.
Gary Craig shared that most states are working together with their local chapter of CGA. In Iowa the groups have parted.
Terry Fox suggested coordinating meetings with PHMSA/IUB Pipeline Safety Conference.
President Dan Klopfer adjourned the meeting.
2010 Remaining Board Meeting Dates:
September 9 – Board Meeting
November 4 – Board Meeting
January 7, 2011 – Board Meeting/Holiday Party