Conestoga PTO Meeting Minutes
April 8th, 2015
Previous Meeting Minutes Approved
Presenter Kyle Shoemaker was ill and will reschedule for a future PTO Meeting. His fundraising company is Great American Opportunities. He has great references that fundraisers are easy and offer great incentives for students.
We received check from Target Rewards - $65.94. We encourage everyone who has Target Redcard to go onto Target website and register their card. Conestoga Elementary receives 1% of all purchases.
Shop Scrip was discussed and will be looked into for next school year. Gift Cards for many well known stores can be bought through our school for face value. In return each store gives a % of funds from purchases to our school.
Cafe Luncheon rewards went well. Students from 3-F and 4-O seemed to enjoy their ice cream brownie sundaes, AFV video clip, and Magic Show.
The Conestoga Elementary Yearbook has been submitted for publication. We ordered 181 yearbooks this year. An agreement was signed to use Interstate next school year. Yearbooks will be distributed at the end of the school year, date to be set by Mrs. Baker. A huge Thank you to Bonnie Martin and her Yearbook Committee for all their time and hard work this school year.
Talent Show papers have been sent home. Any student interested must fill out paper and return by specified date. Each Student is allowed one solo act and one group act. All music must be approved by Mrs. Baker. Stacy is sewing table skirt for show. We need help on Wednesday night of practice week. If anyone is able to help, please let us know.
Recess Running Club is up and running as of Thurs, April 2nd. There has been some confusion with the 1st graders. It was decided that we will be using orange cones to help them with the perimeter they are to run. 20 laps = 1 toe token. Trail mix parties will go to the top two classes in the school.
Book Fair will be running May 13th-15th. Parent Volunteers have been notified. Students will be visiting book fair during their library instruction time. This is our BOGO free event. We will also be offering past yearbooks for sale, cost will be $5. It was decided that Friday will be the only day that students can shop during lunch recess.
Drop and Read Program - June 4th - Teachers will be overseeing the ordering of these books for our students. The PTO will be purchasing a book for each student.
Teacher Appreciation Week - May 4th-8th. We have many great surprises planned for the week.
6th Grade Graduation party - scheduled for June 3rd 3:30-7:00pm (rain date June 4th) at the Conestoga Pool. Gifts for students have been ordered. Candy has been donated for survival kits. DVD's, Food and Drink being donated as well. A sign up genius will be sent out for volunteers.
6th Grade Field day - This event is brand new this year and is being planned by Mr. Binkley. The school district plans to cover all costs except the cost of t-shirts for the students. The PTO's were asked to cover the cost of the t-shirts. The executive board voted and approved the cost of the t-shirts (approx $6/student) and voted to add this expense as a new line item on budget each year since this will be on ongoing event each year. The t-shirts may be used for Phys. Ed in the middle school.
End of year Picnic - The committee has met and is planning on walking tacos, drinks, veggies, DJ & games, Barrel rides, Starbucks coffee, and photo booth. Unfortunately, we will not be having Auntie Anne's lemonade this year so the committee is looking into alternatives. Scheid's will be donating the veggies. Date is set for Friday May, 29th.
Conestoga Fun Day - Date has been changed to Thursday, May 28th. A flyer will be sent home. Kids will be encouraged to wear crazy hair, clothes, and socks. Each student will enjoy a cool treat as well. Ideas are still being discussed for an end of day activity.
Gaga pit Repairs - A huge chunk of flooring from the Gage pit has come apart. Vicki has been in touch with customer service of the company who installed the flooring. She was impressed with them and they said this should not have happened. There has been some concern since it was initially installed. They will be out to replace the flooring at no charge on June 9th. It is important that the gaga pit not be used for a week after new flooring has been installed. We discussed about putting a tarp over top of pit during that week as well as a letter going home at the end of the school year tomake parents aware.
School board meeting last night - discussed Conestoga Elementary renovations: kids will definitely be relocated to other schools during construction, the media center will be moved and made larger, the current media center will be a common area, build a new and larger kitchen, the current gym will become an all purpose room, separate art and music rooms.
Reminder that manuals for Committees are due by May 15th, Please email them to Debbie Adams at
Minutes respectfully submitted by Debbie Adams, Co-President