Edward R. Murrow High School American Experience
Mr. Allen Barge, Principal Mr. J. Puelle, Instructor
American Experience Semester 1 Research Project
This semester we will be studying American history from colonial times in the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Major themes we will study this semester include the circumstances and effects of American independence, the growth of sectional conflict and tension, the growth of industrialization and American expansion. You will choose ONE topic from the list below to research and write a minimum three-page typed research paper.
Most college courses in the social sciences require an original research paper. The ability to write a paper with a strong thesis and supporting evidence is essential to your success. You will write a college-style research paper complete with citations (in-text in the author/page format) and a bibliography that adheres to theMurrow Uniform Bibliography Format. We will review this procedure together in class. Your paper will not simply be narrating a time-period in history. You will be using evidence based on research to construct an argument (your interpretation of history).
COMMON CORE - Reading-Social Studies (RH)1. Use relevant information and ideas from documents to support analysis
2. Use source information/ideas to differentiate and understand political, social and economic trends
3. Identify/analyze arguments/ideas presented in a document
4. Compare/contrast various points of view
5. Identify and analyze evidence
6.Comnpare/contrast primary and secondary information / Common Core - Writing (W)
1.Write an argument to support claims
2.Strengthen writing by planning, revising, editing and rewriting
3.Conduct a research project
4.Gather information from credible sources and properly cite them
5.Draw evidence from informational text
Common Core-Language (L)
1. Demonstrate appropriate grammar usage in writing
2. Demonstrate appropriate usage of the mechanics of language
3.Use words and phrases accurately for ‘general’ and ‘content’ specific meaning
General Directions
- Write a minimum three-pageresearch paper (typed, normal spacing, one inch margins, Times New Roman, 12 point font) that answers the topic question fully. Your paper must include responses gathered by both independent research and should, when possible incorporate subject matter covered in our class as well.
- This is not a partner project. You must complete this essay on your own from start to finish. The hope is that you will have one final practice at writing a complete Social Studies essay before you enter college where many of you will have to write these on a regular basis.
- As this is a college-level research paper, it will be graded as such. The in-text citations you use will need to be formatted correctly and your bibliography will need to be flawless. You will find that learning these skills will prove invaluable as you move forward in your educational careers. You must use the Murrow Bibliography Format (MLA) sheet to complete your bibliography properly.
- FOLLOW THE PROPER FORMAT: Introduction with a thesis, supporting paragraphs with a topic sentences, and make sure that all the evidence supports the thesis directly.
Introduction / Supporting Paragraphs / Conclusion
- Attention Grabber
- Background
- Topic Sentence
- Relate to THESIS
- Summarize topics
- Restate THESIS
- Truth today/Application
1. Why was a nation of “farmers and craftsmen” (American colonies) able to defeat the most powerful
empire in the world (Britain)?
- Research the comparative strengths and weaknesses of the two sides at the dawn of the American Revolution.
- You must research the following terms and include them in your paper: General George Washington, “Critical Distance” (geographic distance between Britain and American colonies), Battles of Bunker Hill, Trenton and Princeton, Valley Forge, Saratoga and Yorktown, French and Indian War/guerilla tactics, General Rochambeau, French Navy and the Battle of the Chesapeake.
- Support a thesis which answers which factor you think based on your research was most critical in explaining America’s success in defeating the British.
- Primary document from research: A firsthand account from a colonial soldier or officer describing his experiences/hardships fighting a battle in the American Revolution.
2. To what extent was the United States a “White Man’s Democracy” during the Age of Jackson?
- Research the ways in which the circumstances of Andrew Jackson’s election in 1828 were different from previous elections. How did the removal of property requirements impact the Election of 1828? Impact the electorate?
- You must research the following keywords and terms and include them in your paper. Rotation in Office, Spoils System, States Rights and the Nullification Crisis, Maysville Road Bill/Maysville Road Veto, The Bank War/ Veto of the Second Bank of the United States, Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1830), Worcester v. Georgia (1832), Indian Removal Act of 1830, “Trail of Tears.”
- Support a thesis which answers whether you think based on your research that the Age of Jackson offered democracy for white men to the exclusion of blacks, Native Americans and women.
- Primary document from research: Apolitical cartoon critical of Andrew Jackson’s presidency/policies.
3. Was slavery the main cause of the Civil War?
- Research the role that slavery played in causing the Civil War.
- You must research the following terms and include them in your paper: Sectionalism, The Missouri Compromise,Tariff of 1828 and the “Nullification Crisis,”Manifest Destiny, Mexican War, Compromise of 1850, Fugitive Slave Act, Popular Sovereignty, Kansas-Nebraska Act/”Bleeding Kansas,” Abolitionist Movement, Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison,Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown’s Raid, Dred Scott Decision, Election of 1860.
- Support a thesis which answers whether you think based on your research that slavery was the main cause of the Civil War or other factors such as sectionalism or westward expansion.
- Primary document from research: A speech by Frederick Douglass on slavery. Include a paragraph description of where the speech was given, the audience/context and the impact it had on the nation.
4. Did the rapid industrialization of the United States after the Civil War bring progress or problems
to the nation?
- Research the causes of the rapid industrialization after the Civil War and the effects of that same industrialization on the nation.
- You must research the following terms for “progress:” Transcontinental Railroad, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Laissez-Faire Capitalism, Social Darwinism, “Gospel of Wealth,” Thomas A. Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Telephone/Telegraph. For ”problems:” Horatio Alger myth, Great Railroad Strike of 1877, Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor Homestead Strike, Pullman Strike, Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, Urbanization, tenements, “Gilded Age,” Granger Movement, Populism, ”muckrakers,” Jacob Riis, Ida Tarbell.
- Support a thesis which answers whether you think based on your research that the rapid industrialization represented progress and a change for the better, or a step backward for the nation and new problems.
- Primary document from research: For “progress,” obtain a copy of Andrew Carnegie’s June 1889 article, “The Gospel of Wealth” and explain the role the rich should play in society, according to Carnegie. For “problems,” obtain a photo taken by Jacob Riis depicting tenement life in New York City and write a paragraph description of what the photo is showing and its significance in terms of the problems created by industrialization.
5. Was the United States justified in going to war against Spain in 1898?
- Research the circumstances surrounding (the historical context) the U.S. decision to declare war on Spain in 1898 (The Spanish-American War).
- You must research the following terms and include them in your paper: Alfred Thayer Mahan, jingoism, Cuban Revolt, Valeriano Weyler, “Yellow Press/Journalism,” William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer, DeLome Letter, Sinking of the USS Maine, McKinley’s War Message, Theodore Roosevelt and the “Rough Riders,” Treaty of Paris 1899, Emiliano Aguinaldo, Annexation of the Philippines, Platt Amendment, Guantanamo Bay, Anti-Imperialist League/William Jennings Bryan
- Support a thesis which answers whether you think based on your research the United States was justified (right, warranted) in declaring war on Spain.
- Primary document from research: Political cartoon supporting war with Spain in 1898.
Research Requirements:
- Your research paper must be at least 3 pages in length(typed, normal spacing, one inch margins, Times New Roman, 12 point font). You will lose points if your paper is less than 3 pages! See the rubric.Your research paper must include a cover page which must have the title of your paper, your first and last name, the Band of our class and an image which is relevant to the topic you chose.
- You must have at minimum five sources, including the required primary document. Class handouts, textbooks, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, and non-educational websites such as about.com will not count towards the five sources.
- Your five sources must include the primary document listed in the question you chose. Primary and secondary sources are defined as follows:
Primary Source: photo, speech, diary entry, political advertisement or other documents written/created/spoken at the time the events/arguments you are researching actually occurred.
Secondary Source: a reliable historical perspective on the events/arguments you are researching. They are usually written from the writers’ point of view, with their own interpretation of the time/events/arguments you are researching - so read them with an open mind.
- Your research paper must include both a bibliography and in-text citations.
- Your bibliography must follow the Murrow Bibliography Format (MLA).
- Your in-text citations must be written in the proper (author/page) MLA format.
Do not use direct words, quotes or ideas without citing in-text the author whose work you are listing in your bibliography.
If you aren’t sure if you are plagiarizing, play it safe and assume you are…and cite it.
- If the majority of the project is plagiarized, the student will receive a grade of “0” with no opportunity to make up the project.
- If less than half of the project is plagiarized the student will receive “0” points for those portions of the project which have been plagiarized as well as having 25 points deducted from the total grade.
- If only one or two sentences of the project are plagiarized, the student will receive “0” points for those portions of the project which have been plagiarized as well as having10 points deducted from the final grade.
Due Date:
The final essay will be due on Wednesday, November 8, 2017.
Name______Band______Research Project Rubric
10% / 10-9
Has coherent sentences that make many clear statements
Organization and development are clear: Introduction, Supporting paragraphs and a conclusion
Supporting paragraphs are all unified by a clear and direct thesis statement / 8-7
Mostly coherent sentences that make some clear statements
Organization and development are mostly present: Introduction, Supporting paragraphs and a conclusion
Supporting paragraphs are mostly unified by a clear and direct thesis statement / 6-0
Vaguely coherent sentences that make few or no clear statements
Organization and development are not present or are vaguely present: Introduction, Supporting paragraphs and a conclusion
Supporting paragraphs are not unified by a clear and direct thesis statement
5% / 5-4
Proper and formal English language is evident throughout
Spelling and grammar is appropriate
Meaning of each sentence is clear and connected to the topic sentence and the thesis / 3-2
Proper and formal English language is mostly evident throughout
Spelling and grammar is mostly appropriate
Meaning of each sentence is mostly clear and mostly connected to the topic sentence and the thesis / 1-0
Proper and formal English language not throughout the paper
Spelling and grammar is not appropriate
Meaning of each sentence is consistently vague and not connected to the topic sentence and/or the thesis
30% / 30-25
Cites effective and relevant evidence from five texts (sources)
Analysis of ideas and evidence from texts are strong and informative
Texts (sources) are highly reliable and truthful / 24-20
Cites mostly / vaguely effective and relevant evidence from five texts (sources)
Analysis of ideas and evidence from texts are limited and partly informative
Texts (sources) are mostly reliable and truthful / 19-0
Cites vaguely effective or ineffective evidence from fewer than five texts (sources)
Analysis of ideas and evidence from texts are not evident or informative
Texts (sources) are weak, not reliable and/or truthful
15% / 15-13
Has many in-text citations that cite all sources listed in the bibliography in the proper format / 12-10
Has some in-text citations that cite most of the sources in the bibliography in the proper format/or with small errors / 9-0
Has few or no in-text citations. Few or none of the sources listed in the bibliography are cited and with many errors
30% / 30-25
Provides a strong claim (thesis) throughout the paper
Evaluates the claim clearly and explicitly using many highly relevant arguments, and is at least 3 pages
Provides strong reasoning, analysis and evaluation of the claim (thesis) / 24-20
Provides a mostly present claim (thesis) throughout the paper
Evaluates the claim in most parts and uses some relevant arguments. Is at least 3 pages
Provides some strong reasoning, analysis and evaluation of the claim (thesis) / 19-0
Provides a vaguely present or is missing a claim (thesis) in the paper
Evaluates the claim weakly or fails to provide relevant arguments and is less than 3 pages
Provides very limited or lacks reasoning , analysis and evaluation of the claim (thesis)
10% / Is the bibliography properly formatted according the Murrow Bibliography Format (MLA)? 1. Are sources arranged in alpha order? 2. Dointernet sources include the URL?3. Is the second line in the citation indented?