Diversity of Living Things - Daily Homework

Lesson 1: Diversity of Living Things (p. 380-384)

1)Complete “Six Kingdoms Worksheet”

2)Would a group be identified as “flying animals” be useful to biologists? Explain why or why not?

3)Why should all scientists use the same scheme to classify living things?

4)You have discovered an unknown organism while on a field trip. You think it is a new species of protest. How could you test to identify this species as a protist? What data would you need to have to classify it in the Kingdom Protista?

Lesson 2: Taxonomy (p. 390-396)

5)Cladogram Analysis Worksheet

6)Dichotomous Key Part B

7)List two reasons why the system of binomial nomenclature is useful.

8)Cats, goldfish, and humans are in the same phylum. What characteristics do they have in common? What characteristics below, which two animals are most closely related? Explain.

Organism / House Cat / Dog / Coyote / Skunk / Brown Bat / Praying Mantis
Kingdom / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia
Phylum / Chordata / Chordata / Chordata / Chordata / Chordata / Arthropoda
Class / Mammalia / Mammalia / Mammalia / Mammalia / Mammalia / Insecta
Order / Carnivora / Carnivora / Carnivora / Carnivora / Chiropetra / Mantodea
Family / Felidae / Canidae / Canidae / Mustelidae / Vespertilionidae / Mantidae
Genus / Felix / Canis / Canis / Mephitis / Myotis / Stagmomantis
Species / domesticus / familiaris / latrans / mephitis / lucifugus / carolina

9)The information in the table above shows that a skunk is more closely related to a coyote than it is to a bat. Explain how you know this.

10)What kind of animal is Myotismyotis. How do you know? Use the table above to help you.

Lesson 3: Viruses (p. 390-396)

11)Virus Reading and Worksheet

12)Where might viruses have come from? Try to sum it up in your own words.

13)What does the term virulence mean? Give an example of a common non-life threatening virus and one example of a deadly virus.

14)Provide support for the argument that viruses are living organisms.

15)Describe the structure of a virus. Why are viruses considered to be non-living?

16)Why must a virus enter a host cell in order to reproduce itself?

17)A doctor tells a patient that an antibiotic will not help cure a cold sore. Explain the doctor’s reasoning.

18)If you were a scientist developing a drug that would block viral replication, which steps would you choose to block? Explain.

Lesson 5: Bacteria (p. 419-431)

19)Comparing Virus and Bacteria Worksheet

20)Which of the following is not a bacterial shape: round, pyramidal, spiral, rod?

21)Which of the following are true of prokaryotes:

  1. They include both archaea and bacteria
  2. They lack a nucleus
  3. They are only found in extremely hot environments
  4. They are all parasitic

22)There are bacteria that undergo binary fission every 20 minutes. If one bacterium were present at 2pm, what time would it be when the population of bacteria reached 1 million?

23)How do antibiotics combat bacteria?

24)What is one way that an antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria can arise? Draw a diagram contrasting a bacterium that is affected by an antibiotic and an antibiotic-resistant bacterium of the same species. Use labels to explain how the antibiotic resistance works.

Lesson 6: Kingdom Archaea (p. 414-418)

25)Viruses reading and questions

26)Explain why archaea are anaerobic.

27)What makes members of the Kingdom Archaea so unusual?

28)A biologist is examining the metabolic information shown in the table below. Unfortunately, the identity of the organisms has been accidentally deleted from the computer. Could she be studying any members of the Kingdom Archaea? Explain.

Organism A / Organism B / Organism C / Organism D
Main energy source / Hydrogen and carbon dioxide / Oxygen / Hydrogen sulfide / Carbon dioxide
Main waste product / Methane / Carbon dioxide / Methane / oxygen

29) Humans influence the environment in many ways, particularly as a result of waste disposal. By creating extreme conditions (for example, toxic waste disposal sites and landfills) are we encouraging the evolution of new species of archaea? Create two lists. The first list should include any possible positive consequences of creating extreme conditions, and the second list should outline the negative consequences.

Lesson 7: Kingdom Protista (p. 432-449)

Organism / Time in Minutes / % of individuals in the light
Euglena / 3 / 55
Euglena / 6 / 70
Euglena / 9 / 90
Paramecium / 3 / 45
Paramecium / 6 / 30
Paramecium / 9 / 15

30)Concept map

31)BLM 12-11

32)The following data were collected by two students observing Paramecium and Euglena reach to light. Is there any patten to their data? What can they infer about the differences in Paramecium and Euglenareacting to light?

33)Make a concept map that relates the following terms: protists, algae, dinoflagellates, protozoans, amoebae, ciliates, slime molds, Paramecium, Trypanosoma, Foraminifera. You must come up with the linking words for your map.

Lesson 8 : Kingdom Funghi (p. 450-458)

34)Draw diagrams to explain what hyphae and mycelium are. Label your diagrams.

35)Your neighbor tells you that mushrooms used to grow in only one small areas in the corner of the lawn, but now they grow all over the lawn. How would you explain this observation?

Lesson 9: Kingdom Plantae (p.468-486)

36)Which three characteristics do plants share with green algae?

37)Name the four broad groups into which the plant kingdom is identified.

38)What are bryophytes? How do they differ from the other groups of plants?

39)Which two plant groups produce seeds?

40)Suppose you find yourself in a wilderness area in a part of the world you have never been before. How might a knowledge of plant classification help you determine the climate of the area? Describe the steps you would take to do this.

41)Why do angiosperms have showy flowers while others have inconspicuous flowers? What does flower type indicate about the plant? If you wanted to farm a plant with showy flowers, name one challenge you would face and explain how you would deal with it.

Lesson 10: Kingdom Animalia (p. 487-508)

42)Construct a key that would allow you to differentiate between the four phyla in this Kingdom.