23 May 2013 – 7.00 pm
Cults Academy
MINUTESChair / Peter Roberts
Community Councillors present / Gillian Buchanan(GB), Norman Burt(NB), Guus Glass(GG), Martin Harris(MH), Harriet North-Lewis(HN), Graham Payne(GP), Peter Roberts(PRo), Derek Robb(DR), Margaret Stewart(MS),
Apologies / Eleanor Brennan(EB), Tracey Davidson(TD), Christine McKay(CM), Nigel Williams(NW), Cllr Aileen Malone(CAM), Sgt Alan Findlay
Minutes Secretary / Guus Glass
In attendance for
all or part of the meeting / Cllr Marie Boulton(CMB), Cllr Tauqeer Malik(CTM), City Wardens Ross McClelland and Susan Adam, David Anstee, Matthew Dickie, Ernie Dunstar, Louise Longhurst
Item / Topic / Action /
1.0 / Welcome, introductions and apologies
PRo welcomed everyone to the meeting. After introductions, Bieldside resident Mrs Louise Longhurst was given the opportunity to ask questions about a planned extension to a neighbour’s house. The Community Council advised her to speak to the relevant planning officer before finalising an objection and agreed to pay attention to the potential shade problem in the adjoining garden when reviewing the application.
The following proposal for a reshuffle of the office bearers positions was presented for approval:
1, Guus Glass to resign as Secretary to be candidate for Chairman
2. Christine MacKay to resign as Planning Liaison Officer to be candidate for Secretary
3. Peter Roberts to resign as Vice-Chairman to be candidate for Planning Liaison Officer
4. Derek Robb to be nominated as candidate for Vice-Chairman.
The independent proposer of the reshuffle was Eleanor Brennan seconded by the respective candidates.
As there were no objections or alternative proposals from the meeting the re-shuffle was agreed unanimously. The new positions will take effect on 1 August to allow time for handover. / PRo
2.0 / Grampian Police (Not in attendance)
A police report was received after the meeting, which was forwarded to Community Councillors. The mailing included a response to CBMCC’s request for longer-term trend information.
3.0 / City Wardens (Ross McClelland)
The wardens are taking action on the parking problems on the North Deeside Road caused by the building operations of the Stone and McCarthy retirement home in Cults.
They are also paying attention to dog fouling.
Community Councillors asked questions about the overflowing gully on the NDR at the Quarry Road junction and a dangerous manhole cover outside NDR nr 497. Not being a CW matter these points were taken on board by Cllr Tauqeer Malik,
In this context it was noted that Community Walk-abouts, in the past organised by Environmental Services, have not been held for a couple of years. This will be investigated. / CTM
4.0 / Minutes of the last CBMCC Meeting
The minutes of the April 2013 meeting were approved subject to deletion of the (not in attendance) note at the Treasurer’s report - proposed by Derek Robb and seconded by Graham Payne
5.0 / Matters Arising from the last CBMCC meeting (and not on the agenda)
- It was agreed that CBMCC would go ahead with the plan for a bench along the railway line in memory of our past Chair. The bench to be provided/installed by ACC at a cost of £650 + Vat + installation. The location is still to be decided in consultation with Peter’s family.
- GP reported on his initial thoughts regarding the Community Resilience Plan. The plan could take the form of a spreadsheet showing space and manpower resources available in the area. After discussion with the Peterculter team working on the subject a draft spreadsheet will be sent around for comment and further ideas. / DR
6.0 / Local Development Plan Update – CBMCC Input Preparation
The meeting studied the maps and material provided by ACC and provided basic input notes on the four core subjects, i.e.:
· Transport and Accessibility
· Housing Business and local Facilities
· Architecture, Urban Design and the Historic Environment
· The Natural Environment
The notes were collected by subject at the end of the meeting and will be combined in a CBMCC response to the city planners. / PRo/
7.6 / Reports
Treasurer (Graham Payne)
- GP proposed that, in addition to himself, Guus Glass and Derek Robb – chair and vice-chair after 1 August – should be given authority to countersign CBMCC cheques. This was agreed unanimously by the community councillors.
- After commitments the bank balance of CBMCC will be £1614. This will allow funding Peter’s bench.
- Attended the City’s Treasurer’s Workgroup meeting on 9 May. A standard format for the annual accounts has been suggested. The city will also provide CC’s with their 21-point checklist for items allowed on the account.
- Unfortunately CBMCC has no longer access to a ‘small improvement fund’. Hence the request for sponsorship of equipment for the St Devenick’s playgroup will have to be declined.
Planning Officer (not in attendance)
- A letter has been sent to the city planners regarding the conditionally approved Friarsfield application requesting further information on the process that will be followed to approve the matters subject to conditions.
- A letter of objection has been drafted in response to the (unexpected) planning application of the Stewart Milne Group to go ahead with 72 Friarsfield houses of phase 3 even before building of phase 2 has started,
City Councillors
Councillor Marie Boulton
- Roads department has been mapping local roads to make an inventory of damages. Some 200 million pounds will be needed to recondition local roads alone.
- The effectiveness of the city’s Jet Patcher appliances and its operations will be audited and reviewed.
- After a discussion on road damage due to work transport it was suggested by the meeting that planners should take the road classification into account when approving building plans and attach conditions of use to the approval.
- It is re-confirmed that youth from the new Blair’s development in Aberdeenshire will not attend the Cults Academy.
Civic Forum (Guus Glass)
No CBMCC representative attended the Forum meeting of 22 May. A new representative is urgently required to fulfil our aim to always have at least one CBMCC representative in the Civic Forum meetings.
Community Council Forum
No meetings.
MBC News (Peter Roberts)
The deadline for contributions to the next issue (August) is in early July. / GP
8.0 /
General Correspondence (Guus Glass)
· A response to the consultation on the Regional Transport Strategy Refresh will be drafted.· PRo has drafted a response to the National Planning Policy & Framework consultation or comment. The response will be finalised in early June.
· No immediate interest was shown in the Heritage Trust Annual Lecture.
· No representative to attend the Can we be a Zero Landfill City event on 4 July was identified. Will respond that one rep of CBMCC will attend. / GG
9.0 / AOCB
- CMB mentioned that the 40mph speed limit on the Cults-Kingswells ‘back road’ had been approved
- Community Councillors Harriet North-Lewis and Martin Harris announced that they will resign from the Community Council due to health reasons. The chairman expressed his regret on this loss of members of CBMCC and thanked both for their contributions to community life in the past years.
10.0 / The meeting was closed.
Next meeting: Thursday 27 June 2013 in the Deeside Christian Fellowship Church, Milltimber at 7.00pm.
Guus Glass: Secretary, CBMCC
( 01224 864925 :
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