Name: ______
AMSCO Chapter 1 Study Guide – A New World of Many Cultures, 1491-1607
- How did the first people arrive to the Americas? Why did they come?
- What was estimated native population before Columbus arrived?
- Cultures of Central and South America
- Which civilization in the Americas was equivalent to the largest cities in Europe? What was its population?
- Cultures of North America
- What were some of the problems that southwestern natives were struggling with before the arrival of Columbus?
- Since northwestern natives did not have a written language, how would they preserve their history?
- Explain the difference between nomadicand sedentary tribes.
- Where did Native Americans get horses from and how did it change their way of life?
- Europe Moves Toward Exploration
- The Iroquois was a powerful group of Native Americans that lived in ______. They battled rival Natives and European from the 16th century through the American Revolution. What five tribes did the Iroquois consist of and describe how they would live?
- Why do you believe the Vikings’ voyages did not have an impact as that of Columbus’s?
Religious Conflict
- Which two royalties married in 1469 to create Spain?
- Explain what the Protestant Reformation was and the role that it played in the need for exploration.
- Expanding Trade
- Explain why some of the pre-Columbus way of trading did not work well.
- List three forms of resistance slaves used.
- Early Exploration
- What three things was Columbus looking for that he failed to find in the Americas?
Columbus’s Legacy
- Would you agree that Columbus “changed the world forever”? Justify your answer.
- List some of the things that Europeans got from Natives and what Natives got from Europeans.
Dividing the Americas
- Explain what the Line of Demarcation was and its outcome.
Spanish Exploration and Conquest
- What did the following people accomplish in the name of Spain:
Vazco Nunez de Balboa:
Ferdinand Magellan:
Hernan Cortez:
Francisco Pizzaro:
- Explain how the Encomienda System functioned? Why did the Spanish have to switch from the Encomienda System to the Asiento System?
English Claims
- What were England’s earliest claims to the Americas? Explain why they were not as successful as Spain?
French Claims
- What part of the Americas did the French claim?
Dutch Claims
- What part of the Americas did the Dutch claim?
- Spanish Settlements in North America
- Explain the problems that the Spanish faced as they tried to settle in the following states:
New Mexico:
Spanish Policy
- Describe Spain’s treatment of Native Americans.
- Summarize Bartolome de Las Casas’ view towards Native Americans.
- Use the Venn diagram below to compare English versus Spanish policy towards Native Americans.
- Explain why French policy towards Native Americans was so different than that on the English and Spanish.
- Summarize how Native American life changed after 1492.
- Historical Perspectives (p. 13): In your own opinion, ‘Was Columbus a Great Hero?’
- Think as a Historian (p. 20): Which 3 Prompts below would best be answered with an essay that emphasizes causation?
-See page xiv for further information on causation
-Write out the prompts below
-A prompt is instruction for writing