Good News!
Planning Approval for the Ice House
We are very pleased to announce that planning has finally been approved for the relocation of the Roebuck Surgery to the Ice House.
1,723 people signed the petition pressing for this. Thank you for this display of unity.
The building will be fitted out to provide the modern and safe health care that Old Town residents deserve.Dr Namvar deserves the whole hearted thanks of the Old Town community for his investment of time and money to give local residents an up-to-date facility.
Flu Campaign
There is a walk in flu clinic at Guestling from 9.00 – 12.00 – on Saturday 23rd Septemberfor all eligible patients.
If you require a flu jab and are not able to attend this clinic, please contact the surgery for an appointment.
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
As you may be aware Dr Chopra’s surgery was placed into ‘Special Measures’ by the CQC in February. We appreciate that this is a very difficult time for our patients as we have needed to bring in locum GPs to cover Dr. Chopra’s absence. We are therefore very pleased to announce that Dr. Cotta is joining the practice as a long term GP locum for four days a week from October which will help to ensure continuity of care for our patients. We are also very fortunate and grateful for the support and dedication of our Advanced Nurse Practitioner Maria Bull who has enabled the practice to continue to provide excellent patient care during this time.
Management Staff Changes
Tracy White Practice Manager, for Hastings Old Town Surgery is taking overall management responsibility for the Practice.James Long a longstanding member of our administration team at Roebuck has taken on the role of Deputy Manager.
Practice Nursing
Nurse Theresa has now retired from the practice and we all wish her our very best for the future. We are very pleased to welcome Vivien Lovewell who is an experienced practice nurse and has worked locally. Vivien works full time at the practice and has taken on the role as our Infection Control lead.
We are also very pleased to welcome Jayne Coleman to the nursing team as our healthcare assistant. Jayne is able to complete a range of tasks including blood tests, health checks and baseline observations which are required for many of our patient annual health reviews.
We are pleased to report that Katy White has joined the dispensary team and is currently completing her dispensary course. Our team now includes Jacki, Danielle, Rebekah, Katy and Donna who is also completing her dispensary course.
Phoning the Surgery
Please can we request that if your call to the surgery is not urgent that you do nottelephone the surgery before 11 am.If your query is regarding test results please contact the surgery after this time. This is to ensure that those wishing to book an appointment or request a home visit are able to get through.
Patient Participation Group
Our Patient Participation Group has been established for over 4 years. At the recent meeting held in August it was agreed by the members that as we move forwards with the practice mergers which will include Hastings Old Town Surgery and Roebuck Surgery we should begin to hold joint meetings with the Hastings Old Town PPG. We will be sending out details of our next meeting shortly. If you would like to join our PPG, please speak to one of our reception staff.
The recent sale of our books at our Guestling site has raised over £200 which we will be using to purchase a new chair in the nurse treatment room. Many thanks for everyone who donates or purchases our books, your contributions and support to the practice are always very welcome.