We are glad that you have decided to join us in our worship service today. Please let us know how we can best serve you and your family.

Immediately following each service, the pastors and elders are available at the front of the sanctuary to pray with you for any needs and concerns.

Today: Worship Service 9:00 AM
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Worship Service 10:45 AM

Wednesday: Worship Practice 6:30 PM
VBS Staff Meeting 6:30 PM

Next Sunday: Worship Service 9:00 AM
Sunday School 9:00 AM
Worship Service 10:45 AM

Hearing Impaired: We have headsets available at the Sound Booth.

Download the Bible App: on your smart phone or tablet to

follow along with the sermon today. Visit

Bible.com/app. Search for events [Oswego

zip code 13126 if needed]. Join on our free wifi

Hot Spot. It allows one hour per device.

Wednesday: Golden Fellowship 12 PM (Third Wed/ mo.
May – December)

Thursday: Ladies Bible Study: Will resume in September

Community Life Groups: see back of bulletin for info.

BONFIRE: Sunday, June 26, 7:30-9:00PM at Grace & Glory

Sunday Nursery during the 9:00 & 10:45 services

Children’s Church dismissed during the 10:45
service for Kindergarten-4th Grade

VBS June 27-July 1

9:15 AM-12:15 PM

Age 4 - Completed 6th Grade

9:00 AM Tara Fresch, Crissy Kelly

10:45 AM Infants: Joanne Choate, Addyson St. Onge

Toddlers: Jodi & Kylie Jones

Preschool: Crystal Cavellier,
Lauren Greutman

Next Sunday:
9:00 AM Holly VanWert, Ellie Lisec

10:45 AM Infants: Kelly Canova, Monek Cullen,
Hannah DiMartino

Toddlers: Lee & Laura Mistico

Preschool: Tanner Jones, Kaylee Kuriger

General Fund: Giving Last Week $.... 7,933
Weekly Budget $....10,433
Year to Date Giving $..223,614
Budget Need $..250,392
Expenses Paid $..215,947

Missions: Giving Last Week $...... 1,007
Weekly Pledge $...... 1,460
Year to Date Giving $....35,018
Pledge Need $....35,040

June Ushers: 9:00 AM: Doug Edwards, Bill Bennett,
Ed Rossi
10:45 AM: The Youth Team

June Greeters: 9:00 AM: Linda Edwards

10:45 AM: The Youth Team

June Library: David & Alena Fresch

Birthdays: Karen Kio, 6/19; Peter Lake, 6/19; Hailey Farella, 6/21; Steve Pagliaroli, 6/21; Michel Bouffard, 6/22; Marty Griffin, 6/22; Keli Oleyourryk, 6/23; Hannah Greutman, 6/24; Leon Amanie, 6/25

Anniversaries: Fred & Lee Mistico, 6/19; 17 years

John & Deb Caroccio, 6/21; 13 years Art & Diane Germain, 6/23; 65 years

Jon & Heather LaRue, 6/23; 6 years

THANK YOU: to all of those who helped to make this year’s church picnic a.

DEACONS FUND: Collected on the third Sunday of the month, the fund is used to assist those in the church experiencing hardships. For more information, contact one of the deacons: Blair Bacher () Shawn Boshart (), Mike DeLorme (); Peter Lautensack (), Harry McDougall (), or Ed Rossi (

JUNE PRAYER SUMMIT Please stop at the information booth to pick up a prayer guide and sign-up to pray one day in June. VBS will take place June 27 – July 1.

PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE: Please keep the search committee members in your prayers: Fred Baldwin, Marty Griffin, Sharon Noel, Don Smith, Judy Locklin, Eric Goodnough and Chance Fieldson as they receive and consider resumes and that the leading of the Lord is clear to them as they proceed forward.

VBS STAFF MEETING: Wednesday, June 22, 6:30PM at the church.

VBS DONATIONS: Check out the bulletin board in the hallway by the Library for the lists of items we need for VBS. Sign up and bring them in no later than Wednesday, June 22.

VBS VOLUNTEERS: Sign up at the Information Desk to help with Cave Quest, June 27-July 1. For more information, contact Becky Horning, Director, 806-6542.

CLOTHING SALE: Wednesday, June 29th there will be a meeting for anyone that wants to help with the clothing sale. We will meet at the church at 12:30 after VBS. We are in need of help to sort, laundry if necessary and to hang the clothing, someone that would be willing to handle advertising the event. Also the day of the sale we will need a number of people to help

BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN: To benefit the Pregnancy Care Center of Oswego County. Take a baby bottle from the table in the narthex, fill it with change (or dollars) and return it TODAY. Your change can make a difference in lives.

SECRET SISTERS: We will start the Secret Sister Ministry in September. The summer is very busy and people are away - so we thought September would be better, watch for details!

Some events happening that you might want to put on your calendar:

·  DR Missions Trip: July 30-August 6

·  Clothing Sale: August 19 & 20

·  Beth Moore Simulcast: September 24

BONFIRE: Sunday, June 26, 7:30-9:00PM at Grace & Glory

VBS: CAVE QUEST JUNE 27-JULY 1!! Register your children on our webpage: www.oswegoalliance.org

Goodnough CLG – Tuesdays, 7:30PM, at Goodnoughs (116 Meaney Circle) led by Eric Goodnough. Study: Romans.

Johnson CLG – Tuesdays, 7PM, at the Orr’s (5587 St. Rt. 104) led by Barney Johnson. Study: 1st Corinthians.

Pierce CLG – Tuesdays, 7PM at 2220 St. Rt. 48, Fulton. Study: Hebrews.

Men’s CLG – Wednesdays, 7:30AM at the church. Study: Genesis led by John Caroccio.

Young Ladies CLG – Wednesday, 7:30PM, at the Smith’s (274 Syracuse Ave) led by Wendy Smith.

If you have any questions about any of these groups or would like more information, please contact Pastor Verlyn at .


Calista Lloyd, Alex Peppard Daniel Richards, Devin Simmons, Christopher Van Gorder, Matthew Weller

Jaime Bouffard, Jessica Gilbert, John Kelly Tyler Lisec, Steven McDougall, Steven Scott, Wes Smith