McCormick Theological Seminary

5460 S. University Av., Chicago, IL 60615

History Survey II (H-301): 1450 to the Present


Spring Semester, 2017

Section A (Tuesdays, 1:00-3:50)

Section B (Wednesdays, 6:00-8:50)

Instructor: Dr. David Daniels

Educational Assistant: Eddie Rosa-Fuentes

Office: MTS rm. 352 or 307; email: ; tel.: 773-947-6342

Office hours : Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. or by appointment


This course surveys the history of Christianity as a world movement since the 1450s. The course will explore the transition of the Church from the medieval to the modern period, the modern to the post-modern period, and the majority of Christians being in the West to the majority again residing in the global South. Focus will be given to the Christian movement on the various continents. Theological paradigms and renewal currents will be placed in historical context. Secondary texts and primary documents will constitute the reading. The lectures will offer alternative interpretations to the secondary readings.

Required Reading:

Dale Irvin and Scott Sunquist, History of the World Christian Movement, vol. 11: Modern

Christianity from 1454-1800 (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. 2012)

Sebastian Kim and Kirsteen Kim, Christianity as a World Religion (New York: Continuum, 2008)

Klaus Koschorke, et al, editors, A History of Christianity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1450 1990: A Documentary Sourcebook (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2007)

Henry Bettenson and Chris Maunder, editors, Documents of the Christian Church, 4th ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011)

Optional Texts Related to Geographic Regions

Gonzalez, Justo and Ordina Gonzalez, Christianity in Latin America (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008)

Hastings, Adrian, The Church in Africa: 1450-1950 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994)

Elizabeth Isichei, A History of Christianity in Africa: From Antiquity to the Present (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1995)

Robert Kaggwa, Christianity in Africa (Oxford, UK: Blackwell, forthcoming)

Moffett, Samuel Hugh, History of Christianity in Asia: 1500 To 1900 (New York: HarperCollins, 2005)

Peter C. Phan, ed., Christianities in Asia (Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 2011)

Optional Survey Texts on Regions

Mary Farrell Bednarowski, ed., Twentieth-century Global Christianity: A People's History of Christianity (Minneapolis: AugsburgFortress, 2008)

Dyron B. Daughrity , The Changing World of Christianity: The Global History of a Borderless Religion (New York: Peter Lang, 2010)

Charles E. Farhadian, ed., Introducing World Christianity (Madden, MA: Blackwell, 2012)

Website on Studying History

Dr. Patrick Rael, Reading, Writing, and Researching for History.

A Guide for College Students


Weekly Reading Assignments

Read the assigned secondary texts.

Read all the assigned primary documents; read closely a set of the assigned documents.


Weekly Reflection Paper (10%)

Submit (by using ‘Assignment’ in our Moodle course website) before your class session a 150-word reflection paper on the weekly assigned reading. I) In a 75-word paragraph state the thesis of a secondary reading (Irvin/Sunquist; Kim & Kim) and discuss whether the primary readings (documents in Koschorcke et al; Bettenson; others) support or counter the these identified in the secondary reading. II) In a 75-word paragraph offer a response to the weekly discussion question. Include pivotal quotes and cite specific sections of the secondary and primary readings in developing your paper. Include citations (endnotes or footnotes).

Course Examination/Paper Options: Essay or Exam

Three Document Analysis Essays:

Submit (by using ‘Assignment’ in our Moodle course website) a primary document essay in which you have reconstructed the historical context of and analyzed the document. For the first essay (1,500 words), the document must be associated with the time period between 1450 to 1600; the first paper is due Friday, March 4 prior to 4 p.m. For the second essay (1,500 words), the document must be associated with the period between 1600 and 1800; the second paper is due Friday, April 8 prior to 4 p.m. For the final essay (2,500 words), the document must be associated with the period between 1800 and 2000; the final paper is due Thursday, May 5 prior to 4 p.m. Utilize relevant material from the required readings along with the lectures, discussions, and reference sources to analyze the document.

The document analysis should include these seven sections: (1) provide an introduction which includes the full citation of the document listed in the footnote or endnote (author, document title, book, date, page), the author’s thesis, the genre of the document (history, testimony, sermon, doctrine, report, etc.), and a statement of the thesis that the student will develop or argue in the paper; (2) lodge your thesis about the document with within historiography about the subject or the interpretative approaches presented in class); (3) connect your thesis with your summary of the themes/topics of the document, including a discussion of the group/community which the author represented ; (4) connect your argument or thesis with your lodging of the document within its historical context (local, regional, national, continental, global), making connections between the selected document and the major events/ debates of the era in which it was written ; (5) conclusion and personal reflections; (6) citations (footnotes/endnotes; use journal articles or three different entries from reference sources in addition to the required texts; provide citations for all sources); (7) bibliography.

[Another format will also be introduced in class.]

In addition to the readings required of the course, use three other sources, ranging from reference texts to monographs; provide citations for all sources. Topics must be approved by the professor.

Possible Other Resources (also note the optional resources above)

Scott Sunquist, et al, eds. A Dictionary of Asian Christianity

Oxford History of Christianity series

Hans Hillerbrand, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation

Adrian Hastings, The Church in Africa

Enrique Dussel, ed., The Church in Latin America 1492-1992

Samuel Hugh Moffett, History of Christianity in Asia: 1500 to 1900

Primary Documents

Hans Hillerbrand, Protestant Reformation (Documentary History of Western Civilization)

MacHaffie, Barbara, Readings in Her Story (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1992)

Henry Bettenson, Documents of the Christian Church

Clyde Manschreck, History of Christianity (Documents)



Three Take –home Exams (open book):

The exams are self-monitored and to be taken on the honor code system. The student blocks out the designated time to complete the exam. The first two exams will consist of two sections and the student must answer one question from each section with each answer consisting of approximately 750-words; the first exam is due Friday, March 4 prior to 4 p.m. and the second exam is due Friday, April 8 prior to 4 p.m The final exam will consist of three sections and the student must answer one question from each section with each answer consisting of approximately 750-words; the final exam is due Thursday, May 5 prior to 4 p.m. As an open-book exam, the student can access lectures notes and texts/books during the exam period. Citations are required.


Times for discussion groups will be scheduled prior to class and during the last 50 minutes of class. The discussion groups will consist of 7 or fewer people. All members of the group must participate fully in the group discussions. Utmost care is taken to make sure that each member is heard and respected in the groups. Recall that the discussion is based on an analysis of specific readings and documents.

Other Skill-building Exercises

Mapping: Keep aware how geography influences the topic studied. Students will be required to complete two mapping exercises.


The student’s course grade will be calculated according to the following percentages:

Discussion Group and Class Participation 10%

Reflection Papers 20%

First two Term Essays or Exams 40%

Final Term Essay or Exam 30%

Attendance Requirement

Students are expected to attend on time all class sessions, including the discussion groups, to receive credit for the course.

Tropical Outline

Week I (Feb. 2-3)Introductions, Overview & Periodization/Timeline

Week II (Feb. 9-10) Christianity: Global South 15th & 16th Century

Irvin/Sunquist, Intro & pages 1-7; chapters 1, 2 & 3

Afanasii Nikitin’s Journey Across ThreeSeas (1475)

Martin Baumgarten, “An Account of their Travels into Palestine (1507),” in A Collection of Voyages and Travels, edited by Awnsham and John Churchill (London, 1714), pp. 463-466.

Latin America

Koschorke, D 235: Mexico: Rel. Dialogue between the Aztecs and Franciscans (1524)

Koschorke, D 221: Mexico: Lament after the Conquest (about 1523)

Koschorke, D 225b: Bartolome de las Casas: Criticism of the Requerimiento (ca. 1526)

Koschorke, D 231: Peru: Evangelization of the Inca Empire


Koschorke, D 110: Saga Za-ab: Ethiopian-Egyptian Contacts (1540)

Koschorke, D 115: Explorations: Vasco da Gama in Mozambique

Koschorke, D 118a: Ruy de Pina’s Account

Koschorke, D 118b: Local African Recollections

Koschorke, D 121: The Manikongo Complains about Unfit Priests (1514)


Koschorke, D 2: Nestorians and Armenian Christians in Southern Asia (1508)

Koschorke, D 14a: Magellan as Preacher (1521) [The Philippines]

Weeks III (Feb. 16-17) Ecclesial Currents in 16th Century Europe

Irvin/Sunquist, chapter 4

Bettenson, Section VIII: I The Lutheran Reformation

Bettenson VIII: II Calvinism

On-line links

Marty E. Marty, “Which Luther? (378),” Christian Century, February 10, 2004, pp. 30-31.

Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe, “Ulrich Zwingli: Prophet of the Modern World”

Christian Century April 4, 1984,

Twelve Articles of the Peasants

Randall C. Zachman, “Theologian in the Service of Piety: A New Portrait of

Calvin” Christian Century, April 23-30, 1997, pp. 413-418.

John Calvin, Institutes. Book 3 chps. 1-3 (skim) in


Bettenson IX: I a The Submission of the Clergy [England] (1532)

Bettenson IX: II b Elizabeth’s Act of Uniformity (1559)

Bettenson IX: II f Act against Puritans (1593)

Bettenson VIII: III The Peace of Augsburg (1555)

Bettenson VIII: IV The Edict of Nantes (1598)

Bettenson X: I a Rules for Thinking with the Church [Jesuits]

Bettenson X: II a-h The Council of Trent (1545-1565)

Bettenson X: III The Tridentine Profession of Faith (1564)

Week IV (Feb. 22-23) Orthodoxy & World Christianity 16th Century

Irvin/Sunquist, chapters 5, & 6

Marian Hillar, “Laelius and Faustus Socini: Founders of Socianianism, their lives

and theology” in The Journal from the Radical Reformation (Spring, 2002:


Koschorke, D 233: Jean de Lery: The Mission of the Hugenots in Brazil (1557)

Koschorke, D 126: Lent and Easter in the Ethiopian Church

Koschorke, D 125: The “Confessio Fidei” of Emperor Galawdewos (1555)

Koschorke, D 10b: South India: The Paravas (1542-1544)

Koschorke, D 15: Japan: Rel. Debates between Jesuits and Buddhists (1551)

Koschorke, D 230: Mexico: The Missionary Method of the Franciscans (1596)

Week V (Mar. 1-2) Post-Reformation Era and the European Enlightenments

Irvin/Sunquist, chapters 12, 13 & 15

Bettenson XI: IV Presbyterianism. The Westminster Confession (1643)

Bettenson XI: V a The First Confession [Baptist] (1646)

Bettenson X: IV Arminianism. The Five Articles

Bettenson VIII: V The Peace of Westphalia (1648)

Uploaded Handouts: Locke, Newton, Hume, Voltaire, Gibbon

Week VI (Mar. 8-9) North Atlantic Christianity (c.1600-1800)

Irvin/Sunquist, chapters 11 & 19

Bettenson, Section XII: II a,b,c: The Organization of the Methodists

Secondary E-texts:

J. Gordon Melton, “African American Methodistm in the M.E. Tradition: The Case of Sharp Street (Baltimore)” The North Star: A Journal of African American Religious History, Volume 8, Number 2 (Spring 2005).

Primary E-texts:

John Wesley, A Plain Account of Christian Perfection, Sections 1-19, 26-28 (skim)

John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity (1630)

Ann Bradstreet, A Dialogue Between Old England and New (1630)

(both in

Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life (1789) in (excerpt on Igbo religion)

David L. Wykes, “Lay religious beliefs: the spiritual testimonies of early

eighteenth-century Presbyterian communicants” (skim)

Anonymous Memoir Of Elizabeth Jones, a Little Indian Girl, Who Lived at the River-Credit Mission, Upper Canada

(“entire body of work” entry & chapter on piety)

Thomas Paine (1797), A Letter to a Friend Regarding the Age of Reason in

SPRING BREAK (Week of March 14-19)

Week VII (Mar. 22-23) Christianity in Africa (c. 1600-1880)

Irvin/Sunquist, chapters 9 & 14


Koschorke D 132: The King of Warri (West Africa) to the Pope (1652)

Koschorke D 134: Zimbabwe: Baptism of King Manamotapa (1652)

Koschorke D 140: Gold Coast: Lutheran Mission Initiatives (1673)

Koschorke D 141: An African Pastor Concerning India as Model

Koschorke D 146: Olaudah Equino (1789)

Koschorke D 148b A “Flourishing Christian Black African Nation”

Koschorke D 156 Casalis and Chief Moshesh in Lesotho (1833)

Koschorke D 150 A Freed Slave: Samuel Ajayi Crowther (1837)

Koschorke D 165b O. Payne: The Significance of Bishop Crowther (1892)

Week VIII (March 29-30) Christianity in Latin America (c.1600-1880)

Irvin/Sunquist, chapters 10 & 18

Latin America

Koschorke D 244b J. de Palafox y Mendoza: On the Piety and Life of the Indians (1640)

Koschorke D 245a A Morning Prayer of the Evangelized Quechua (c1600)

Koschorke D 242 Mexico: The Cult of the Virgin of Guadelupe (1649)

Koschorke D 243b Sor Juana Ines de La Cruz: The Answer to Sor Filotea (1691)

Koschorke D 247 Mayan Priest: Christianity as the Origin of All Evil (17th Century)

Koschorke D 262 Mexico: Historical-Theological Emancipation of the Creoles (1794)

Koschorke D 267 Simon Bolivar: On the Rights of the Indian (1825)

Koschorke D 272 Indian Religiosity in the Andes (1801)

Koschorke D 280 Nicaragua: Native American Moravians Indian Communities (1849)

Week IX (Apr. 5-6) Christianity in Asia (1600-1880)

Irvin/Sunquist, chapters 7, 8 & 17

Only select 12 readings:

Koschorke D 24b Theory and Practice of Accommodation [Matteo Ricci] (1596 & 1609)

Koschorke D 24c “The True Meaning…of the Lord of Heaven” (1603)

Koschorke D 24d A Chinese Voice on Ricci [Li Zhi] (c1600)

Koschorke D 25 Roberto de Nobili in South India (1606-1656)

Koschorke D 23b “Oath of Apostasy” [Japan; Mr. & Mrs. Kuyusuke] (1645)