Louisiana State Documents Depository Program
Monthly Shipping List
September 2007 (148 titles, 232 items)
We have adopted the “shelving order” convention for publication/issue dates in LaDoc numbers. The format is: year month day. This is so logical that it is probably the way you have been shelving. It puts every item of one year together; we decided to use the name of the month abbreviated rather than the number of the month since the LaDoc no. is full of numbers. The day date will be added when applicable, particularly for board minutes, and will be used for all audits. We decided to use spaces between the segments rather than slashes or dashes because many LaDoc numbers have a slash before the date. We welcome your comments and suggestions. Examples:
2007 June 25
2007 June - 2007 July 2 nos.
vol. 78, no. 29 (2007 June 26) - vol. 79, no. 2 (2007 July 24); vol. 79, no. 5 (2007 Sept. 11) - vol. 79, no. 7 (2007 Sept. 25) 6 nos.
Remember that this is the format for the date in a LaDoc no., not necessarily
Every depository library received the LSU Press Catalog in this shipment. Since they had not submitted their catalog in many years, I thought you might find it useful as a collection development resource. If you did not select LSU, you do not need to keep or offer this.
Bossier Parish Community (ES 180) and other technical and community college flyers about career/academic study areas LaDoc numbers are .4. I have tried to put some of the flyers about school services as .2 but I have just about given up on this distinction. The BPCC flyers look identical, regardless of content.
The three BPCC flyers (BPCC Library, BPCC Learning Center, Financial Aid) will be/remain as .2.
All the rest will remain .4.
I am leaving these services, Distance Learning Center, Project R.E.A.D, and Dual Enrollment, as .4 even though they should be .2.
Our Dept of Natural Resources Coastal Restoration Management Section contact person just read our semiannual letter to agencies than called to tell us that their project reports are electronic-only. They have been printing paper copies just for the depository program. [who knew!] He will notify us when a new report is posted then the electronic-only file will go into the Digital Archive, into the State Library catalog, and into the MSL. You can then move the record into your catalog. Think of the shelf space you will save. The Advisory Council will discuss whether the existing paper copies can be withdrawn as soon as all the reports have been harvested into the Digital Archive. Send me your opinion/suggestion.
***If you have not already put the most recent reports into your collection and do not want to keep the paper copies, hold off adding them until you hear from us that the reports are in the Digital Archive and (if) it is OK to discard the paper.***
There were many DNR CRM reports in the July, Sept, and Oct 2007 MSLists.
Revised from Aug. MSL. In response to a request for LaDoc numbers to differentiate between the various types of Dept. of Natural Resources , Coastal Restoration Division reports, here are numbers for each report type. I will begin using these. It is your choice if you want to reclassify all your documents.
Former: NR 1.1: project #/date. LaDoc becomes: NR 1.1: project #/rpt type#/date. Here are the report type numbers:
Current type of report from La Dept of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Section / Record type / Alpha designationAnnual Inspection Report / Serial / I
Contracted Study / Monograph / C
Ecological Review / Monograph / ER
Environmental Assessment [may have draft & final] / Monograph / E
Feasibility Study / Monograph / F
General Programmatic Document [everything that doesn’t fit elsewhere so they may not all be monographs] / Monograph / G
Monitoring Plan / Monograph / MP
Monitoring Report [includes Operations, Maintenance & Monitoring Reports, Close-out Report, Comprehensive Report, Progress Report, Summary Data & Graphics all moved to monitoring reports] / Serial / M
Project Completion Report [generated at the end of construction of either a new project or repairs of a project] / Monograph / P
Quarterly Report [CWPPRA reports from 1990s; may be under different LaDoc no.] / Serial / Q
Wetland Value Assessment [10/07: no reports yet] / Monograph / W
Distinction needs to come after the /. Examples:
NR 1.1: BA-04/M/1996 Jan 1 [monitoring]
NR 1.1: BA-04/M/2004 [2004 operations]
NR 1.1: BA-04/M/2005 [2005 operations]
NR 1.1: BA-23/I/2006 [inspection]
NR 1.1: BA-23/M/2003 June 3 [monitoring]
NR 1.1: BA-23/M/2003 Aug 14 [monitoring]
NR 1.1: BA-23/M/2004 [operations]
NR 1.1: BA-23/P/2001 Nov 26 [completion]
DNR is catching up on writing reports. This is why they have submitted so many reports lately. July MSL had 37, Aug MSL had 10, Sept has 3 so far and we are expecting more. DNR may not finish writing the 2006-2007 reports until 2008.
The Depository Program gets legislative bills, resolutions, and daily calendars from the House of Representative staff during each session. The House staff sends these items to the commercial printer for reproduction and we get some of those copies. They distribute only what has been reproduced by the printer.
They do not send substitute bills to the printer because the original is the same as the engrossed version. In the 2007 regular session, all of the bills after House bill 958 were substitutes.
Someone in the House staff [higher up than our contacts] decides which resolutions are sent to the printer, based on substantiveness/
substance of the content. Example: a resolution honoring an individual probably would not be duplicated.
This is what I assume, based on what we have received 2003- :
(1) Original House resolutions are not reproduced because these
are the same as the engrossed resolutions. [We have not
received any original house resolutions 2003-2007]
(2) Original House concurrent resolutions are reproduced. [We got
1 in 2004]
(3) Some House concurrent resolutions engrossed & reengrossed
are reproduced. [We got some in 2003 - 2006 but none for
(A) Senate resolutions original, engrossed or reengrossed
apparently are not be reproduced now. [We have not received any 2003 - 2007]
(B) Senate original concurrent resolutions seem to be reproduced.
[We got some in 2003 - 2006 but none for 2007]
(C) Senate concurrent resolutions engrossed & reengrossed seem
to be reproduced. [We got some in 2003, 2004, 2006 but none
for 2007]
Bottom line is that we got everything that was reproduced and distributed, i.e. everything we should have received... except 2007 reg sess House bill engrossed 58 & House original bill 396 which we have asked libraries to print for themselves in this MSL Notes. I will try again to negotiate with the House & Senate to get copies of every bill but I am not veryl hopeful.
History: Bills were in OPs from II (1948-1953) through VII (1980-1984) then resumed in PD 95 (Jan-Je 1997).
- OP II: House/Senate “bills are printed when they are reported out by the committee, as a general rule. Senate bills are printed when they are introduced.”
- OP III: House/Senate bills, “some not printed.”
- PD 95 “Note: All original House and Senate instruments (bills, resolutions, &c.) are listed, even if copies were not provided to the Recorder of Documents. The text of Senate instruments can be found on the internet at
- PD 95 includes Senate resolutions, Senate concurrent resolutions.
I checked PDs 95-98: no more notes about non-printed bills, etc.
LA 1088/I-12 interchange: St. Tammany Parish, LA, state project no. 700-26-0076, federal aid project no. HP-12-1 (120)068.
State Library Tech Srvs is recataloging records (hearings, transcripts, assessments, reports) for this DOTD project. In November, you may want to look at the revised records if you got your catalog records from the State Library catalog.
MSL Date / Correct LaDoc No. / Title; Agency / Former, Incorrect LaDoc No. / CommentsSept
2007 / A 600.6: June 10, 2004 & Aug. 26, 2004 / Minutes; Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry, Livestock Sanitary Board / Duplicates of copies received in Sept 2007 shipment. Only LSU-BR & Tech got dups.
Sept 2007 / Newsletter of the La Archaeological Society, Fall 2007, vol. 35, no. 2 / Not a state doc. We got/distributed 5 copies. Keep or discard. This issue has the 2007 schedule for Archaeology Week.
Sept. 2007 / Come to the game & tailgate party; Nicholls State Univ. / Not a state doc. Poster/flyer. We got/distributed 14 copies. Keep or discard.
Sept. 2007 / Nicholls State University President’s Scholarship Reception / Not a state doc. Invitation. We got/distributed 14 copies. Keep or discard.
Sept 2007 / Family day; Nicholls / Not a state doc. Invitation. We got/distributed 9 copies. Keep or discard.
Aug 2007 / ES 136.6: FFNS/2006 / Proceedings from the narrative sessions of the Natchitoches-NSU Folk Festival; Northwestern State University Louisiana Folklife Center / ES 130.6: FFNS/2006 / Incorrectly used the old LaDoc for the Folklife Center.
Aug 2007 / OS 210.8p: AP/ / Annual Plan; Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana / NR 9.1: CPRA/ / I assigned the wrong LaDoc no. Annual Plan is different from Master Plan. Annual Plans are plans to implement Master Plan. There may be Annual reports too but none have been written so far.
July 2007 / J 1.6: JPCC/ / Attorney General Charles Foti's Annual JP & Constable Conference / J 1.6: JPCCP/ / Since the May 2007 is both Constable and JP, the LaDoc is J 1.6: JPCC/2007. Use J 1.6: JPCCP when it is only for the justices of the peace, as per catalog record note.
July 2007 / J 3.9: AG/date / [directory of Attorney General office staff, division heads, & by subject]. No date; 2007? Laminated card
18 x 12 cm. / S 3.9: AG/date / I cannot imagine how the J turned out to be an S but S is wrong. July was the 1st month of the new workflow so pls excuse the many errors.
May 2007 / PWH 1.2: ST/2007 / LA 1088/I-12 interchange draft environmental assessment: St. Tammany Parish, LA; DOTD.
Supplemental draft was 2007 May. The final Supplemental report was 2007 June. / PWH 1.2: ST/2001/01 / 01 was to distinguish “supplemental” but we don’t need that. 2001 was just wrong; the date is 2007.
**The LA 1088/I-12 Interchange project catalog records are being revised. You may want to check them in the State Library catalog in early Nov. for the corrected & consolidated records for hearings/transcripts and reports.
[5 copies + direct mail to ULL, UNO, NOPL and 2 copies to each relevant parish library and branches for areas covered by the document]
Sept 2005 / Y 9.2: TPC/2005 / Division of Administration, State of Louisiana: agreed-upon procedures report issued August 24, 2005 ...examining the statements furnished by the Tournament Players Club at Fairfield, L.L.C. ... from May 2004 through April 2005; Auditor / Y 9.2: AdmTPC/2005 / Changing LaDoc; the Inspector General report on same entity in 9/07 MSL uses same “TPC” in LaDoc.
Aug 2004 / PWH 1.2: SM/ / Public meeting transcript for state project no. 700-50-0112 : St. Martinville bypass, LA 31, St. Martin Parish.
June 2004
June 1991 / PWH 1.2: St. Ma/ / Correct cutter for DOTC pubs about St. Martin Parish is SM.
St. Ma is for St. Mary Parish.
June 3, 2004 [5 copies + direct mail to ULL, UNO, NOPL and 2 copies to each relevant parish library and branches for areas covered by the document] State Library records have been corrected if you want to use them.
June 2000 / PWH 1.2: ST/date / Public meeting transcripts for LA 1088 interchange route I-12, St. Tammany Parish; DOTD / PWH 1.2: Man/date / LaDoc was incorrect. 4 copies received plus direct mail.
EL 800.7/9: v/date / Le Tigre [yearbook]; LSU at Eunice / Depository has not received copies but created this LaDoc for those who need it. 1st vol. was 1968.
This month’s shipment includes these core titles:
Louisiana Administrative Code
Louisiana Register
State Budget