AB828 / Vehicles: transportation services.
Author / Low and Chang (Coauthor: Bonilla)
Status / 08/11/2016: In committee: Held under submission.
Description / AB 828 updates current law to clarify that TNC drivers do not need to apply for commercial licenses or plates, making it easier for everyday drivers and commuters to participate in ridesharing.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB1360 / Charter-party carriers of passengers: individual fare exemption.
Author / Ting (Coauthors: Chang, Gatto, and Wilk)
Status / 06/27/2016: Hearing canceled at the request of author.
Description / AB 1360 clarifies existing law to allow transportation network companies (TNCs) to offer shared rides (fare splitting) for customers with similar pickup and drop off locations, a necessary aspect of high-occupancy carpooling.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB1591 / Transportation funding.
Author / Frazier
Status / 02/01/2016: Referred to Coms. on TRANS. and REV. & TAX.
Location / ASM
Description / AB 1591 will raise over $7 billion annually and fund two major initiatives: trade corridor improvements and road maintenance and rehabilitation.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB1721 / Student financial aid: Cal Grant Program.
Author / Medina
Status / 08/11/2016: In committee: Held under submission.
Description / This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to renew California’s commitment to college affordability by increasing the aid available to needy students through expanding the Cal Grant Program.
Notes / Asked to support along with LA Chamber; Scorecard Bill
AB1749 / California Environmental Quality Act: exemption: recycled water pipelines.
Author / Mathis
Status / 08/17/2016: Ordered to inactive file at the request of Senator Berryhill.
Description / CEQA exempts from its requirements projects consisting of the construction or expansion of recycled water pipeline and directly related infrastructure within existing rights of way, and directly related groundwater replenishment, if the project does not affect wetlands or sensitive habitat, and where the construction impacts are fully mitigated, and undertaken for the purpose of mitigating drought conditions for which a state of emergency was proclaimed by the Governor on a certain date. This bill would extend that date to January 1, 2022.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB1934 / Planning and zoning: density bonuses.
Author / Santiago
Status / 09/06/2016: Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 5:30 p.m.
Location / Governor
Description / Existing law defines the term “housing development” for these purposes to mean a development project for 5 or more residential units to qualify for a density bonus. This bill would specify that for these purposes the term “housing development” may include a mixed-use project or a commercial development with a housing component to qualify for a density bonus.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB2063 / Work-based learning opportunities: work experience education and job shadowing.
Author / Gallagher
Status / 07/22/2016: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 72, Statutes of 2016.
Description / This bill would authorize work experience education credit to be granted to a pupil who is at least 14 years of age if the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled certifies that it is necessary for the pupil’s participation in a career technical education program, and would also authorize a pupil to participate in a job shadowing experience for up to 40 hours in a specified period if the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled certifies that it is necessary for the pupil’s participation in a career technical education program.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB2090 / Low Carbon Transit Operations Program.
Author / Alejo
Status / 08/11/2016: In committee: Held under submission.
Description / This bill would authorize a transit agency to apply for, and receive, Low Carbon Transit Operations Program funds to maintain current transit service levels in circumstances where that transit agency is experiencing a fiscal emergency.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB2492 / Community revitalization.
Author / Alejo
Status / 08/29/2016: Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 4 p.m.
Location / Governor
Description / Existing law authorizes certain local agencies to form a community revitalization and investment authority (authority) to carry out provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law in that area for purposes related to, infrastructure, affordable housing, and economic revitalization. Existing law requires not less than 80% of the land calculated by census tracts or census block groups, has an annual median household income of less than 80% of the statewide annual median income. This bill would authorize the calculation to be made with a combination of census tracts and census block groups. The bill would also revise the conditions to require, among other things, an annual median household income that is less than 80% of the statewide, countywide, or citywide annual median household income.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB2548 / School accountability: statewide accountability system.
Author / Weber
Status / 08/30/2016: Senate amendments concurred in. To Engrossing and Enrolling.
Location / Governor
Description / AB 2548 will ensure that our new accountability system provides the public with critical information on the performance of schools and districts, and allows for transparent and meaningful comparisons across schools and districts with respect to academic performance, student growth, equity, school climate and student engagement. In addition, the legislation sets ambitious statewide standards for school performance and expectations for continuous improvement. In this way it will allow the public to make sure that all students make meaningful progress in school and, upon graduation from high school, are prepared to enter the workforce or pursue postsecondary training without the need for substantial remediation.
Notes / CalChamber Support; Scorecard Bill
AB2826 / Teachers: evaluation and assessment.
Author / Weber (Coauthors: Cooper, Holden, and Olsen) (Coauthor: Senator Hall)
Status / 08/24/2016: Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 11:45 a.m.
Location / Governor
Description / Reinforce the provisions in the Stull Act relating to the evaluation and assessment of certificated employee job performance by specifying multiple measures and categories of evidence that may be considered in gauging the progress of pupils, instructional techniques and strategies, and an employee’s adherence to curricular objectives.
Notes / Sent letter
SB66 / Career technical education.
Author / Leyva and McGuire
Status / 08/31/2016: Assembly amendments concurred in. Ordered to engrossing and enrolling.
Location / Governor
Description / Extends CTE Pathways Program. Ensures new, high-quality career technical education (CTE) programs and courses will continue to be developed by extending authorization for the CTE Pathways Program and funding for an additional three years.
Notes / CalChamber; Scorecard Bill
SB820 / Hazardous materials: California Land Reuse and Revitalization Act of 2004.
Author / Hertzberg
Status / 08/22/2016: Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 166, Statutes of 2016.
Description / Extends the California Land Reuse and Revitalization Act of 2004 indefinitely.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
SB915 / Teacher recruitment: California Center on Teaching Careers.
Author / Liu (Coauthor: Senator Allen)
Status / 06/16/2016: Referred to Com. on ED. HEARING DATE: 06/22/2016
Description / This bill would establish the California Center on Teaching Careers for the purposes of recruiting qualified and capable individuals into the teaching profession.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
SB936 / California Small Business Expansion Fund: corporate guarantees.
Author / Hertzberg
Status / 08/24/2016: Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 5 p.m.
Location / Governor
Description / SB 936 decreases the required reserve needed to back loan guarantees made by the California Small Business Loan Guarantee Program (SBLGP). This bill would reduce the required loan loss reserve from 20% to 10%.
Notes / Sent letter-Sponsor is Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development; Scorecard Bill
SB1069 / Land use: zoning.
Author / Wieckowski (Coauthor: Assembly Member Atkins)
Status / 08/30/2016: Assembly amendments concurred in. Ordered to engrossing and enrolling.
Location / Governor
Description / This bill would replace the term “second unit” with “accessory dwelling unit” throughout the law. The bill would add to those findings and declarations that allowing accessory dwelling units in single-family or multifamily residential zones provides additional rental housing stock and these units are an essential component of housing supply in California.
Notes / Signed onto coalition letter; Scorecard Bill
AB67 / Double Pay on the Holiday Act of 2016.
Author / Gonzalez
Status / 08/31/2016: Assembly refused to concur in Senate amendments.
Description / This bill would enact the Double Pay on the Holiday Act of 2016 that would require an employer to pay at least 2 times the regular rate of pay to an employee at retail and grocery establishments, as defined, except employees in specified categories, for work on a family holiday.
Notes / Sent letter; Scorecard Bill
AB779 / Transportation: congestion management program.
Author / Cristina Garcia
Status / 08/30/2016: Senate amendments concurred in. To Engrossing and Enrolling.
Location / Governor
Description / This bill would revise the definition of “infill opportunity zone” to not require that it be within a specified distance of a major transit stop or high-quality transit corridor. The bill would revise the requirements for a congestion management program by removing traffic level of service standards established for a system of highways and roadways as a required element and instead requiring measures of effectiveness for a system of highways and roadways.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB1233 / Public works: public subsidies.
Author / Levine
Status / 08/11/2016: In committee: Held under submission.
Description / This bill would provide that a public subsidy is de minimis if it is both less than $250,000 and less than 2% of the total project cost. The bill would specify that those provisions do not apply to a project that was advertised for bid, or a contract that was awarded, before July 1, 2017.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB1520 / Public Records.
Author / Committee on Judiciary (Assembly Members Mark Stone (Chair), Alejo, Chau, Chiu, Cristina Garcia, and Holden)
Status / 08/19/2016: Read third time. Refused passage. Motion to reconsider made by Senator Wieckowski. Reconsideration granted. Ordered to inactive file at the request of Senator Wieckowski
Description / AB 1520 would make utility bills of industrial, institutional and commercial water and energy users public records.
AB1643 / Workers' compensation: permanent disability apportionment.
Author / Gonzalez (Coauthor: Chiu)
Status / 08/31/2016: Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 4 p.m.
Location / Governor
Description / Increased Workers’ Compensation Costs. Significantly expands scope workers’ compensation system and increases costs by forcing employers to provide disability benefits for nonindustrial injuries.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB1759 / Hydrogen fluoride: notice of use: substitution.
Author / Bonta
Status / 03/08/2016: In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
Location / ASM
Description / Jeopardizes the production of California based fuel by banning the use of hydrogen fluoride and hydrofluoric acid at facilities that use more than 250 gallons and are located within two miles of a residence, notwithstanding the fact that there are significant safety regulations in place at the local, state and federal levels.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill
AB2230 / Workers' compensation: language interpreters.
Author / Chu
Status / 08/31/2016: Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 4 p.m.
Location / Governor
Description / Increased Workers’ Compensation Costs. Unnecessarily bars employer from choosing interpreter vendors, thereby eliminating the ability to negotiate lower rates and increasing system costs.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB2502 / Land use: zoning regulations.
Author / Mullin and Chiu
Status / 06/06/2016: Re-referred to Com. on L. GOV.
Description / This bill would authorize the legislative body of any city, county, or city and county to adopt ordinances to establish, as a condition of development, inclusionary housing requirements.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill
AB2667 / Civil rights: Unruh Civil Rights Act: waivers.
Author / Thurmond
Status / 08/15/2016: Reconsideration granted. Stricken from file.
Description / Unfairly discriminates against arbitration agreements and therefore is likely preempted by the Federal Arbitration Act, which will lead to confusion and litigation, by prohibiting arbitration of Unruh Civil Rights violations made as a condition of a contract for goods or services.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill
AB2729 / Oil and gas: operations.
Author / Williams and Thurmond
Status / 09/02/2016: Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 12 p.m.
Location / Governor
Description / Jeopardizes the production of California based fuel supply and increases costs to the industry by revising the definition of an idle well and requiring permanent closure of 25% of California’s long-term idle wells each year.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill
AB2748 / Environmental disaster: release of claims: statute of limitations: attorneys' fees.
Author / Gatto
Status / 08/30/2016: Senate amendments concurred in. To Engrossing and Enrolling.
Location / Governor
Description / Eliminates incentives to settle lawsuits and instead exposes businesses to multiple rounds of litigation at great expense to the parties and the courts by creating statutory prohibitions on “release” clauses in settlements pertaining to “environmental disasters.”
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill
AB2757 / Agricultural workers: wages, hours, and working conditions.
Author / Gonzalez, Bonta, Cristina Garcia, and Roger Hernández (Principal coauthor: Senator Hall) (Coauthors: Burke, Calderon, Campos, Chiu, Chu, Gipson, Jones-Sawyer, Lopez, McCarty, Medina, Santiago, Mark Stone, Thurmond, and Ting) (Coauthors: Senators Beall, Block, Hancock, Lara, Leno, Liu, and Mitchell)
Status / 06/02/2016: Read second time. Ordered to third reading. Assembly Rule 63 suspended. Assembly Rule 69 suspended. Read third time and amended. Ordered to third reading. Read third time. Refused passage.
Description / Increased Costs on Agricultural Employers. Drives up costs of commodities to consumers by removing the existing overtime exemption allowed for agricultural employers.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
AB2782 / Healthy California Fund.
Author / Bloom
Status / 04/12/2016: In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
Location / ASM HEALTH
Description / Threatens jobs in beverage, retail and restaurant industries by arbitrarily and unfairly targeting certain beverages for a new tax in order to fund health programs.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill
AB2879 / Service members.
Author / Committee on Judiciary
Status / 06/13/2016: Ordered to inactive file at the request of Assembly Member Mark Stone.
Description / Unfairly discriminates against arbitration agreements and is likely preempted by the Federal Arbitration Act, which will lead to confusion and litigation, by prohibiting an employer from requiring an individual who is a member of the military to sign a mandatory arbitration agreement as a condition of employment.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill
ACA8 / Local government financing: water facilities and infrastructure: voter approval.
Author / Bloom
Status / 06/23/2016: Referred to Coms. on L. GOV. and APPR.
Location / ASM
Description / Adds complexity and uncertainty to the current tax structure and pressure to increase taxes on commercial, industrial and residential property owners by giving local governments new authority to enact special taxes for storm and wastewater infrastructure, including parcel taxes, by lowering the vote threshold from two-thirds to fifty-five percent.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill
SB32 / California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.
Author / Pavley
Status / 08/26/2016: Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 12:30 p.m.
Location / Governor
Description / Increases costs for California businesses, makes them less competitive and discourages economic growth by adopting further greenhouse gas emission reductions for 2030 without regard to the impact on individuals, jobs and the economy.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Signed onto coalition letter; Scorecard Bill
SB899 / Gender discrimination.
Author / Hueso
Status / 07/12/2016: June 28 set for second hearing canceled at the request of author.
Description / Drives up consumer costs and increases frivolous litigation similar to the disability access lawsuits in California, by prohibiting a retailer or grocery store from discriminating against a person on the basis of gender with the price of goods and subjecting them to a minimum $4,000 of damages for each violation.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill
SB959 / University of California: contracts: bidding.
Author / Lara
Status / 08/30/2016: Assembly amendments concurred in. Ordered to engrossing and enrolling.
Location / Governor
Description / Would modify the Public Contract Code to prohibit the University of California (UC) from entering into a contract for services unless the compensation a bidder pays its employees is commensurate with the average per-employee compensation, including benefits, for UC employees who perform comparable work.
Notes / Sent letter
SB1000 / Land use: general plans: environmental justice.
Author / Leyva
Status / 08/31/2016: In Senate. Concurrence in Assembly amendments pending. Assembly amendments concurred in. Ordered to engrossing and enrolling.
Location / Governor
Description / This bill would add to the required elements of the general plan an environmental justice element that identifies disadvantaged communities, as defined, within the area covered by the general plan of the city, county, or city and county.
Notes / Scorecard Bill
SB1093 / Property taxes: assessment: commercial and industrial property.
Author / Hancock
Status / 04/14/2016: Re-referred to Com. on GOV. & F.
Location / SEN
Description / This bill would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation necessary to implement the transition to the assessment of commercial and industrial property on a periodic basis as would be provided pursuant to Senate Constitutional Amendment 5 of the 2015-16 Regular Session, as provided.
Notes / CalChamber; Scorecard Bill
SB1150 / Mortgages and deeds of trust: mortgage servicers and lenders: successors in interest.
Author / Leno
Status / 08/30/2016: Enrolled and presented to the Governor at 1:30 p.m.
Location / Governor
Description / Increases risk and the cost of residential loans by allowing a party not on the mortgage loan to interfere with appropriate foreclosures and creates a private right of action for violations of overly complex and burdensome requirements.
Notes / CalChamber Job Killer; Scorecard Bill