RN Savage

Prof. Richard N. Savage

Dept of Materials Science & Engineering

California PolyTechnical University

San Luis Obispo, CA

Academic BackGround

§ Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, School of Chemistry, Indiana University, 1979

§ Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA, 1975

Professional Experience

2002-2003 VP Marketing & Technology

Physical Electronics & Charles Evans Analytical, Sunnyvale, CA

A world leader in instrumentation and analytical services for materials characterization. Responsible for strategic/technical marketing, product development and technical applications. Support applications and technology development for XPS, AUGER and SIMS materials analysis instruments for the microelectronic industry.

2000-2002 Chief Technical Officer

Olympus, San Jose, CA

Responsible for strategic business development and technical market development for the Olympus Integrated Technologies Division of America. Managed product development for optical inspection and defect review in the semiconductor/thin film markets. US liaison for Olympus-Tokyo Corp. R/D strategic technology development projects: Laser Thermal Processing & Nanotechnology e.g. MEMS & MOEMS fabrication projects.

1995-2000 Watkins-Johnson/Silicon Valley Group

Vice President Research & Development

SVG Thermal Systems, Scotts Valley, CA

Directed advanced technology and new product development engineering programs for HDP & APCVD of dielectric films, Rapid Thermal Oxidation (RTO) and deposition of low-k dielectric materials; Directed staff of 100+ engineers & scientists.

Director of Product Development Engineering

Watkins-Johnson, Semiconductor Equipment Group, Scotts Valley, CA

Director of Systems Engineering: design, process integration and wafer automation groups with 40+ members. Program Manager for CVD & RTO product development teams including engineers from software, materials, mechanical and electrical disciplines. Responsible for developing product specifications and directing product development cycles through concept feasibility to Alpha, Beta and production release for HDP-CVD tool development (technology sold to Applied Materials). Directed several joint development projects utilizing robotics (PRI/Equipe & Smart Machines), chemical delivery (Insync) and metrology (NOVA) technologies.

Director of Technology

Silicon Valley Group, San Jose CA

R&D responsibilities for 300mm process module development of photoresist coating systems. Directed all strategic research programs for the Photo Processing Division. Additional responsibilities for thin-film process engineering included management of international field process application groups, applications development lab and advanced technology programs. Responsible for 25+ engineers and scientists supporting process development and materials characterization for photolithography around the world.

1984-1995 Founder and President

SC Technology, Livermore, CA
Directed company from start-up to $2M in annual revenue. Responsible for the development of analytical instruments directed at plasma diagnostics for semiconductor/thin-film processes and end of process controllers for plasma etching systems. Directed all aspects of business development, strategic marketing/technology, engineering and operations. Developed spectroscopic optical instrument for NASA/NOA and several DOD funded projects.

1981-1984 Plasma-Therm, Inc.


PT Analytical, Sunnyvale, CA

Responsible for guiding company’s growth to $1.8M in optical metrology instruments for semiconductor process control (CVD, Etch & PVD). Initiated $6.5M R/D program to development atomic absorption and & ICP emission spectrometer instruments, for elemental analysis of biotech, metallurgical, pharmaceutical, optical and environmental materials. Sold product technology to Varian Instruments.

Analytical Products Manager

Plasma-Therm, Kresson, NJ

Directed all marketing, sales and engineering functions for developing analytical instruments to characterize CVD & Etch thin-film processes for the microelectronics industry. Supported development of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) sources for materials analysis using atomic spectroscopy and managed OEM accounts at Perkin-Elmer, Baird and Instruments SA/JY.

1979-1981 Senior Scientist

Instrumentation Laboratory (Thermo-Jarrell Ash), Wilmington, MA
Co-inventor of pulsed background correction technique for atomic absorption spectroscopy. Project manager in charge of developing high-resolution spectrometers for plasma atomic emission and miniature inductively coupled plasma sources used for elemental analysis of metallurgical, biological and environmental materials.

Technical Publications

1. R.N. Savage and G.M. Hieftje, “Enhancement of Pneumatic Nebulization Efficiency through Application of an Electric Field”, Review of Scientific Instrumentation, Vol.49, 1978

2. R.N. Savage, E.Sexton, and G.M. Hieftje, “Hydrodynamic Flow Patterns as a Simple Aid to Effective Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch Design”, Applied Spectroscopy, Vol.33, 1979

3. R.N. Savage and G.M. Hieftje, “Development and Characterization of a Miniature Inductively Coupled Plasma Source for Atomic Emission Spectrometry”, Analytical Chemistry, Vol.51, 1979

4. R.N. Savage and G.M. Hieftje, “ Vaporization and Ionization Interferences in a Miniature Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Analytical Chemistry, Vol .52, 1980

5. R.N. Savage, G.M. Hieftje, “Characteristics of the Background Emission Spectrum from a Miniature Inductively Coupled Plasma”, Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol.123, 1981

6. R.N. Savage, A.D. Weiss, G,M. Hieftje, “Development and Characterization of a

9-mm Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Source for Atomic Emission Spectrometry”, Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol.124, 1981

7. R.N. Savage, R.G. Schleicher, S.B. Smith, I.S. Krull and D. Bushee, “ Speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) via Reversed Phase HPLC with Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopic Detection (HPLC-ICP)” Analytical Letters, Vol. 15, 1982

8. R.N. Savage, S.B. Smith, D. Bushee and I.S. Krull, “ Metal Cation/Anion Separation vis Paired-ion Reverse Phase HPLC with Refractive Index and/or Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopic Detection Methods”, Journal of Liquid Chromatography, Vol. 5, 1982

9. R.N. Savage and Kevin Lettire, “Characterization of Reactive Plasma Chemistries with Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Applications in Photoresist Stripping – Photons vs Yields”, Microelectronic Manufacturing and Test, Vol.9, November, 1986

10. R.N. Savage, “Applications of Optical Emission Spectroscopy to Semiconductor Processing” Spectroscopy, Vol.2, 1987

11. R.N. Savage, Horace Simmons, John Davis and Thomas Metz, “Real-time In-situ Measurements of Film Thickness and Uniformity During Plasma Ashing of Photoresist” SPIE Vol. 1392 Advanced Techniques for Integrated Circuit Processing, 1990

12. R.N. Savage, Thomas Metz and Horace Simmons, “In-Situ Film Thickness Measurements for Real-Time Monitoring and Control of Advanced Photoresist Track Coating Systems”, Vol.1594, SPIE Microelectronic Processing Integration, 1991

13. R.N. Savage, T.E. Metz, H.O. Simmons, “In-situ Control of Photoresist Coating Processes”, Semiconductor International, February, 1992

14. R.N. Savage, B. Lorefice, D. Chen, B. Mullen, E. Gurer and R.Reynolds, “How to Minimize Resist Usage during Spin Coating”, Semiconductor International, June, 1998

15. R.N. Savage, E.Gurer, T.Zhong, J.Lewellen and R.Reynolds, “Model-based Adaptive Process Control for CD Control during Photolithography”, Solid State Technology, 1998

16. R.N. Savage and S. Tabrez, “The Transition of XPS, SIMS and Auger based Materials Analysis Techniques from Lab-to-Fab”, Solid State Technology, 2/03 (in progress).


1. U.S. Patent No. 4,462,685

Spectro-Analytical System, granted 7/31/84

2. U.S. Patent No. 4,938,555

Fiber Optic Multiplexer, granted 7/3/90

3. U.S. Patent No. 4,977,330

On-Line Film Thickness Monitor, granted 12/11/90

4. U.S. Patent No. 5,014,217

Automatic Species Identification within Plasma Reactor, granted 5/7/91

5. U.S. Patent No. 6,027,760

Photoresist Coating Process Control with Solvent Vapor Sensor, granted 2/22/00

6. U.S. Patent No. 6,177,133

Method &Apparatus-Adaptive Process Control of CDs, granted 1/23/01

7. U.S. Patent No. 6,242,364

Plasma Deposition of Spin Chucks to Reduce Wafer Contamination, granted 6/5/01

8. U.S. Patent Pending

Stacked Reactors for Chemical Vapor Deposition – applied 1999

9. U.S. Patent Pending

Inter-Module Transfer Arm for Wafer Automation – applied 1999

10. U.S. Patent Pending

Cleaning Process Combining aHF & atomic-F for CVD Reactors – applied 1999

Honors and Awards

Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry from American Chemical Society, 1974

National Science Foundation Research Participant, 1974

Member of Juniata College Honor Society, 1975

Indiana University Graduate School Fellow, 1975 and 1976

Indiana University Associate Instructor Teaching Award, 1979

IU Graduate Research Associate with Office of Naval Research, 1978

IU Graduate Research Associate with Instrumentation Labs and Perkin-Elmer Corp., 1979

Professional Membership

Member of the American Chemical Society
Member of the Optical Society of America
Member of SPIE Society for Optical Engineering