The “Continuum of Care”
Of Chatham County
Compiled by the Agencies of Chatham County for The Benefit of Families andCaregivers of Persons with “Different Abilities”.
In Memory of Melodi Michael Thrift. An amazing advocate, mother, and friend, who never stopped believing in what Chatham County could accomplish for those with “different abilities”.
Don’t Quit
By C.W. Longenecker
When things go wrong and they sometimes will,
When the road your trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit.
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out:
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow-
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out-
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell how close you are.
It may be near when it seems so far:
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Table of Contents
The Early Years
Support Organizations ……………………………………………………………………………….1
The ARC of North Carolina
Assistive Technology Program (NCATP)
Autism Society of North Carolina
Brain Injury Association of North Carolina
Cardinal Innovations Health Care Solutions /CAP-IDD
Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD)
Chatham County Partnership for Children
Children’s Developmental Services
Community Alternatives Program for Children (CAP/C) Woody’s Mom, Inc
Duke ADHD Program/Duke Child & Family Center
Duke University Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center
Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center
Family Support Network of North Central Carolina
First in Families of North Carolina
Governor Morehead Preschool for Visually Impaired Children
Guardian ad Litem (GAL) of Chatham and Orange Counties, District
Hispanic Liaison of Chatham County
I Am Unique Special Care & Case Management, Inc
Lion’s Club
MHA of the Triangle
Prevent Blindness North Carolina
Project Proud Families, Inc
Therapeutic Alternatives, Inc
UNC Health and Communication Center
University of North Carolina TEACCH Autism Program
Woody’s Mom, Inc. (CAP/C Case Management) Age 21 Years & Under
In Home-Care ……………………………………………………………………………………………..7
Bayada Home Health
Community Home Care & Hospice
First Choice Home Care
Homewatch Care Givers of the Triangle
Keston Care
Liberty Home Care & Hospice
Parkview In-Home Aide Service
Pelham Home Health
Total Life Care
Woody’s Mom, Inc.
Financial Support for Daily Care ……………………………………………………….….……7
CAP/MR/I/DD Overseen by Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions
Chatham County Partnership for Children
Child Care Networks
Latino Program
Dept. of Social Services
Personal Support Services/Counseling ……………………………………………………….8
Changing Seasons Counseling Service, LLC
Chatham Counseling Center of Freedom House
Duke Psychology & Neuroscience Clinic
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Support Group
Family & Children’s Services of Durham
Mental Health America of the Triangle
Pastoral & Trained Lay Counselors
Legal Aide & Advocacy …………………………………………………………………………………10
Clerk of Court
Deep River Mediation
Department of Public Instruction
Guardian Ad Litem
Hispanic Liaison of Chatham County
Legal Aid of NC /Advocates for Children’s Services
National Alliance on Mental Health
Medical Options in Chatham and Surrounding Counties ………………………….…. 11
Chapel Hill
Siler City
Special Services Offered ……………………………………………………………………………13
Children’s Flight of Hope / Kids in Flight
Make a Wish Foundation of Eastern NC
Daily Needs Support (Food, Employment, Shelter) ……………………………….14
Alston Chapel United Holy Church
Catholic Social Ministries
CORA (Community OutReach Alliance)
Employment Security Commission
Evergreen United Methodist Church
Food & Nutrition Services
Interfaith Ministries of Chatham County
Salvation Army
West Chatham Food Pantry
Therapeutic Options that Serve Chatham County …………………………..…………15
Beyond Limits Learning
Canine Angels
CAN-TR Therapeutic Horseback Riding
Caroline McLaughlin (Physical Therapy)
Cheryl Ann Solow Speech Pathologist)
Chapel Hill Pediatric Therapy, Inc.
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Duke Homecare and Hospice
Heads Up! Therapeutic Riding Program
Lenox Baker (Physical & Occupational Therapies
Educational Options …………………………………………………………………………………….16
Chatham Child Development Center
Chatham County Head Start Centers
Early Intervention Program (Emotional Difficulties)
Governor Morehead Preschool for the Visually Impaired
Directory of Chatham County Elementary Schools
Miscellaneous Educational Contacts
Recreational Opportunities ……………………………………………………………………….18
Bridge II Sports
Camp Carefree
Chatham Parks & Recreation
YMCA of Pittsboro
The Early Years
Support Organizations
The Arc of North Carolina –“Working with & for people with disabilities”
Phone: (800) 662-8706 Fax: 919-782-4632
343 East Six Forks Rd Suite 320 Raleigh, NC 27609
Assistive Technology Program (NCATP)
4900 Waters Edge Dr. Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27606
Email: and
2711 Tramway Road Sanford, NC 27332
Provides computer access evaluations, demonstration and tryout of assistive technology devices. Information & referral on all areas of assistive technology that includes laws, advocacy, and funding. A funding specialist is available to identify funding resources, develop funding strategies, & obtain assistive technology. Devices are available for loan.
Autism Society of North Carolina
505 Oberlin Rd Suite 230 Raleigh, NC 27605
Supports North Carolinians affected by autism through advocacy, direct-care services, training and education.
Parent Advocates for Central Region of NC (includes Chatham County):
Nancy LaCross ext. 1137 and Tali Denton ext. 1136
Triangle Regional Director: David Ingram
Day Program: Creative Living, 6300 Chapel Hill Rd, Suite 230, Raleigh, NC 27607
Phone: 919-854-6161
Recreational: Camp Royall, 250 Bill Ash Rd., Moncure, NC 27559 919-542-1033
Beginnings – For parents of children who are deaf or hearing impaired
919-715-4092 or (800) 541-4327Fax: 919-715-4093
302 Jefferson St Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605
Offers emotional support, unbiased information, and encourages very early identification of babies with hearing loss. Serves families of children who have a hearing loss from birth to 21 as well as the professionals who serve them.Provides advocacy, information, and referrals.
Brain Injury Association of NC
Phone: (919) 833-9634 or (800) 377-1464Fax: (919) 833-5415
213 Cameron St Suite 242, PO Box 10912, Raleigh, NC 27605
Provides education, outreach, prevention, advocacy, and support services to all persons affected by brain injuries, their families, and the public.
Cardinal Innovations Health Care Solution/ CAP-IDD
Phone: (919) 913-4000 Fax: (919) 913-4001 Toll Free: 1(800)233-6834
Address: 100 Europa Drive, Suite 490, Chapel Hill, NC 27517,
Cardinal Innovations serves as the primary community contact for individuals needing to
Obtain mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities and substance use/addiction (MH/IDD/SA) services.
Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD)
Phone: (919) 966-5171Fax: (919) 966-2230
UNC-Chapel Hill CB # 7255 Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Located at 101 Renee Lynne Court, Carrboro 27510
Provides training for professionals to work with the developmentally handicapped & their families, outpatient clinical programs for persons with mental handicaps, learning disabilities, seizure disorders, motor problems, cerebral palsy & muscle diseases.
Chatham County Partnership for Children
Phone: (919) 542-7449
200 Sanford Highway, Pittsboro, NC 27312
Leads a comprehensive program that benefits young children and their families. Focuses on child care quality, children’s health, safety and family support. Offers support for Smart Start, Safe Start, NC Pre-K, Ready Schools and Shape NC programs.
Children’s Developmental Services Agency
Phone: (919) 542-2368, ext. 224 Fax: (919) 542-7451
362 West Street, Pittsboro, NC 27312
Email: - Infant Toddler Program Coordinator for Orange, Person and Chatham counties
The Children’s Developmental Services Agency is the lead agency for the North Carolina Infant Toddler Program serving children birth to 3, who have developmental delays or at risk for delays due to an established condition.The CDSA provides developmental evaluations at no cost to the family. Services include Early Intervention Service Coordination, specialized therapies including Speech, Physical and Occupational therapy and transition support for children exiting the Infant Toddler Program.Services are provided in the child’s natural environment and are driven by the Individualized Family Service Plan.
Costs for services:
- Evaluations and Targeted Case Management: no cost to families
- Services: based on Sliding Fee Scale
- To make a referral, contact: Durham CDSA Intake Coordinator
Phone: 919-560-5600Fax: (919) 560-3018
Community Alternatives Program for Children (CAP/C) Woody’s Mom, Inc.
Phone: (919) 228-2844 Fax: (919) 651-1372
1135 Kildaire Farm Rd Suite 200, Cary, NC 27511
CAP/C provides home care and other services for medically fragile children (birth to 20) who would otherwise be eligible for long-term hospital care or nursing facility care. Services provided at no cost to the family: Case Management, Nurse or Nurse Aide care, Respite Care, Reusable diapers, Adaptive tricycles, Home Modifications, Vehicle Modifications, Caregiver Training and Education, Palliative Care Services. Other services available: Therapy Services, Medical Supplies and Equipment, and Disposable Diapers. Children with the following medical conditions may be eligible for services (not a complete list): spina bifida, seizure disorders, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, brain malformations, spinal cord or brain injury, trach- or vent-dependent, g-tube dependent, wheelchair- or walker-dependent.
Duke ADHD Program / Duke Child & Family Center
Phone: 888-275-3853
Offers comprehensive assessments, treatments, and several programs for children, adolescents, and adults to help clients manage their ADHD. To request an appointment with the Duke Child & Family Center please call 888-ASK-DUKE. The Center offers other mental health and psychological assessments and treatment, as well as a medication management program.
Duke University Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center
Phone 919-684-3401Fax: 919-681-7950
DMC Box 2916 Durham, NC 27710
Child Clinical Services: Provides comprehensive services including medical care, social services, psychological support, education & genetic counseling for children & adults with sickle cell disease.
Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center
Parent info line: 1-800-962-681 Phone: (704) 892-1321
907 Barra Row Suites 102/103 Davidson, NC 28036 (main office)
ECAC is a private, non-profit parent organization committed to improving the lives and education of ALL children through a special emphasis on children with disabilities. ECAC affirms the right of all individuals, from all backgrounds and cultures, with or without disabilities, to an appropriate education and other needed services. We seek to make that right a reality by providing FREE information, education, outreach, and support to and for families with children across the state of North Carolina.
Family Support Network of North Central Carolina
919-542-1216 Fax: 919-542-7451
Chatham Office: 362 West St Pittsboro, NC 27312
A non-profit organization dedicated to supporting, educating, & informing families of children with special needs. Offers support based on self-defined needs, and matching of parents with trained support parents in similar situations, support groups, information about disabilities & helping to connect with resources.
First in Families of North Carolina
Local Chapter Phone: 919-886-3973Main Office Phone: 919-251-8368
3109 University Dr (Main office) Durham, NC
Offers support to people with developmental disabilities or traumatic brain injury and their families based on their needs. Examples of supports include home furnishings or modifications, childcare or respite, or repairs to vehicles. FIF also supports individual by connecting them to vocational, social, & educational opportunities in the community.
Governor Morehead Preschool for Visually Impaired Children
Phone: (919) 733-0533Fax: (919) 733-1873
2303 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699
Provides community-based early intervention and preschool services to children birth through 5 years with diagnosed visual impairments. Services provided in collaboration with a variety of other agencies to ensure each child's needs across all areas of development are being addressed. Services include visual efficiency assessment and training, pre-Braille/Braille instruction, environmental and educational adaptations, compensatory skill development, orientation and mobility training, developmental assessments, family support services and IFSP and/or IEP development. Need documentation from pediatric ophthalmologist of visual impairment and that a child would benefit from services to be eligible.
Guardian ad Litem (GAL) of Chatham and Orange Counties, District 15B
Phone: (919) 968-2088 Fax (919) 968-2069
501 W. Franklin St Suite 104, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Trained volunteers who will be in court as a team member with an attorney advocate to help serve the best interest of an abused and neglected child.
Hispanic Liaison of Chatham County
Phone: (919) 742-1448 Fax: (919) 742-1451
105 East Second Street, Siler City, NC 27344
Provides a variety of services to the Latino population. Provides general assistance & advocacy with housing, financial/consumer issues, driver’s licenses and ID’s; translating & interpreting services, referrals & information about services available in the community; emergency assistance such as food, clothes, & financial assistance; newcomer’s assistance; & educational life skills workshops.
I Am Unique Special Care & Case Management, Inc.
Phone: 919-981-0790 or (800) 566-8648 Fax: 919-981-0135
4318 Bland Rd, Raleigh, NC 27609
Provides home nursing care for clients with serious medical conditions. Provides quality care and case management that is client and family-centered, focusing on the client’s unique needs. Contracts providers for CAP (community alternative program).
200 Sandford Rd, Suite 8 Pittsboro, NC 27312
Provides social-emotional health services for young children (birth-5 years), inclusive childcare for children with special needs, childcare behavior consultation, parent education classes, and resources for families & providers of young children. Serves children and families in Orange & Chatham Counties.Most services are available to children with Medicaid, other insurance, and free-of-charge to uninsured children in many cases.
Lion’s Club
Siler City Phone: (919) 742-4081 383 Eden Hill Rd, Siler City, NC 27344
Pittsboro Phone: (919) 542-4742 147 Acorn Lane, Pittsboro, NC 27312
Serves people with vision/hearing impairments and provides assistance with eye exams, eyeglasses and hearing aids.
Mental Health America of the Triangle (Pro Bono Counseling Program)
919-942-8083 ext. 5 Fax: (919) 869-1938
3729 Murphy School Rd, Durham, NC 27705
Aimee Vandemark, LCSW or
Prevent Blindness North Carolina
919-755-5044 Fax: 919-755-5013
4011 West Chase Blvd Suite 225, Raleigh, NC 27607
Visits local preschools & daycare centers to conduct vision screening. Delivers direct service programs designed to preserve sight through screening, publications safety, education, information & referral.
Project Proud Families, Inc.
225 Still Waters Dr, Siler City, NC 27344
Contact: Holly Rickman
A Christian non-profit offering services to families with children with “different abilities”. Such services include “Bridges” support groups in coordination with The Chatham County school system, information referral, IEP workshops, family support activities, community education, & FREE medical advocacy.
1101 Weaver Dairy Rd Suite 202, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Offers an innovative, community-oriented, interdisciplinary program that uses telecommunications to improve the lives of children with disabilities. Using real time video-conferencing & internet technologies, TelAbility provides comprehensive, coordinated, family-centered care, education, training, & peer support for caregivers
Therapeutic Alternatives, Inc.
Siler City Location: 919-663-2127 1105 E. Cardinal Street, Siler City, NC
Pittsboro Location: 919-542-7575102 Camp Drive Unit A, Pittsboro, NC
Corporate Office: 336-495-2700PO Box 814, Randleman, NC 27317
Offers support to children, adolescents and adults in the form of Comprehensive Clinical Assessments, Targeted Case Management MH/SA, Outpatient Therapy, Medication Management, Psychiatric Evaluations, Intensive In-Home Services (bilingual services available), Group Therapy and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs. Our Siler City & Pittsboro clinics serve as Walk-In Crisis Clinics from 8am-5pm Monday through Friday (M, W, F in Siler City & Tues, Thurs in Pittsboro) and 24/7/365 Crisis Response is provided by their Mobile Crisis Management Team by calling 1-877-626-1772.
UNC Health and Communication Center
Phone: (919) 966-1007 Fax: (919) 966-0100
321 S. Columbia St UNC-CH Bondurant Hall CB # 7190, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Speech-language pathology evaluations are provided, including child language & phonological disorders, fluency, voice disorders, dysarthria, teaching autistic children,
adult language disorders (aphasia, closed head injuries, cognitive / linguistic), specific learning disabilities, hearing-impaired speech & language training, & foreign accent reduction. Audiology diagnostic & rehabilitation; hearing aid selection, fitting, verification, validation & rehabilitation workshop.
University of North Carolina TEACCH Autism Program
Phone: 919-966-2174 FAX: 919-966-4127
100 Renee Lynne Court, Carrboro, NC
Supports clinical, training and research needs for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders, their families, and professionals across NC. Clinical services include referral & consultation; evaluation; parent support & education; intervention; supported employment; consultation & training for professionals. Services are offered at a reduced rate or free. Does not accept third party payment for intervention services.
Woody’s Mom, Inc.
919-228-2844FAX: 919-651-1372
515 Keisler Drive, Suite 101, Cary, NC 27518 Julia Simmons, CAP/C Director
CAP/C Case Management for children with complex medical needs. Serves families in Chatham, Durham, Lee, & Wake. Pediatric nurse & social worker case managers help families organize long-term home-based care and services for children enrolled in the CAP /C program. (also see page 3)
In-Home Care
Bayada Home Health
Phone: (919) 785-2900
Services include: personal care, nursing, & individualized care plans
Community Home Care & Hospice
1414 East 11th Street, Siler City, NC 27344
First Choice Home Care
1754 East 11th Street, Siler City, NC 27344