7th Grade Choir
8th Grade Choir
2014 – 15
Mr. Doug Radziewicz
Choir Director
Student Syllabus
Welcome to the Upper Middle School choir program. If you are new to UMS and/or the choir program, we are excited you have decided to become a part of our music family. If you are a returning singer, we’re glad you’re back to continue our tradition of musical excellence.
Please take some time over the next few days to read this document together with your parents/guardians. You will need to return the back pages by Friday, September 12th.
To master and perform a variety of vocal literature that covers varied genres and cultures. To also improve and expand your knowledge of music terminology, sight-reading skills, vocal technique, vocal health and music history. And finally, to enjoy the singing experience.
Because this is a performing ensemble, it is imperative that we work together to help make every student’s choir experience the very best it can be. Some general rules:
Are you doing your P.A.R.T.?
This means having all the necessary materials with you for every class including: music folder, music and pencil. This also includes proper concert attire, your presence and a proper performance mind-set.
Please come to class with a positive attitudetoward learning and always keep an open mind to all types of music.
Have respect for your peers; have respect for your teachers, have respect for the choir, have respect for the music, have respect for yourself.
Unlike most classes you will take, this class requires you to work as a team or family. For us to be successful, we must work together. Active participation is expected.
Grading Policy:
Individual Singing Assessments* – graded10%
Individual Singing Assessments – completion10%
Active Engagement* 25%
Homework – (10 pts. deducted for each day late)10%
Written Assessment10%
Concerts*/Graded Rehearsals35%
* Individual Singing Assessments – If you earn a grade lower than a 90 during a graded singing assessment, you can take the test a second time. The higher of the two grades will be taken.
*Active Engagement – (is exactly what it sounds like). Everyone is expected to respect and work together with other members of thechoir.
A choir is a team – either we work together or we failtogether.
Each week,several random folders will be checked for markings. All folders will be examined an equal number oftimes per marking period, and every folder will be examined at least once per marking period.This includes arriving to class on time and being prepared with all the necessary materials.
* Concert Attendance – Please read carefully:
Concert nights are considered part of this academic course and serve as our ‘big projects’ during the school year. Full concert attendance (the duration of the concert) and proper concert conduct is required. The performance equates to a one-time group project. Students are required to have full concert attire in order to perform and receive full credit. There are no excuses for missing a concert except for illness or a family emergency. You will need to plan your schedule around these concert dates and concert dress rehearsals.Arrange to be in attendance at all dress rehearsals andperformances on the choral calendar. Attendance ismandatory for all students. Failure to attend will result in a failinggrade. The only acceptable reasons for missing a concert arepersonal illness of a serious nature (verified by school nurse)or a death in the family (verified by attendance office). In these two instances, a note must be provided by theparent/guardian. The director reservesthe right to assignedmake-up work for missed performances.
Office Hours:
I will also be teaching at the high school during the other periods of the day. However, there will be days that I will be staying at UMS throughout the day. If you need to see me for any reason outside of class, please set up an appointment so I can meet with you.
Our 7th and 8th grade choirs perform a winter and spring concert as well as concerts for the school. In addition, there are other performance opportunities with the high school program that help to create a stronger choral community and climate here at Montgomery.
Winter Concert Dress Rehearsal:
Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015 – UMS Auditorium – 3:15 p.m.
Winter Choir Concert:
Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015– UMS Auditorium – 6:00 p.m. (concert begins at 7:00 p.m.)
Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal:
Thursday, May 14, 2015 – UMS Auditorium – 3:15 p.m.
Spring Choir Concert:
Monday, May 18, 2015 – UMS Auditorium – 6:00 p.m. (concert begins at7:00 p.m.)
Flag Day Celebration at Princeton Elks #2129
Sunday, June 14, 2015 – Report time TBD
UMS Graduation (8th grade only):
Thursday, June 19, 2014, @ MHS Gymnasium – 6:00 p.m.
Please review these dates carefully and put them on your calendar. In addition, please review the grading policy regarding these concerts.
Concerts at UMS may also feature auditioned performances (solo, duet, small group, etc.) for 8th grade students who have performed in the UMS choirs for two years. If you are an 8th grade student, we encourage you to audition.
Concert Attire:
All students are required to have black-and-white formal attire for concerts. Details below:
GIRLS / BOYSSolid-black dress or long black skirt (at or past the knees); leggings may be worn but only with a skirt, not alone. / Black dress pants (not navy blue. Yes, you can tell the difference under stage lighting.)
Stockings for skirts should be flesh-toned. / Black dress shoes. No sneakers
Solid-white, formal shirt/blouse (no logos or embroidery.) / Solid white button-down dress shirt. Long-sleeve preferred. No logos or embroidery
Black dress shoes (no sandals, boots or sneakers). NO HIGH HEELS. / Black socks and black belt.
Minimal jewelry. Studs for ears, smallnecklace / Solid-colored neck tie (darker is better).
Equipment and Music:
You are responsible for any equipment and music issued to you. The only items you need to purchase and bring to choir every day are the following:
- Red Pen
- A 3-ring solid black, hardcover viewbinder in NEW condition (1 inch) to be used only for choir. You will not share this binder with other subjects. Suggested brand: Avery “Durable” or “Heavy Duty.”
All other materials needed for the class will be handed out to you. See binder requirements at the end of the handbook to use as a guide when purchasing your binder.
Guidelines for daily class rehearsals:
- Be on time.
- Be prepared to set up the room and sing as soon as you enter for rehearsal.
- No gum, candy or food will be permitted in the classroom or the auditorium.
- No personal electronics of any kind are permitted during class, afterschool rehearsals or concerts.
- Always have a red pen available during class.
- Always have your music and music binder with you during class unless told otherwise.
- There will be times that the director is working with individual sections (soprano, alto, baritone). Even if your section is not singing, talking is not permitted.
- All materials must be put away at the end of every class.
Music in the Parks trip – Hershey, PA – May 8-9, 2015
Our annual Music in the Parks trip to Hershey, PA is a rewarding experience. It allows our students to perform in a festival and enjoy time together at Hershey Park. You will receive information about this and upcoming dates as it becomes available.
Contact Information
PARENTS should be sure that their contact information is up to date in “Parent Connect.” The information that you have in “Parent Connect” will be my primary source in relaying any information about the choir or choir events to you. You can access the “Parent Connect” information through the Montgomery Township School District website.
Montgomery Township
Upper Middle School
Choir Program
Acknowledgement Form – 2014-15
Please sign and return by Friday, September 12th to acknowledge that you have read and understood the UMS Vocal Music Handbook.
We, the undersigned student and parent/guardian understand the conditions andregulations listed in the UMS Vocal Music Handbook and agree to follow them in the manner in which they are intended. Student and parent/guardian signatures indicate that we have read and intend to follow all the rules and regulations of the Montgomery Township School District Music Department and those of the Upper Middle School. Student and parent/guardian signatures also indicate that we have made special note of the various dress rehearsal and performance dates and times. In addition, if the student causes damage to or loses any materials loaned to him/her, the student and parent/guardian are responsible for the repair/replacement costs to the item.
Please return this page by Friday, September 12th. Retain the remainder of the handbook for reference and planning.
Music 7-12
Dear Parents,
The Montgomery music department will be using the contact information listed on Parent Resources as our main source for communicating all pertinent information regarding our classes and events that your children are participating in. We are asking all parents to please ensure that all of the contact information on Parent Resources is up to date. If at any point, your contact information changes, please make sure you change it on Parent Resources and notify your child’s music and art teachers.
Please make sure you have at least the following information listed:
- Home phone number
- Parent cell phones - Please list the cell phone numbers of the parents you wish to receive necessary calls under “guardian 1” and “guardian 2” as appropriate
- Parent email - Please list the email address of the parents you wish to receive necessary emails under “guardian 1” and “guardian 2” as appropriate.
- Student cell phone – used only for emergency and travel situations
- Student email – please list the district provided GMAIL address for the student under “student”
To update your information, please visit this website:
Please fill out the form below, indicating that your contact information is current on Parent Resources:
Check each line to confirm this information is up to date:
___ home phone number
___ parent cell phone number(s)
___ parent email address (at least one at which you wish to receive school information)
___ student school assigned GMAIL email address
___ student cell phone number (used only in emergency and travel situations)
Student Name (please print):______
Parent Name (please print): ______
Parent signature:______