Please Note: This is a draft copy of the ITT Document to be issued for the Home Group DevelopmentArchitects and Masterplanning Framework issued for guidance only. Only bidders shortlisted to the ITT stage of the tender process are required to provide a proposal in response to the ITT. Bidders are advised to await publishing of the final ITT document before preparing their proposals.


Development Architects and Masterplanning Framework

PERIOD: 1stJULY 2016 –30thJUNE 2020

This document is the property of Home Group Limited. All rights reserved. This document contains confidential information which is not to be copied or discussed without express authority.


Portal reference: /


Authority / Home Group Limited
Home Group is following a Restricted Procedure as defined in the EU Procurement Directive
Contract Description: / Home Group is seeking to establish a framework of suitably qualified and experienced professionals who can undertake projects comprising demolition, new build, conversions and master planning. The schemes may include social rented, shared ownership, shared equity and outright sale units as well as community and commercial buildings.
The framework will be tendered as 5 individual Lots, split as follows:
  • National Masterplanning.
  • Regional Architectural - North East & Yorkshire
  • Regional Architectural - Cumbria & Scotland
  • Regional Architectural - London
  • Regional Architectural – Southern (East and West)
Applicants can apply for 1 lot, up to all 5 lots at their discretion, based on their expertise andareas of operation. Appointments for specific development projects will be made by mini tender between Framework Practiceswithin the relevant lot. Home Group anticipates delivering approximately 250 units in each of its 7 regions of operation each year during the framework period (4 years). The majority of schemes delivered in the North-East, Cumbria, Yorkshire and Scotland regions are anticipated to be within the range of 25-100 units in size. The majority of schemes delivered in the London, Southern (East) and Southern (West) regions are anticipated to be within the range of 50 -150 units.
Insurance Requirements / Employer’s Liability: £10,000,000
Public Liability: £10,000,000
Professional Indemnity: £5,000,000*
*Please note -For some larger commissions a higher level of Professional Indemnity (PI) cover will be required. For individual call offs the architect will be required to confirm at minitender stage that they can provide the necessary level of PI. Architects that are unwilling or unable to secure the required level of PI, may be disqualified from the appointment process for that individual call off.
Period of Contract: / 48 months from1st July2016
Procuring Officer: / The Officer responsible for this procurement is:
Michael Westgarth 0191 2906107
Submission instructions: / The completed tender MUST be submitted via the ProContract electronic tendering system
Tenders must be submitted using the link above. Tenders must not be submitted via postal or email methods.
Only one tender response is required.
If you require assistance on submitting your ITT see support as specified on the portal.
How to raise a tender question / Any queries must be raised before 17.00hrs onXstApril2016 through the Question Answer section on:

Date and time for Tender return: / 11:00 hrs on XthApril 2016


This timetable is indicative only. Please note Home Group reserves the right to change it at its discretion.

Date / Action
4thFebruary 2016 / Publish OJEU notice
7th March 2016 / Deadline for return of PQQ
1st April 2016 / Evaluation of PQQ and shortlist
4th April 2016 / Issue tender documents
25th April 2016 / Tender return date
19th May 2016 / Finalise Written Tender evaluation
2nd June 2016 / Provisional Interview date
13th-23rd June 2016 / 10 Day standstill period
30th June 2016 / Award contracts
1st July 2016 / Publish OJEU award notice


PLEASE NOTE: Failure to provide all of the items in the following checklist may cause your Tender to be non-compliant and rejected without being considered.

No / Item / Included in Tender?
Qualitative Proposal / Yes/No
Pricing Proposal / Yes/No
Bona Fide Tender / Yes/No
Qualitative Form of Tender / Yes/No
PQQ Information Statement / Yes/No


  1. Introduction
  2. About Home Group
  3. Instructions and Important Notices
  4. Submission of Tenders
  5. Selection/Award criteria
  6. Specification
  7. General Conditions
  8. Framework Agreement
  9. Consortia
  10. Insurance and Indemnity


1.1You are invited to submit a tender (“the Tender”) for the above mentioned contract (“the Contract”) in accordance with the Conditions of Contract as provided in Schedule 4 and in accordance with the conditions of this Invitation to Tender (“ITT”) and any Schedules or Appendices hereto.

1.2The contract awarded as a result of this ITT will apply to Home Group Limited and all of its subsidiaries.

1.3Please read the information in this ITT carefully as it explains what you must do. Failure to complete the documentation as instructed may result in your Tender not being considered.

1.4 You are deemed to understand fully the process that Home Group is required to follow under the relevant European and UK legislation, particularly in relation to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (including any amendments or updated legislation).

2About Home Group Limited (“Home Group”)

2.1Home Group is a Registered Provider of Social Housing operating nationwide. Our mission is to add value to our customers’ and clients’ lives and to the communities in which they live. Home Group is one of the leading national providers of affordable and supported housing within the UK. Home Group is also the UK’s largest provider of care and support services to help vulnerable people take control of their lives. Home Group has a turnover in excess of £300m, owns and manages around 54,000 homes and provides care and support services to more than 20,000 people across the UK each year and employs around 4,000 staff.

2.2Home Group’s legal structure:

Home Group’slegal structurecomprises of the parent – Home Group Limited, and three separate subsidiaries - Home in Scotland Limited, Live Smart @ Home Limited and Home Group Developments Limited.

  • Home Group Limited is incorporated as a community benefit society (registered number 22981R). It has charitable status but because it is a community benefit society, it is exempt from registration with the Charity Commission – it is a ‘charity’ but not a ‘registered charity’. Home Group Limited is also a Registered Provider of Social Housing and is registered with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), the Regulator of Social Housing, under number L3076.
  • Home in Scotland Limited is incorporated as a community benefit society (registered number 1935R(S). Home in Scotland Limited is also a Registered Social Landlord, registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator under number 90.
  • Live Smart @ Home Limited is constituted as a private company limited by shares
  • Home Group Developments Limited is also constituted as a private company limited by shares and is registered with Companies House under company number 4664018.

Home Group operates through three operational businesses:

  • Customer Service
  • Care and Support (Stonham)
  • Enterprise and Development

These operational businesses are supported by a range of centrally provided support services from Home Group’s registered office in Newcastle upon Tyne.

For further details regarding Home Group, please log onto the website

3Important Notices

3.1No implied contract

3.1.1Home Group (or where the context so requires, “We”) does not make any binding commitment to actual or potential tenderers (“Tenderers” or, where the context so requires “you”) or to any other party about its conduct of this procurement exercise, other than to abide by its statutory obligations and the express terms of this ITT. Neither the issue of this ITT not any information presented in it or in relation to it should be regarded as a commitment or representation on the part of Home Group (or any other person) to enter into a contractual arrangement. By inviting an organisation to tender, Home Group is not making an offer to enter into a contract for the supply of goods, services or works and does not bind itself to accept any offers it receives.

3.2Acceptance of conditions

3.2.1Any Tenderers who participate in this procurement process shall be deemed to accept the conditions set out in this ITT, any other statements, information or documents relating to or issued by Home Group in connection with this ITT up to and including the date of contract award (“Tender Documents”) and the Conditions of Contract attached inin the Terms & Conditions section at form the entire understanding between the parties about the conduct of the tender exercise and the provision of the goods, services or works under the Contract.

3.2.2The price or proposed profit, overheads shall be fixed for the Term of the Contract, for the avoidance of doubt there will be no annual adjustment to the price. Home Group reserves the right to use all costs and proposals as a formal benchmark for future pricing.

3.2.3Home Group will not accept any change to the terms of this ITT or the Conditions of Contract. In the event that any Tenderer submits a Tender or notice which seeks to change these conditions the purported change shall be void, even if Home Group considers the Tenderer’s completed application.

3.2.4Under the Contract Home Group will require compliance with its policies. Tenderers are advised to satisfy themselves that they understand all of the requirements of the Contract and Home Group’s policies applicable to and subsequent contract before submitting their Tender. These policies can be produced on request.

3.3Communications, information and notices

3.3.1Tenderers shall not, in connection with this procurement exercise, rely on any communication from Home Group (including without limitation any notice published by Home Group and any information published on any web site) unless it specifically states that it concerns this procurement exercise and bears the reference number stated in the Summaryon the front page of this document. Tenderers shall not rely on any communication which is not in writing.

3.3.2Information supplied by Home Group is subject to constant updating and amendment in the future and is necessarily selective and is supplied for general guidance in the preparation of applications. It does not purport to contain all of the information which Tenderers may require and Tenderers must satisfy themselves by their own investigations about the accuracy of such information.

3.3.3Home Group has taken reasonable steps to ensure, as at the date of each document supplied by Home Group in connection with this procurement, that the facts which are contained in or provided with each such document are true and accurate in all material respects. However, Home Group does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the documents, or the reasonableness of any assumptions on which they may be based. Home Group accepts no liability to Tenderers however arising, whether resulting from the use of the information provided, or from any omissions from or deficiencies in the information. As such, Home Group cannot accept responsibility for any inaccurate information obtained by Tenderers.

3.3.4A tenderer shall not contact any Home Group staff member in connection with this procurement process apart from the contact name stated in the Summary above, and in accordance with the relevant timescales. Should this occur Home Group reserves the right to exclude that Tenderer’s offer from consideration.

3.4Amendments to the tender process

3.4.1Home Group may at its sole discretion change any aspect of, or stop this tender process at any point and if it stops the process (or the procurement of any lot or lots therein) need not provide any Tenderers with the scores allocated in any marking exercise already undertaken or the reasons for the allocation of those scores.

3.5Applicant’s costs

3.5.1Home Group will not under any circumstances be liable to pay Tenderers for any costs incurred as a result of their participating in this tender process or in relation to any amendments or cancellation of this tender process.

3.6Standstill period and award decision notice

3.6.1Home Group’s only obligation to Tenderers concerning debriefing shall be to provide those Tenderers who submit valid applications with a written statementsetting out the scores awarded to them against each application evaluation criterion and the reason for the scoring.

3.6.2Tenderers hereby agree that they will not reveal Home Group’s provisional award decision to any person (other than staff, directors, trustees or professional advisers who have a need to know) until the completion of the standstill period, and that they will place a similar obligation on any person to whom they notify Home Group’s provisional decision.

3.7Confidentiality, Freedom of Information and Intellectual Property

3.7.1Home Group may become subject to laws about access to information including the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”). Home Group therefore presently responds to any requests for information under this Act and may in its absolute discretion - despite any claim made by any Tenderer that any information is given in confidence or is confidential in nature – release any information it holds in accordance with the law, subject to Home Group’s discretion concerning any applicable exemption or the application of any public interest test. It is important to note that information may be commercially sensitive for a time - for example, during a tender process - but afterwards it may not be. The timing of any request for information may be extremely important in determining whether or not information is exempt. Tenderers should note that no information is likely to be regarded as exempt forever.

3.7.2If a Tenderers considers that any information submitted to Home Group is exempt from disclosure under the FOIA, it may (acting reasonably) notify Home Group stating the exemption it considers applicable under the FOIA. Tenderers shall not apply any blanket designation of confidentiality to their entire tender and Home Group will not pay any regard to any such designation. However, Home Group reserves the right in its absolute discretion to decide whether an exemption applies and whether to publish information.

3.7.3All intellectual property rights in any of the ITT and all materials provided by Home Group or its professional advisers, consultants or information providers in connection with this tender and tender process are and shall remain the property of Home Group and/or its professional advisers, consultants and/or information providers. The information they contain shall be used only for the purpose of preparing a tender and delivering any resulting contract.

3.7.4The contents of the ITT together with all other information, materials, specifications or other documents provided pursuant to or in the course of this tender process, or prepared by the Tenderers specifically for such purposes, shall be treated at all times as confidential by the Tenderers. Tenderers may not disclose any such information, materials, specifications or other documents to any third parties or to any other part of the Tenderer´s Company or Group or use them for any purpose other than for the preparation and submission of responses to the ITT. Tenderers may not publicise Home Group’s name or the tender without the prior written consent of Home Group. If you are unwilling or unable to comply with these requirements you must destroy any ITT you may have and not retain any electronic or paper copies.

3.7.5Tenderers must seek the approval of Home Group before providing to third parties any information provided in confidence by Home Group and shall ensure that all third parties to whom disclosure is made shall keep any such information, materials, specifications or other documents confidential and not disclose them to any other third party except as set out above.

3.7.6 No Tenderer shall undertake publicity activities with any part of the media in relation to the Contract or this ITT process without the prior written consent of Home Group, including this agreement on the format and content of any publicity.

3.7.7 Bidders are advised that Home Group publishes all details where expenditure is greater than £500.00. In responding to this ITT the Tenderer acknowledges that in the event of their bid being accepted by Home Group, the resulting contract may be published on-line by Home Group (and for open view). Only limited exceptions to this will apply where non-disclosure is, in Home Group’s absolute discretion justified to ensure compliance with the law, for example the Data Protection Act 1988.

3.8Collusion, canvassing, bribery and corruption

3.8.1Tenderers shall not enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other person with the intent that the other person shall refrain from responding to the procurement exercise or submit an excessively high price or an otherwise unattractive or non-compliant offer nor enter into any price-fixing agreement with any other person in respect of this procurement process.

3.8.2Tenderers shall not, in connection with this tender process or the proposed contract: any inducement, fee or reward to any officer, board member or staff of Home Group; anything which would constitute a breach of the Bribery Act 2010; or any officer, member of staff or board member of Home Group in connection with the response/application about any aspect of the proposed contract or for soliciting information in connection therewith.

3.8.3If any Tenderer or any employee of any Tenderer or any third party acting on behalf of any Tenderer commits an act detailed in clauses 3.8 or 3.8.1 or offers, promises or gives any bribe or inducement or makes any improper threat or colludes (or offers or agrees to collude) with any other Tenderer in connection with this procurement exercise then, in addition to any criminal sanction such conduct may attract, Home Group may: exclude that Tenderer’s offer from consideration; that Tenderer from future procurement exercises; any contract entered into with that Tenderer; and from that Tenderer the reasonable costs of re-running this procurement exercise and any consequential losses (including loss of anticipated savings) which result from any delay in letting a contract.

3.8.4If any person approaches any Tenderer seeking any bribe or making any offer to collude in respect of this procurement exercise, that Tenderer is to contact Home Group’s Director of Procurement immediately.